Success = The Reach and Resonance of the Human Heart

Success = The Reach and Resonance of the Human Heart

©Irene Becker | Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ | QBlog
Helping smart people & organizations communicate & LEAD forward smarter, faster & happier

Toronto and Virtually Everywhere |  416-671-4726 | Skype: beckerirene

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Are we dying from a death of the obvious, or will the obvious take us forward smarter, faster and happier? Stress expert and comedienne, Loretta Laroche, commented that we are “dying from a death of the obvious.” I believe that the obvious can have enormous impact on our present and future. Science confirms that in order to optimize our potential we need to get happy first. Common sense tells us that the right and ability to live happy lives is the most important goal of all. Inspiration + human contact + connection = happiness.

Each day we have an individual and collective opportunity to do good, be good, share good. The reach and resonance of the human heart is our greatest hope for a better present and future. It is our humanity that can take us through and past problems,valleys of change, turmoil, pain and trouble to come out the other side a bit wiser, stronger. It is our ability to optimize brain power and empathy that can take us forward smarter, faster and happier. We are human beings, not human doing faster than ever before.  The longer we wait to embrace our humanity, the less time we will have to experience it.   Human beings need happiness; we need inspiration, human contact and connection. There is no time like the present to embrace the power, the reach and resonance of our heart. Seize it, use it, share it. Inspiration + human contact + connection = happiness.  Purpose fuels happiness.  And, our potential to be good, do good and share good is as real as our ability to create darkness and chaos.

Purpose trumps all other drivers of potential.     Purpose makes profit, and the only way to create sustainable profit is to develop a mindset that fuels value for all. What do we really want?  What are we really searching for in our lives, our careers, our jobs?  The need for inspiration, human contact and connection is written on the walls of our lives, our communities and our organizations. A community of purpose™, a gathering of like minded heads and hearts, begins with one person doing simple math; one person deciding to start with the end in mind. Finding white space, me time, time for reflection that allows you to not only focus forward in a positive way, but restore and replenish your ability to get inspired by what YOU can do is critical. Take a moment right now to remember that your life does not have to be a blinding blur of stepping on, over or avoiding others to make your way from birth to death.  While we rush around living and working at a more accelerated pace than ever before it is the white spaces, the gaps between our thoughts, our feelings and our actions that give us time to take in where we are and where we really want to go.

 What is your greatest, truest hope? Imagine that you are living the last moment of your life.  Would you spend those last few minutes tabulating your personal net worth, calculating your bank balance, reviewing pivotal moments in your life and career when you exercised the ability to command and control; or would your thoughts be focused on what you had shared and contributed, on those you had loved and who had loved you?  Now we have children, adolescents, and adults whose major preoccupation is consumption, greed and ego. Does this mean that a death of the obvious is growing? Perhaps, but there is also a great hope, an undercurrent of change, a glimmer of incandescent light leading us to the genesis of our greatest power; the power to embrace our humanity and use it to create strategies and solutions that fill our pocketbooks and our souls.  Strategies and solutions for good that do good.

Fuel YOUR humanity. Recharge your power to become solution driven.  Empower yourself to live purposefully, and in so doing you will inspire and engage with others who resonate with your purpose.  Together you will build a community of purpose™. Together we can and will make a difference. Seize the day. Do the math; inspiration + human contact + connection = happiness.    Use it to share, to care, to contribute.

Embrace your purpose and it will embrace you back.   Enjoy    Leadership Means Building a Community of Purpose™  | Our Greatest Hope  | Constructive Discontent 
The Secret to Peace and Prosperity | Rediscover Your Fire  © Irene Becker, 2012



 Irene Becker | Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ | QBlog
smart people & organizations communicate and LEAD forward smarter, faster & happier
nto and Virtually Everywhere | 416-671-4726 | Skype: beckerirene