What is the value proposition that will fuel your purpose, passionate engagement and success?
Irene Becker, Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ (IQ-EQ-SQ)
3Q Leadership™ Blog- 50,000+ Social Media Followers & Growing!
Get Inspired by what YOU can do now
How can I share a simple, powerful and important message that is the focus, the raison d’etre of my life and 3Q Edge™ work? Express that which is so critical, simple and yet elusive?
One of my clients this morning pointed me in the right direction; our session was riveting, inspiring and compelled me to write this post!
Take Back YOUR Power to Make a Difference-Because YOU Can.
7 ways to inspire, engage and enable your greatest potential and results!
Whether you seek to lead your best life, lead your team, organization or country you will need to lead greatly. Doing so means understanding and enabling YOUR true power. True power is not the power of domination, exploitation, ego or arrogance; true power is the fire of faith, hope, courage, integrity and humanity; it is the spark plug for your greatest thoughts, actions and results. Using your true power means understanding what it is and cultivating the passionate desire to enable it!
•Ask yourself the right questions
What are YOU doing with your life? What do YOU really want to achieve? What new personal rituals/habits of thinking are you developing to inspire, empower and engage YOUR best self, best thoughts, best communication, best actions…YOUR greatest contribution? How can you see the changes, challenges, stressors and failures you face with new eyes that help you USE them all as a lever for your true power? How can you build a better stronger relationship with yourself? How can you build a better stronger relationship with others?
•Use failure to succeed
Crazy? Really? Think again. The secret to your greatest success is hidden within your greatest failures. Being able to see them with new eyes, learning to use them as positive and powerful stepping-stones to your greatest potential and results is the way forward.
•Develop a new relationship with change, challenges, stressors (yes, even failures) Embrace change and challenges; doing so will help you use both to build cognitive and emotional dexterity and resiliency. Neuroscience confirms that our brains are neuro-plastic; we have the ability to re-write patterns of thinking, communicating and doing. YOU are not stuck in a box, you cannot be defined by what you have done, said or accomplished unless you decide that you want to stay in the mold.
•Inspire Yourself
The choice is before you, is before us all; you can choose to champion the best or be swept away by the worst. You can feed your mind, your brain, your soul with intake that inspires, engages and challenges your forward or give in to the ongoing climate of volatility, uncertainty, change and ambiguity that characterizes this time of great paradox and transition. Finding one simple way each day to feel inspired, developing personal rituals of inspiration is critical.
•Inspire Others
Find a way each day to inspire another person forward. Just like volunteering your time makes you feel good, simply sharing a smile, a word or gesture that inspires someone else will positively impact your day.
•Build 3 Essential Strengths That GROW at the Speed of Change/Challenges-Your 3Q Edge™You cannot defy gravity, but you can learn to optimize strengths while changes, challenges, stressors (even failures) into a lever for your greatest potential and results-YOUR 3Q Edge™
What is the value proposition that can fuel your purpose, passionate engagement and success? Take Back YOUR Power to Make a Difference-Because YOU Can. Carpe diem!
Image Credit: 123RF.com
More? Always! A selection of passionate, inspiring and practical 3Q posts and Tips
The Secret to Personal Development and Success
Our Greatest Hope
Turning Negativity Around
Ten Ways to Build Great Leadership in Turbulent Times
Meaningful Work-Building a Leadership and Management Must
Enlightened Self Interest: Building a Resilient, Thriving Culture
Anything else? YES. Our new website and blog with expanded collaborators, programs and services for individuals, organizations and emerging leaders debuts this soon. Stay Tuned!
Are you ready to find a new way, a better and faster way to build strong leadership, communication influence and career success at the speed of change/challenges? We are here to help!
Irene Becker | Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ | (IQ-EQ-SQ)
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Leadership, Communication Influence, Career Optimization in Disruptive Times