What Is A Community of Purpose and Why Do YOU Need One?

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What Is A Community of  Purpose 
and Why Do YOU Need One?

©Irene Becker | Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ | QBlog
Helping smart people & organizations communicate & LEAD forward smarter, faster, happier

Purpose is the only sustainable way to create value.
Purpose makes and sustains profit because it is the only true driver of our greatest potential.
Whether you want to build a happy life, a successful enterprise, small business or professional practice; YOU need a community of purpose.


What is a Community of Purpose?

As we move from the Age of Information to the Age of Innovation the value we create for all stakeholders and communities will drive success. Whether you want to build a happy life, a successful enterprise, small business or professional practice; YOU need a community of purpose Your community of purpose can be a small group or team, it can be a few people or just a valued and trusted coach or advisor…developing that community of purpose is one of the most important things you can do for yourself, the actualization of your potential and the potential of those you lead and serve.

We all need communities of purpose, because it can be terribly lonely at the top, and it is lonely in the middle and at the bottom too.  Loneliness, isolation, lack of trust, lack of solid personal and career relationships…lack of communities of purpose can break even the best and brightest among us, or leave us spinning in overdrive or stuck in stasis.



Why do YOU need one?

Success is sustained by a community of purpose.  Like minded people who share values and goals have the ability to reach past what is and create what can be.  The heads, hearts and souls of many can together make a difference that can move a life, many lives, organizations and ultimately our world.  It takes a village to raise a child, and it takes a community of like minded people to create and sustain any successful venture.

Our potential to DO GOOD is as real as the threats that we face; the threat of narcissism, greed, fear, negativity and all those ugly contagions of destruction that lurk in the shadows of our minds, our lives, our workplaces….our world. Surviving and thriving is about reaching past self imposed and all barriers to actualize our potential and the potential of others.  Staying focused, healthy, happy and able to meet and greet challenges and opportunities that will continue to hit us on the face harder and faster than ever before demands a community of purpose.



How can you build a Community of Purpose™?


Open your mind, open your heart to likeminded people who can be partners in your success, and you in theirs.  Reach past the din of noise, negativity, narcissism we all face and look for people who stand up, stand strong.   Focus on finding people you can count on and those who can count on you.   And, remember what you focus on grows! Look not at the number of  social media followers you have, but rather pause and ask yourself about the people you know, the people you communicate with who can be part of your personal or professional/business community of purpose. Who will you reach out to?  What can you accomplish together?  Take this moment to reach out to simply one individual who can be a part of your community of purpose; you will be pleasantly surprised when they reach back.  And, if they do not reach back, move forward and look for members who will become your community of purpose.
Copyright © 2012, Irene Becker




Irene Becker | Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ | QBlog
Helping smart people & organizations communicate & LEAD forward smarter, faster, happier
Coaching, Consulting, Keynotes & Articles with a 3Q Edge™ | Toronto and Virtually Everywhere | (1) 416-671-4726 


11 replies
  1. Greg Waddell
    Greg Waddell says:

    Great article Irene! I have been doing just what you are saying lately with a few key individuals and the impact has been enormous. One of those individuals has voluntarily agreed to work with me as an accountability partner for writing my book. He reads every new chapter, makes me speak the vernacular English, and ever so often gives me a nudge to get me going again. We have developed an amazing friendship and we have never met face-to-face. I want to do more in building my community but don’t you think it’s a little more difficult for the introverted personality type, which I am? We are natural loners. It takes real effort to do what you’re talking about. Anyway, I’m making progress. Thank you and God bless.

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      It is difficult to reach out when one is an introvert, but Greg our journey is that of using what is to create what can be. Habits of thought that no longer serve us can be rewritten, one positive small consistent step at a time. Each time you reach out to another connection whose values and objectives are in alignment with yours you are resetting the previous default pattern. Kudos to you on moving forward. Great work.

      I would love to learn about your book, and more about your work. It seems to me that it is time for us to connect:) My email is irene@justcoachit.com, and I welcome the opportunity to be in touch.

      Yours in service,

  2. Irene Becker
    Irene Becker says:

    Dear Greg: Thank you so much for your sage comments, and appreciation for my article. We all need Communities of Purpose, they are invaluable as we work together to make a positive difference and contribute to a better world.

    It is difficult to reach out when one is an introvert, but Greg our journey is that of using what is to create what can be. Habits of thought that no longer serve us can be rewritten, one positive small consistent step at a time. Each time you reach out to another connection whose values and objectives are in alignment with yours you are resetting the previous default pattern. Kudos to you on moving forward. Great work.

    I would love to learn about your book, and more about your work. It seems to me that it is time for us to connect:) My email is irene@justcoachit.com, and I welcome the opportunity to be in touch.

    Yours in service,

  3. Greg Marcus
    Greg Marcus says:

    Irene, it’s like you read my mind. I’ve undergone major changes in my life and career over the last three years, and have developed a perspective that change begins at the level of individual identity, but need a community of like-minded people in order to persist. The question is, how best to find that community?

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Greg: I am so glad that the post resonated with you. I am going to be writing more on Communities of Purpose, but it will not be another couple of weeks until I write in general about finding one. If you would like to set up time to speak, delighted to share my thoughts. My email is irene@justcoachit.com. You can also read my story on sight, as have a rather thorough comprehension of change, great and small.

      Best! Irene

  4. Kalondu
    Kalondu says:

    Good insight. Without a community of purpose team work becomes impossible … especially if you pick people who don’t share your values. It can be an uphill task.


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