There is Only One Story that Matters

There is only one story that matters.

It’s not the story of who you are, where you have been or what you have acquired.

It’s the story that speaks to you in moments of wonder and awe; and whispers to you when you are at your lowest moments or facing your greatest failure, pain or loss.

It is a story that ignites YOUR purpose, YOUR ability, and YOUR courage because this story is bigger than you, and it is bigger than me.

It is the story that is the seedbed your greatest potential, your most heartfelt collaboration, your greatest innovations and a new type of communication that builds a bridge across cultural and generational divides.

It is the story of all that is great, purposeful and worthwhile and it is within your reach if you dare to care, if you realize your ability to adapt, evolve and thrive in ways that drive your best self, best work and best life.

And, I can tell you that when you find your story when you realize your ability to take control of who you are, of what you will share and contribute you will embrace a new day, a new path in life that will take you forward happier, smarter and faster than before.

A new path that is a path of gratitude, purpose, and commitment; a new path of enlightened leadership that will change and touch your life and the lives of others in ways you did not realize were possible.

It is a story that will help you become a possibility thinker who is taking a new path, exploring a new passion by learning to use what is to create what can be in YOUR life and the lives of others….

Because the way forward will be very different from the past, and the imperative to make it better than what was speaks to us all.

Next Monday I will start sharing thoughts of the day AND the biography and thoughts of real-life heroes, trailblazers and champions who are building better lives and futures for themselves and others.  Friends and colleagues, special people in business, the arts, the professions who are trailblazers; people like (in alphabetical order) Kare Anderson, Mark S. Babbitt, Michael Ballard, Wayne Clancy,  Peter Cook, Fields Jackson, Jr., Donna D. May, Kate Nasser, Tanveer Naseer, Cinnie Noble, Mark Persaud ,
Frank Sonnenberg,  
James Strock and more!

Enjoy the articles on this blog, articles that speak to our individual and collective ability to adapt, evolve and thrive; our ability to build three critical strengths that drive our best selves, communication, work and lives in disruptive times.  Click here to learn about 3Q benefits why I have dedicated my life to this work.

There is only one story that matters and it is the story of YOUR purpose, YOUR ability, YOUR courage to take back control of who you really are and what you have to contribute.  Carpe diem

© Irene Becker, 2018