Lead Forward 7 Power Words & 8 Power Leadership Posts

Lead Forward at the Speed of Change | 7 Power Words & 8 Posts
The Coachable Moment for wk ending April 13, 2012

Irene Becker | Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ | QBlog Helping smart people and organizations move forward smarter, faster, happier

The greatest contribution of any leader is to make other leaders.  Simon Sinek
Today, that contribution is critical

What  does Leadership Really Mean?   

The Survive & Thrive Organization  

Optimize, humanize, monetize potential  

Turn conflict/
communication problems around 

Use  leadership principles to  inspire, engage and empower!  

Build better virtual and actual teams  

Lead forward with your EQ-EI advantage  

Find new sources of profitable growth 


LEAD Forward
Use what is to create what can be | Build YOUR 3Q Edge™ 

Irene Becker | Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ | QBlog
Helping smart people and organizations move forward smarter, faster, happier