Saturday 2 Minute Video: Effective Leadership, Engagement & Results

Leadership BS-Changing Workplaces and Careers One Truth at a Time
Disengagement is a critical problem that is destroying organizations from inside out. The imperative to revisit our thoughts about what makes a good leader and how to develop effective leadership training is critical.

What if most of what you’ve been taught about leadership in college, business school, seminars and management literature is either wrong or useless?

In his intriguing and controversial book, Leadership BS-Changing Workplaces and Careers One Truth at a Time, Jeffrey Pfeffer highlights five disconnects between contemporary leadership teaching and real world practice.

•What are the five disconnects that create ineffective leadership and dis-engagement?
•What can we NOW to develop good leaders?

Watch the Video
Watch this 2 minute video
synopsis of Professor Pfeffer’s book, Leadership BS-Changing Workplaces and Careers One Truth at a Time by The Business Source and re-visit your beliefs about what makes a good leader.



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Irene Becker, Founder, Just Coach It
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Contact: Irene’s Assistant Drew Jones: 416-737-5075