Refocus, Recharge & Repower in 10 minutes or less!
1 post and 12 bonus links!
© Irene Becker, Chief Success Officer, Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge
Helping smart people & organizations lead & communicate forward smarter, faster and happier

I believe in Cool Tools>> strategies/techiniques that can be used quickly, effectively and almost anywhere; because, time is our most limited resource. Using the time we have to build greater whole brain thinking, and 3Q Leadership™ ( Enhanced: IQ-intelligence EQ-emotional mastery SQ-values alignment/spiritual quotient ) is more than my work, it is a personal and professional passion for helping smart people and organizations communicate & lead forward smarter, faster and happier.
**Whole brain thinking incorporates both the left and right sides of the brain. The left side of the brain deals with linear and logical thought processes, whereas the right side of the brain controls the imagination, intuition, creativity. We were all trained to be linear thinkers, but it is critical to develop whole brain skills and strengths. Doing so can be fun and simple. Whole brain thinking is a critical leadership competency.
Free Tips and Exercises You Can Do In 3 Minutes or less a Day. Simple, fast and free. Triple Bonus.
• Identify the path (walking/driving) you prefer, then take a different one.
• In a similar vein in your personal life, experiment with taking one old habit every week and tossing it out the window or changing it.
•Walk down a street you are familiar with and search for something you have never seen or noticed before. The results will surprise you!
• Uplift your posture. There are few more powerful ways to raise and sustain energy than to ease your posture upward, which frees your breathing and raises your energy level.
• Stretch your Strengths by applying them in new ways.
• Try writing a few sentences in the reverse direction, or with your opposing hand.
• Embrace new experiences. Focus on learning from everything! What you focus on grows, and a positive focus on learning will expand your learning potential.
• Change at least one routine every day.
• Pause for 10 seconds before you respond. Taking your ego (need to be validated out of the equation and refocusing you your objective).
• Take charge of tension by releasing it, fast. Clench whatever part of your body is tense, and release it. Even better, do your whole body-clenching & releasing.
• Do The Pause. Yes, a mindfulness exercise that is transformative if practiced regularly
• Sip ice water. Fluids move hormones into exactly the right places for sustaining energy, and those same fluids eliminate toxic wastes that can accumulate and wear you down.
• Move more. Inactivity is an unnatural state for us, and it limits energy production.
• Laugh more, smile more. Laughing gives your brain an aerobic workout, and is an excellent stress reliever and mood booster. Smiling automatically elevates our mood.
• Keep an emotional journal that is for your eyes only. A safe space on paper where you can write out your deepest emotions, releasing the tension associated with them.
•Take a 1 minute time out. Block out all stress or worries. Think about something that really makes you happy. Yes, take a happiness time out!
Enjoy the suggestions in this post. Try one or two on for size, and remember that trying a strategy or exercise means using it consistently for at least a week.
Training and coaching for greater whole brain skills is critical, and it will keep you on top of your game.
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I am committed to helping smart people and organizations
communicate & LEAD FORWARD smarter, faster and happier
Irene Becker | Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™
Executive Coaching, Consulting & Training with a 3Q Edge™ | Reach-Resonance-Results
Face to face and/or virtually by telephone, video conferencing or skype! Twitter @justcoachit Tel: (1) 416-671-4726 Skype: beckerirene