Mission Critical: Championing-Empowering-Enabling Our Individual And Organizational Ability To Win

Mission Critical: Championing-Empowering-Enabling
Our Individual And Organizational Ability To Win
Including 18 bonus links/ practical tips/videos

© Irene Becker, Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™  | (IQ-EQ-SQ) Reach-Resonance-Results
3Q Leadership™ Blog- 26,000+ Social Media Followers & Growing!  

Mission Critical-Championing, Empowering, Enabling Our Ability To Win

Your most important battle is our most important battle.   The new battle we face is mirrored in every nook and crevice of our lives, workplaces and organizations.  It is a silent, insidious battle  that demands our individual and collective attention, as well as positive, purposeful steps to turn it around before the quality of our lives and our ability to  ideate, innovate, communicate, collaborate  AND excel in the marketplace is undermined. The best attempts at employee engagement, team-building will be thwarted by a battle that must be won.

What worked in the post WWII era of industrialization will not help us build and sustain healthier, more engaged, effective and productive lives, workplaces or organizations. Here are some facts you need to know.  The World Health Organization forecasts that by 2020 the leading cause of disability in the world will be stress; the imperative to champion, empower and enable our ability to WIN the battle for human purpose and potential is critical. The cost of stress related physical, emotional and family problems to American companies exceeds $300 million a year; and this  stress related epidemic is not an American phenomenon, but a global reality. . Medical journals and organizations cite stress as the cause of 60-90% of all illness, with job stress as a major contributor.   Up to 75% of Americans say their jobs are very stressful. Presenteeism, stress related problems, addictions, physical illness abounds in the most fortunate of countries and companies. If you are not suffering from a stress related problem, statistics tell us that someone you lead, work for, know or love is. Turning stress around, championing, empower and enabling the fire of human purpose and potential means more that trying to manage or mitigate stress.  

Positive, powerful and practical change starts with a small shift in a habit of thought, communication or action that strengthens three critical areas: Q1:  Ideation/focus – Creativity/Innovation- Learning/Relearning  Q2: Emotional Intelligence-Communication-Collaboration  Q3: Universal Values, Purpose, Integrity.

Solutions that start when we champion, empower and enable our greatest  potential.  Potential to not simply play to strengths, but to USE changes, challenges, stressors and failures to build and sustain the mind-set, skill set and heart set that can take us from NOW to HOW.   Potential to do good work, potential to build good organizations, potential to build the optic and skills we need to work internally, externally, face to face and virtually across diverse constituencies, populations and cross- generationally.

Change is not the obstacle, it is the answer.  Embracing our ability to champion positive change starts with a focus on the words we use.  Change is NOT difficult, it is our greatest power and hope for a better future.  Change is what our bodies and minds so every second of the day. Our ability to move out of Jurassic Park by developing our individual and organization potential is real.  It requires focus, courage, integrity and a relentless desire to be part of the solution rather than running on overdrive, getting stuck in stasis or burying one’s head in the sand or under the rock of complacency.

It is time for men and women to lead forward together. Why am I passionate about our ability to use the changes and challenges before us to humanize, optimize and monetize our  individual and collective potential? Because we can!  Seize this moment to reflect upon your ability to make a decision today to champion, empower and enable your potential by using strengths, changes and challenges to build a mindset, heartset and skill set that can take you forward faster, happier and better than before.

More on Championing, Empowering and Enabling Our Individual and  Organizational Ability to Win?   More on Building 3Q Leadership? YOU Betcha!

Leadership and Organizational Development:

The Real Deal: Seven Powerful Things You Can Do To Accelerate Results At The Speed of Change

• From Now to How. Building Social, Virtual and Cross Generational Leadership

• The Thriving Organization-Ten Power Steps Out of Jurassic Park

• The Individual and Organizational Imperative for 3Q Leadership

Our Greatest Hope: One Inspiring Post With 12 Powerful Tips On Leadership and Organizational Development|

• Women and Leadership:  Ten Steps Forward for Women and Men

• The Leadership Compendium


Communication (Verbal and Social/Digital)
Seven Ways to Turn Conflict/Communication Problems Around

Using Your Voice to Engage and Inspire

Blogging Success Tips

Five Ways to Communicate and Lead Forward

Communication:  5 Posts in One

Leadership Means Developing a Community of Purpose


 Career & Hr
5 Steps to Successful Career Transition

Five Ways to Lead Forward by Championing the Challenge

Ten Steps to Employee Engagement

Interview about Coaching/Training for Sticky Results

Building An Agile Self and Team

Leadership Means Developing a Community of Purpose


3Q Personal Development

Winning the New War

The Secret to Personal Development

Five Ways to Take Control of Your Potential

Success Means Failing Forward-Building a Critical Life and Leadership Skill

The Empowerment Compendium

The Happiness Compendium


•Extraordinary Woman Interview

Successful Career Transition Interview

Developing Reach | Leadership Training for PMP’s


Are you ready to go from Now to HOW?
I welcome the opportunity to discuss how I can be of service to you/your team! Contact me today to receive 2013 Programs, Services and Professional Fees
Call: (416) 671-4726| Email 
irene@justcoachit.com  Skype: beckerirene


Irene Headshot

Irene Becker | Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ |  IQ-EQ-SQ for Reach-Resonance-Results
Executive Coaching, Consulting, Training and Keynotes with a 3Q Edge™ 

Face to face and/or virtually by telephone, video conferencing or skype!
3Q Leadership Blog- 26,000+ Social Media Followers & Growing
irene@justcoachit.com  Twitter @justcoachit
Tel: (1) 416-671-4726   Skype: beckerirene