Is Goodness is Good for Business?

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Is Goodness Good for Business?
Can We Lead from Goodness to Greatness?

© Irene Becker,


Goodness is that little pilot light of value, success, and satisfaction that is often cast aside. The old business model was about taking, the new model is about sharing and contributing. 

Goodness is our greatest hope in a new economy, a new world of constant change where learning to collaborate and create solutions, learning to seek the good is the only path to sustainable success.  Yes, leading from goodness to greatness is the benchmark of sustainable leadership.

Goodness does not mean dumbing down, nor does it mean living in the world of the warm and fuzzies. What it does mean is a return to a focus on the cardinal ethical imperatives that has always created the best in ourselves, in those we serve, those we lead and those who we have chosen to lead us.

Goodness is expressed in the services and products we sell.  Goodness  is transmitted through our shareholder, stakeholder and client relationships.  Goodness means winning. Winning through sharing, winning through learning, winning through teaching, winning through collaborating, winning through inspiring the best in ourselves and others, winning by aligning that which we need with that which we create, winning by contributing, winning by becoming human centric and using our human centricity to align the power of our heads and our hearts.

We need to become human centric.  The leader who can communicate goodness, authenticity, shared value, will drive success. All that is truly gold is good.  All that is truly good is gold.  And in a world, in a marketplace where goodness is the exception to the rule; those who will differentiate the way they serve, promote and sell their goods and treat their constituents by doing so with goodness, may very well achieve greatness.

© Irene Becker

14 replies
  1. Edward Colozzi
    Edward Colozzi says:

    Leading from Goodness to Greatness works Irene because, as you share, goodness is so related to sharing, collaboration, integrity, learning, teaching, inspiration, and sustainable leadership.

    The main reason Goodness truly works is best understood from observing its very source, LOVE.

    When one moves in any direction from a position of authentic love, because Love IS the most powerful of all energies, it gives forth an abundance of fruit that nourishes all, changes false belief systems, and ignites discretionary effort.

    Thanks Irene for reminding us of the Power of LOVE.

  2. chris
    chris says:

    Not sure why some folks are so afraid of showing goodness at work. You can be strong and assertive and be good at the same time. I love this approach to leadership and we as the HR Professionals must lead by example..Be nice until its time not to be nice.

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      The old style of leadership is impotent. Command and control will no longer work. Controlling the mode of production is no longer the ticket to success for those in Western economies. We need to build 3Q leadership, leadership that speaks to leading from a place of goodness to greatness while also knowing when to be assertive and how to communicate in a way that builds engagement, integrity, collaboration and potential.

      Nice is an often kicked around word, but I believe that it is possible to lead with goodness, to lead in a way that speaks to the right thing, the best thing, the actions that are in alignment with the greatest good for all stakeholders and shareholders.

      I do have a fast track program for 3Q leadership and communication. It is my hope that those who resonate with building stronger better communication and leadership will take advantage of this program. You can read about it on

      Thanks so much for your comments. If there are any other questions, please post or write to me at

      Very best! Irene

  3. al boudreau
    al boudreau says:

    Fantastic post, Irene. My experiences as a small business owner for the past 25 years are proof that goodness is indeed good for business. I’ve always done my best to treat clients with respect by giving them my word then following through on my promises. Now, despite the economy being in shambles, I still have wonderful new opportunities via word of mouth from satisfied customers who became friends. I feel blessed, and I’m so glad I chose to do the right thing for those who put their faith in me.

    Thank you for such a wonderful piece.

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Dear Al: Thank YOU so much for your comments. Please pass this post on to others. If we can create a viral message we can spread a message that is critical to our individual and collective futures. I salute you on your business ethics and success. I would love to learn more about your work. I helped to set up one of the first business mentorship programs in Canada, and have worked in the States and also Europe. Would be great to connect.

      I also know that you will resonate with my 3Q focus (you can read about it on my site homepage) and in blog posts Optimize, Humanize, MonetizeExecutive Quicktip Leading in the Face of Crisis

      Do write to me at Would love to be in contact. I have a webtv show, Passion Point and would be honored to do a remote interview with you.

      I thank YOU, Al,

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Dear Richard: Thank YOU so much for your comment! May this message become viral. Living and leading from goodness to greatness is not important it is critical to our individual and collective personal, social and financial welfare!

      While some would argue that it is impossible to use the challenges we face as a lever for our greatest engagement, passion, purpose and potential…I beg to differ, and so do my clients. It is possible to build our 3Q edge and to learn to use what is to create what can be.

      Thank you so much for your support of my post, my work and a message that speaks to the greatest good:)

      Yours in service, Irene

  4. Frank Sonnenberg
    Frank Sonnenberg says:

    Great post Irene. It sounds so simple, yet so many people believe that if you don’t put yourself first you can’t possibly win. The truth is, “what goes around comes around.” You provide a great prescription for success. Thanks for sharing.

    Have a great day.



    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Thank you so much, Frank. Honored and humbled to have the comments of one of America’s top thought leaders. Many years ago I met with a captain of industry and tried to convince him that we needed to build vertical and horizontal communication. I tried to build the business case for a new prescription to success. My message fell upon deaf ears. That was seven years ago. It is my hope and prayer that the importance, the critical importance of moving from goodness to greatness, of developing a new perspective that drives and sustains personal and business leadership and helps us embrace a solution focus that will take us forward will resonate.

      Thank you so much for your comments. Please know that I am grateful for your kind attention and feedback!

      Wishing you a great day too!

      Very best, Irene

  5. Ruth
    Ruth says:

    I’m glad that I work for a company that believes in goodness. I’m sure I’d be miserable if I worked in a place without high standards of kindness and service to customers and the community.

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Ruth: Thanks so much for your comments. I am so glad that you work for a company that believes in goodness, and has high standards of service to customers and the community. It sounds like you found a great culture where you can shine and contribute!

      Very best, Irene

  6. Valasie August
    Valasie August says:

    Irene…Thanks for a post that reaches beyond the mind right into the heart of the matter. I have come to believe that to be a better anything you have to choose to be a better person…V

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Hi Valasie: Thank you so much for your comments! Much appreciated. Being a better person reflects our individual and collective journeys. I agree. I hope that you will continue to enjoy the blog. I posted a new article yesterday From Goodness to Greatness that I think you will also enjoy,

      Very best, Irene


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