Resume Writing Career Quicktip & More:)

Resume Writing Career Quicktip & More:)
Irene Becker

Click here for a Career Satisfaction Auditand now the Resume Quick Tip… 


Your Resume and Marketing Materials must mirror:

Awareness: Knowing YOU exist

Affinity: Positive feelings, trust

Understanding: Appealing to the intellect

Value: Convincing the reader YOU provide value

Remember Your Resume and marketing materials must have Emotional Impact, Consistency and Time (Enabling the reader to understand your brand, your value to the organization in a few seconds.

Where is the more?  Right here! Click here to learn about the 3 R’s of resume writing

AND EVEN MORE:) Ten Irrefutable Laws of Successful Job Interviewing

Is there more?… yes, browse Q blog, lots more here, and lots more to come!
Irene Becker