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How to Turn Business Defeat into Development by Hellen McAdams

Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/beach-ocean-sand-sea-261630/

Stepping out of our comfort zone into the unknown is always followed by a great chance of being defeated along the way. However, success goes hand-by-hand with defeat. Those are literally two sides of the same coin and you can’t have one without the other.

Therefore, it’s all about the mindset we adopt at the very start of our career path that will guide us throughout all the ups and downs. Not taking defeat as something that’s going to be hazardous for us and looking at it as a chance of learning something new and gaining more experience is what we should do.

I’m aware that this is always easier said than done. That’s why in this article we’ll talk about ways of setting your mind straight and knowing how to cope with defeat and how to turn it to your advantage.

Become Your Own Motivator

And while every single one of us is usually trying to connect with that one person that will serve as a source of inspiration and motivation, you should understand that your main motivation has had to come from within.

All those morning pep-talks in front of the mirror is what can make a big difference when it comes to your attitude. We’re not saying that someone should be unrealistic about things, but nurturing optimistic and positive side of self is what can ultimately drive you forward and help you overcome any obstacle that will get in the way.

If you know how to stay motivated even when things are not looking so bright, it’ll be far easier for you to make it through difficult times.

Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/achievement-activity-adolescent-arms-347135/

Celebrate the Small Victories

How will you know that you’re moving in the right direction?

Setting up goals, both short or long-term, is always a good idea. Because only when you start doing so is when you will actually start realizing that you’re improving.

People tend to see only what’s negative. Creating landmarks and celebrating small victories on the road to success is what will help you understand that it’s not all lost when things are not going well.

For instance, you can treat yourself by practicing making custom coins that will symbolize different achievements you previously set as goals. When something bad happens, they will be there to remind you that you might lost a battle, but there are still many battles to be fought.

A Lesson – Not a Defeat

This oldie goldie pretty much sums it all up. Adopting a mindset where there are no battles lost really, and that battle can be considered lost only if we fail to get something from defeat is a must.

Nobody’s perfect and it’s human to make mistakes and to fail along the way. This notion is perhaps best addressed in this Nike commercial.

Michael Jordan, who is considered as the best basketball player of all times by many, provides a simple 30-second breakdown of the main reason his career succeeded. He’s talking about missing game-winning shots, losing games and failing over and over throughout his career. At the end of his narrative, there is a powerful conclusion that those things were what basically made him succeed in the end. If you relate to what Jordan is saying in this video, you are most likely to be on the correct path.

Author Bio:  Hellen McAdams is the chief strategist at Marketee.rs. She loves a good digital marketing and business development strategy, and isn’t afraid to ask questions every day to keep up with the industry’s trends. If you have any comments or questions, shoot her a question at @hellen_mcadams.

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