How to Become the Change You Seek in Ten Minutes a Day
How can you become the change you seek? Today’s Wednesday Wisdom is about doing 3 things that are critical to surviving and thriving in disruptive and/or turbulent times, three things that can change YOUR life. Questions and cool tools (exercises to achieve the following 3 things follow below)
1. Develop a growth mindset
2. Become a possibility thinker
3. Embrace and appreciated the positive things in your life/career because doing so builds resiliency, strength and creative thought.
Questions for YOU:
•Are you dissatisfied with some aspect of your life, your relationships, your job/career, your organization, your community and/or the uncertain and turbulent state of the world?
•Perhaps you want to put an end to overwhelm and introduce the empower, engagement and growth mindset that can change your life on a multiplicity of levels?
•Do you want to feel that you have greater control or mastery over your future?
Cool Tools for YOU: (free exercises that take 10 minutes or less a day that are transformative and life-changing if used on a consistent basis)
1. Develop a growth mindset by turning dissatisfaction around by applying self-compassion for 5-10 minutes a day.What does that mean? Notice when you have a feeling of dissatisfaction with yourself or someone else, but instead of acting upon it or letting it build up, just watch it and let it go away. The typical emotional will last up to 90 seconds, and learning to build constructive discontent, learning how to turn negativity around is very powerful. Click here to learn more about constructive discontent.
2. Build a growth mindset by taking 5-10 minutes a day for positive reflection; time to look at every challenge you faced today as an opportunity for growth, learning and/or success. Click here to for Carol Dweck’s outstanding book, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success
3. Take control of your life by taking control of YOUR story. Your narrative, your personal dialogue and self talk will either empower your best self or disempower your greatest purpose and potential. You are the captain of your thoughts, learning to change the way you think is coachable, doable and often life changing. Click here to read more.
Thoughts for YOU to Consider:
YOU are the solution, the magic bullet and the secret to your own strength, stamina, satisfaction and success because what you think, what you believe and what you decide to feel has been scientifically proven to create YOUR reality.
Do you want to become a possibility thinker? Inspire greatness? Is it time to embrace your ability to become a success statistic, rather than a success statistic? Perhaps you want to put an end to overwhelm and introduce the empower, engagement and growth mindset that can change your life on a multiplicity of levels. Carpe diem.
Seize this day knowing that change is not the problem, it’s the answer. YOU can learn to develop a NEW way of thinking, a new way of communicating and even a new way of being that can change your life and the lives of others.
Actions for YOU to Consider:
Browse the blog, take a look at our new courses and programs and reach out because we will reach back! I am passionate about our ability to not simply rise to the challenges before us, but to use them as a lever for our greatest potential because I did it, my clients have done it and it has become my life’s work to reach as many people as I can with the benefits of 3Q Personal Development and Leadership.
©Irene Becker 2018

Irene Becker | Just Coach