Winning the New War
Winning the New War
© Irene Becker | 3Q Edge™ | Improved Reach-Resonance-Results
Helping smart people and organizations lead & communicate forward smarter, faster, happier is what I do best
The World Health Organization forecasts that by 2020 the leading cause of disability will be stress. Clearly, the quality of our life and our ability to compete and excel in a global marketplace is at risk. People in the western world, people who are still largely insulated from the extreme poverty and survival situation of 2/3 of the globe are fighting a new war every day, every week, every moment. We are fighting a new war that began when we achieved greater prosperity and independence than ever before in human history. We are fighting a new war with a new opponent; the most difficult opponent that we could ever face because our opponent is OUR SELF. No matter what happens to us, it is our thoughts that will strengthen or undermine our power. Our thoughts determine our actions, and our actions determine our results. What we focus on grows, and if we feed our minds a steady diet if negativity, fear and ego based desire for command and control power we are arming our internal opponent and we will lose the war with our greatest opponent…our self.
In a world of increased complexity and competition, purpose makes profit. Value starts with what we contribute, and grows when we find that unique balance of independence and interdependence that allows us to collaborate with others. Value grows when we develop the mindset that helps us lead forward, a perspective that allows us to develop ME to WE leadership. A mindset that will help those who lead build strong, vibrant communities of purpose
Change is not the obstacle. Change is the answer to the war of negative, fearful or self focused thought that is draining our joy and engaging an epidemic of stress that is putting our mental health, our physical wellbeing and our economic wellbeing at risk. If you are living and working in overdrive or if you are stuck on the other side of the roadway in neutral or trying to move forward with your parking break on; seize this moment to stop asking what is wrong and start focusing on what is right.
The war we face can only be won with a new alignment of head and heart. An alignment that is anchored in our ability to build our SQ-spiritual quotient, values alignment, atunement to the greater good and its importance in our thoughts, our self talk, our communication, our actions…our world.
Success lies not in what we have, but in what we can contribute. Purpose equals profit, because the ability to develop reach, resonance and results depends upon our ability to engage the best in ourselves and others is not only the path to success; it is the path to winning the war against our most important foe, our internal opponent. Our internal opponent feeds off our greatest insecurities, our most primal/basic desires and our need for power and control in ways that insidiously erode our ability to lead forward.
Change is not the obstacle. Change is the answer. Embracing our ability to change, to learn and relearn new ways of thinking, new ways of communicating and new ways of doing is the way forward. Our ability to use even the most difficult challenges we face to find solutions is real. Science confirms that power of neuroplasticity, the power of being able to write and rewrite our brains and reset default patterns. Our ability to use what is to create what can be remains the truest triumph of the human being better, rather than human doing faster than ever before.
More on Personal Development, Personal Leadership and Growth? YOU Betcha!
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The Secret to Personal Development (1 post 10 gr8 links)
Five Ways to Take Control of Your Potential
Five Ways to Communicate and Lead Forward
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Men and Women: Building the Leadership Strengths YOU Need Now
True Happiness (1 post, 10 links & bonus exercise)
The Happiness Compendium
18 Word Success Formula
Smart and Fast is NOT Enough-The Need for Higher EQ
Seven Ways to Transform Conflict/Communication Problems
Bonus: The Pause – A 3 Minute Exercise to Recharge-Refocus-Repurpose
Is it time to REACH- Redirect-empower-actualize-communicate- harvest YOUR potential to lead forward?
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Irene Becker, Chief Success Officer, Just Coach It–The 3Q Edge™ | Reach-Resonance-Results
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