18 Word Success Formula

18 Word Success Formula
The Coachable Moment | Lead Forward!

 Irene Becker | www.justcoachit.com | 3Q Leadership™ Blog
Helping smart people and organizations communicate and lead forward
smarter, faster and happier is what I do bes
t. Greater reach, resonance & results!

1.  Hone your ability to learn and unlearn

2.  Develop Communities of Purpose and Collaboration

3.  Apply courage, integrity, humanity>>>REPEAT

Does this work?  YES.  Here is the proof 
And a video

  More Coachable Moments?  YES
Personal Development

 First woman CEO of a steel company in Canada, Irene Becker has a track record of trailblazing accomplishments in business and in the community at large. An insightful and inspiring executive coach, mentor, speaker and writer, Irene helps clients achieve breakthrough results in their communication, leadership and lives. Passionate about the integrity of her work and its ability to help changemakers LEAD change, Irene helps smart people and organizations develop 3Q Leadership™ and effective verbal, written and social communication that builds reach, resonance and results.  Contact Irene:  irene@justcoachit.com  Twitter @justcoachit Tel: (1) 416-671-4726   Skype: beckerirene Irene goes the distance for her clients face to face and/or virtually!