Do you need to hone your relationship building skills to grow your business, lead your team, advance your career or move through career transition to your next position? There is only one answer and it is affirmative.
The relationship element of leadership, management and success are more important than perhaps ever before. The leader who communicates well succeeds well.
Today, thanks to our super-connected world, things like these that once seemed out of reach are suddenly not only possible but highly achievable. In the past, we used to talk about “six degrees of separation,” meaning that on average, we were connected to just about everyone else in the world via a unique chain of just six people-who-know-other people.
Today, social networks have reduced that to just four degrees, says Porter Gale the author of Is Your Network Your Net Worth. In the case of people with common interests, it might be just three.
All of this makes networks immensely more powerful and valuable than ever. That’s why it’s critical to invest time in developing and nurturing them. Gale aims to shift perceptions of networking from a stuffy, schmoozy, glad-handing game into a transformational process that lies at the core of present-day business success.
How can you tap into and grow your network? Learn new ways to leverage and grow your network in ways the drive success?
Watching this 2-minute video summary is a good place to start! Click here
Thanks to Ms. Porter for her excellent book, and to The Business Source for this excellent video.
Irene Becker | Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ | (IQ-EQ-SQ)
Leadership, Communication Influence, Career Transition/Optimization in Disruptive Times
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