Rediscover YOUR Fire
Rediscover The Fire That Illuminates YOUR Pocketbook and YOUR Soul © Irene Becker,
“Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.” Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
We can buy more, consume more than ever before, but after our survival needs have been met the depth and breadth of our acquisitions do very little to create more joy, more satisfaction, greater meaning in our life. As a point of fact, the World Health Organization recently forecasted that stress will be the greatest cause of disability by the year 2020.
What does this all mean for our lives, our workplace and our world? It means that the New Age has led us to the “Real Age” of the 21st Century. While the collective culture continues its myopic pursuit of material gain and the expense of social, spiritual and intellectual growth; there is a tremor, a change brewing in the hearts and minds of those who realize that all that glitters is not gold.
It is time to rediscover the fire that ignites and illuminates the human path when we transform me into WE.
In an economic playing field where change, competition and challenge are growing, in a human landscape where stress and social disconnection plague the quality of our lives and relationships; it is clear that our personal, social and economic futures depend upon getting up close and personal with the fact that while prosperity and technology have left us with an illusion of independence, our future depends on conscious collaboration.
It is time for each man and woman to embrace a new balance of personal leadership and human collaboration so that we can open the gates that have closed our heads and our hearts to our individual and collective power we have to create a flow of vertical and horizontal expression and learning that illuminates strategies and solutions that fill our pocketbooks and our souls.
We all long for peace, prosperity and meaning.
It is time to recognize that we will not find it alone. It is time to rediscover our power, our fire by journeying from ME to WE.
© Irene Becker