18 Ways to UP YOUR Conference/Networking ROI
18 Ways to UP YOUR Conference/Networking ROI
3Q Business Development-Networking Best Practices
©Irene Becker, Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ | (IQ-EQ-SQ) Reach-Resonance-Results
3Q Leadership™ Blog- 35,000+ Social Media Followers & Growing!
Let’s face it, even the most experience business people and networkers often DO NOT optimize conference/networking ROI. Here are some practical, actionable tips from my toolkit and from a book called Conference Crushing by Tyler Wagner.
1. Know who YOU are! Know the skills, talents, and knowledge you bring to the table.
2. Focus on YOUR objectives for this conference-collectively and individually.
3. Get strategic. The more you know about everyone attending and sponsoring the conference the better you will be. Do your research. Research the coordinator( s), influential speakers, influential attendees. Track any commonalities you have.
4. Focus on maximum three goals for the conference or networking event.
5. Develop your before, during and after strategy Conference Smart Goals/ Follow Up (see # 6)
6. Conference (Smart) Goals and Follow Up!
Action Steps |
Desired Outcome |
Next Step(s) |
People I Met |
How I Can Help Them |
How They Can Help Me |
Follow Up Method |
Source: Conference Crushing Wagner, Tyler (2014-03-11)
7. Connect with the speaker (s). Send an email to the speaker showing appreciation for their work, and mention that you hope to meet him/her at the conference. Mention how their work has helped you. Open the door to building a relationship.
8. visualize success and use personal tools that put you in the groove! If you do not have a personal tool kit of visualization and personal tools, start building one!
9. Don’t get cold feet-don’t be a barrier to your potential. Cold feet can be warmed! Knowing that you can improve your communication and business development skills can make even the coldest feet warm.
10. Really listen. When you talk use similar language, cadence and body language.Listen reversed spells “silent”. Give the other person your undivided attention.
11. Get them to talk about their work, career, interests, opinions. People tend to remember
a conversation as a good one if they get to talk about themselves.
12. Understand what NOT to do!
·Don’t let fear keep you from talking to other people.
·Don’t focus on quantity when networking, be strategic!
·Don’t be distracted by food or drink.
·Don’t hand business cards to people you haven’t had a conversation
with yet.
·Don’t ask yes or no questions.
·Don’t ask only work related questions.
·Don’t forget to keep track of people you intend on following up with.
· Don’t waste time on your phone or computer.
·Don’t gossip about others at the event.
13. Stay focused, don’t zone out. Your MVP (most valuable player) is the person you are
interacting with. Each individual knows at least another 300 people. Every time
you interact you are representing yourself, your career and your organization.
Every conversation is an opportunity to build a relationship that can positively
impact your career and organization.
14. Get out of your comfort zone, it’s the only way to grow! You will not improve your communication, networking; your business development skills in YOUR comfort
·Grow your 3Q Edge™ expand your skills, by seeing challenges with new eyes!
·Communi-great! If you feel nervous, pretend you are acting the role of a confident,
expert connector and networker. Fake it till you make it!
15. Give added value, because building and maintaining a relationship is all about creating value for others.
·Validate the other person.
·Do/say something helpful
·Focus on them; listen, connect and show them you are interested and care about what they have to say.
·Use the right communication style that opens their ears, resonates with them.
·Be authentic because it builds trust.
16. Check out the vendors. There is a lot that can be learned from visiting vendor booths. It also
provides an additional way to network.
17. Don’t just collect business cards. Follow UP. Pick the right way to follow-up, select what/how you will follow-up and do it the next morning.
18. Book a pre AND post conference meeting and de-brief with team members.
·Discuss your goals, how you will share the room pre conference/networking event.
·Hold a post conference meeting to share what you have learned, connections
you have made, business development ideas that sprung up as a results of the
More? You Betcha. Sharing a handy list of links on communication-one of your key business, career and life success anchors!
Communicating for Success | A Collection of More Than 80 Articles
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Irene Becker | Just Coach It
The 3Q Leadership Edge™
Ideation-Communication-Leadership and BD Growth at the Speed of Change
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