The Power of NOW | The Coachable Moment

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The Power of NOW | The Coachable Moment  

  © Irene Becker, Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™  | (IQ-EQ-SQ) Reach-Resonance-Results
3Q Leadership™ Blog- 27,000+ Social Media Followers & Growing!  

The Power of NOW is excellence in action.
It is a mindset and heart set that can help us LEAD forward by moving  molehills and mountains one positive, purposeful moment at a time.

The power of NOW starts with embracing excellence in every aspect of our lives and work. Excellence starts in our heart, in our ability to know that trying to do our very best at any given moment is excellence in action.  Our best may not suffice, but it will take us to a whole new level of growth and understand that pushes us forward.

Excellence can only be a fulcrum for human passion and potential when parents, educators, employers-when those in positions of authority remain resolute in creating communities of learning, sharing, caring-communities of engagement, empowerment and excellence where PURPOSE and our ability to be our best and use our failures to fail forward is embraced and applauded.


 The Power of Now has 3 powerful components

DESIRE: The power of NOW is desire.  Desire to move past self imposed limitations and optimize our potential to  use strengths and transform our challenges into solutions that take us forward smarter, faster, happier.

ACTION:  The power of NOW is action.  Action taken in small, consistent  powerful steps  that  retrain our brain,  empower our potential, fuel our purpose ;  building  new neural pathways that strengthen and optimize our 3Q Edge™- our ability to lead forward smarter, faster, happier at the speed of change

RESOLVE:   The power of NOW is resolve best expressed in communities of excellence where human passion, purpose, potential survive and thrive. Communities of excellence where our individual and collective ability to fail forward, move past limitations and strengthen passion, purpose and potential survives and thrives.


Do YOU want to build the Power of NOW in your life, your leadership, your people?


Time to get re-inspired by what YOU can achieve at the speed of change?
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I welcome the opportunity to discuss how I can be of service to you/your team! 
Call: (416) 671-4726 | Email  Skype: beckerirene 

Irene Headshot


4 replies
  1. Kimunya Mugo
    Kimunya Mugo says:

    Doing the best possible at any opportunity availed to us is the key! The key to get performance to the next level, relationships ticking and elevate sustainable social/economic development. Thank you for reminding us to be excellent NOW, to transform excellence into a verb!

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Kimunya: I agree with you 100%, and I apologize for the delay in replying to your comment, but I have had on and off problems posting.

      Thanks for your sage reflection!

      Best, Irene

  2. Amit Verma
    Amit Verma says:

    Great! Nice to see your blog post with powerful insights you mentioned. Yes love to build the power of Now. Keep Sharing your great inspirational and motivational message. ((Hugs))

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Dear Amit: Thank you so much for your wonderful comment! I am so glad you enjoyed “The Power of Now”. I tied a knot around my faith, hope, courage, integrity and humanity years ago…Inspiration and motivation will continue. ((Hugs))



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