Our Greatest Hope

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Our Greatest Hope ©Irene Becker, www.justcoachit.com


A dear friend, asked me to write  about values driven leadership.  The more I thought about this topic, the more I realized that we do not simply need values driven business leaders, we need to become individual leaders, personal leaders, ombudsmen of the good by embracing the values that we cherish.   Our greatest hope lies in the values, faith, courage, hope and integrity that are the apex of our greatest power and potential. 

Where do we start?  We start right here, right now.  Impossible?  Think again.  We stand on a glass cliff, a place where we will see the greatest renaissance  we have ever known; or  a decline and decent into the abyss of chaos, aggression and destruction.  A place where  we will be crippled by the need, greed and ego that has destroyed every empire and fiefdom in history OR choose to embrace our potential to use what is to create what can be.

It is your ability, my ability, our ability to cleave to the universal values, express  the humanity and moral courage that is our hope for the future.  Courage that starts with service above self, with the desire to move from me to WE.  Power that grows each time we show  kindness to a stranger, reach out and help a colleague of friend, mentor or share knowledge.  Leadership that grows when we focus not on what we can get, but rather on what we can contribute.  Humanity that is expressed in learning to treat our neighbors, our brothers and sisters as ourselves.  Happiness that is found in caring, sharing and contributing.

In a world of increasing complexity it is the simple things that often elude us. It is time to get simple and clear with the importance of tying a knot around our values, courage, integrity; for they are the greatest riches we have.  Love is the truth,  universal values are the motor, and human passion, purpose and potential are the engine that can drive us to an evolution of self, and of others that will take us into the age of innovation – an age of extraordinary possibilities; or push us into an abyss of  fear, despair, destruction, aggression and chaos.

Our greatest hope lies in a new balance of independence and interdependence that will take us forward.  A path that is difficult, but worthwhile.  A path that requires courage and conviction.  A path that is oft forgotten, and begs to be remembered.  A path of redemption and renewal.  A path of human beings being  better not simply doing faster than ever before.  A path that can change one life, many lives and ultimately our world.  A path where we serve to LEAD from me to WE.

Written for my late father, Joseph Becker, my best friend, mentor and a soul whose light shines on.

More  Me to We Leadership on QBlog:

Goodness to Greatness Leadership-7 Steps

The Secret to Peace and Prosperity

Goodness to Greatness

Is Goodness Good for Business?

Irene Becker April 6, 2012 |  www.justcoachit.com | The EQ Edge™- Smarter, Happier, Faster


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10 replies
  1. Felix P. Nater, CSC
    Felix P. Nater, CSC says:

    I enjoyed your post Irene. There is a need for taking stock in how we manage the complexities of our lives much the way you’ve suggested. Life’s daily issues are difficult to manage without having a sense of balance and understanding between priorities and those involved in the decision. The high speed nature of society almost demands instantaneous responses that are often devoid of thoughtful insightful considerations. Accountability in our actions is part of that elusive personal leadership and the glue that is necessary to maintain the balance and connection between the individual, situation and outcomes. Failing to be accountable for outcomes is often tied to the unfortunate leaderless actions taken by expeditious persons who desire clearance rather than resolution. We see the lack of substantive leadership in our daily lives all to often simply because those making the decision disguise it as a leader centered decision when in reality it was self serving and expedient.

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Felix, Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, and for your wise reflections; leadership reflections. The ability to really stay focused on what counts, align our values with our actions and take time each day to pause, reflect and think is so critical. The power of consideration, of recursive thought must be addressed and applied if we are to lead forward. Leadership is best expressed in our actions, and sadly we have seen a era of leaderlessness among those in position of leadership. Leadership is, I know you agree, serving to lead, service above sell. Actions that are self serving and wrapped in the cloak of values that are not adhered to or a vision that will never truly see the light of day cannot take us forward.

      I believe that the power of human being better, the passion of those who truly seek to serve to lead is our greatest hope for the future, and one that we have to applaud and inspire in ourselves and others.

      Best, Irene

      • Manoj Tiwari (@Induism)
        Manoj Tiwari (@Induism) says:

        An Indian philosopher #Chanakya puts some light to overcome the complexity while making a leadership decision.
        “TyajdEkam Kulasyarthe Gramasyarthe Kulam Tyajet/ Tyaj Gramam Janpadasyarthe Atmarthe Prithvim Tyajet//”
        English: Leave 1 person for the family; leave a family for whole village. Leave a village for whole district (or bigger area) and for self leave the whole earth.
        Most philosophical message is contained in his last preposition where he says leave whole earth for ‘Self’. The meaning of Self changes from person to person. How..?
        For a selfish or self centered or a person living for his own pleasures, Self is his own mind-body complex. For a leader of family, it’s whole family which is Self…and so on. And in same pursuit Self is the soul of the God or Omnipresent for whom the whole Earth is worth leaving.
        The soul of a leader doesn’t see difference between I and We. But it will come only when one is able to differentiate between message of mind-body and message of soul; which comes by practicing the un-attachment.
        Hope I made the point in short.

        • Irene Becker
          Irene Becker says:

          Dear Manoj: Thank you for sharing the timeless wisdom of Chanakya. I could not agree more. However, we are all at different stages/places in our spiritual path and development. Many people cannot yet see that Me is WE, and they need to approach this through small positive steps that help to shift their conciousness and sense of interconnectednewss.

          THank you again for sharing the wisdom of Chanakya. So appreciated.

          Best, Irene


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