Leadership Means Developing a Community of Purpose

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 Leadership Means Developing a Community of Purpose

©Irene Becker | Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ | QBlog
Helping smart people & organizations communicate & LEAD forward smarter, faster & happier

Leadership means building a community of thought and action. It means building a Community of Purpose

Agile leaders are evolutionary leaders; relationship builders, communicators, strategic thinkers and doers whose values, vision and purpose are aligned with a whole new world where success means creating value for others. Purpose means profit, and sustaining profit demands a whole new focus on GOOD business, GOOD leadership on creating GOOD value for stakeholders, shareholders, clients, employees, constituents and communities.

Communities of Purpose strengthen collaboration, communication and results.
Communities of purpose are made up of the right people who come together for the right reasons:

•Trust, congruency, shared values and objectives that transcend limitations or barriers.

•New habits of thinking, doing and communicating that build our 3Q Edge™; our ability to optimize, humanize and monetize potential at the speed of change.

•Empowerment, engagement and a new found ability to fail forward, by using challenges as levers for growth, purpose and progress.

•A relentless focus on business for the good because purpose makes profit; and sustainable profit means creating value for ALL stakeholders, shareholders, clients, customers, constituents.



Communities of Purpose can help YOU pop the cork on potential.


Effective leadership demands communication and collaboration; effective communities of purpose build resonance and engagement with a virtual or actual community by aligning shared values and objectives with the skills and experience that drive results. Meaningful work, purposeful work will become increasingly critical as we enter a new era where organizations must create value for all stakeholders, shareholders, employees, constituents and communities.  Purpose makes profit, communities of purpose build profit in a way that  breaks down barriers to potential and communication, driving value for all constituents. 

Leadership means building a community of thought and action-A Community of Purpose

Goodness to Greatness Leadership Seven Steps
What Does Leadership Really Mean?
The Thriving Organization
Ten Essential Leadership Principles


©Irene Becker | Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ | QBlog
Helping smart people & organizations communicate & LEAD forward smarter, faster,
Toronto and Virtually Everywhere | 416-671-4726 | Skype: beckerirene

20 replies
    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Dear Johann: Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback. My work is not simply a business, it is my life’s work. I remain committed to helping smart people and organizations communicate and lead forward smarter, faster and happier by using changes, challenges and stressors to optimize and catalyze potential!

      Today, the imperative to reset our internal GPS is critical. We cannot simply do skills training, rather we have to retrain our brains to use what is to create what can be; a better self, better teambuilding, better leadership. better organizations, better lives…a better world!

      Best! Irene


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  1. […] and they erode potential from inside out.  Building trust, engagement, effectiveness; developing a Community of Purpose starts with human being better, not simply doing faster than ever …. Stop, pause, find new ways to develop empathy by building not only greater self awareness, but […]

  2. 3Q Leadership™ Blog | Winning the New War says:

    […] In a world of increased complexity and competition, purpose makes profit.  Value starts with what we contribute, and grows when we find that unique balance of independence and interdependence that allows us to collaborate with others. Value grows when we develop the mindset that helps us lead forward, a perspective that allows us to develop ME to WE leadership. A mindset that will help those who lead build strong, vibrant communities of purpose […]

  3. 3Q Leadership™ Blog | What 3Q Leadership Means | Insights And Action Steps says:

    […] • Leadership means building a community of thought and action; a community of purpose because success … ( Leadership Means Developing A Community Of Purpose  http://bit.ly/16RgHRj ) […]

  4. […] You need a community of purpose ( social, digital, person to person) to succeed.   A global marketplace demands real and virtual/digital/social communities that interact and collaboration together towards shared objectives.  Our individual survival amidst a sea of change, challenges that could make stress the number one worldwide source of disability means building strong relationships with kindred spirits, relationships with people whom we can trust and whose values and vision are in alignment with our own.  Leadership means building a community of purpose. […]

  5. […] 4.  Create the right environment for collaboration. Build a community of purpose; external and internal alliances of like-minded people with complimentary and different skills sets who share your values and objectives. Raising a child demands a village, so does building a successful business, professional practice or organization .  Creating the right environment for internal and external collaboration is critical and it includes developing stronger and better client relationships that drive customer service/satisfaction and help build your digital community of purpose Read Leadership Means Developing A Community of Purpose […]

  6. […] Agile leaders are evolutionary leaders; relationship builders, communicators, strategic thinkers and doers whose values, vision and purpose are aligned with a whole new world where success means creating value for others. Purpose means profit, and sustaining profit demands a whole new focus on GOOD business, GOOD leadership on creating GOOD value for stakeholders, shareholders, clients, employees, constituents and communities.  […]

  7. […] can reap significant and lasting benefits.”  Adam Grant, Mckinsey & Company April 2013 Step 3.  Do not wait for great ideas to collide, empower them. Create active, thriving spaces for positive change.  Celebrate diversity. Develop new ways, better […]

  8. […] can reap significant and lasting benefits.”  Adam Grant, Mckinsey & Company April 2013 Step 3.  Do not wait for great ideas to collide, empower them. Create active, thriving spaces for positive change.  Celebrate diversity. Develop new ways, better […]

  9. […] Step 4.  Develop a Community of Purpose:  Business sustainability and YOUR attractiveness factor rely upon shared values and objectives.  What are the values and business objectives that your company lives and breathes?   Are YOU using your values, your objectives, the integrity of your purpose and commitment to ALL constituents (employees, clients, prospects, strategic partners, stakeholders, the actual and virtual communities you serve) to build a strong community of purpose? […]

  10. […] takes us forward in ways that help us evolve and grow. A mindset and skill set that helps us build communities of purpose that thrive at the speed of change.  A mindset that helps us build and grow our 3Q […]

  11. The Purpose Equation: Intrinsic Motivation » 3Q Leadership Blog says:

    […] Critical Success Factors Ensure The Success Of Organizations; Purpose is the lever that ignites succ…External motivators are important, but internal motivators are the pilot light that champions our ability to go the extra mile to optimize our potential and the potential of others.  Building emotional intelligence is critical to the self awareness and awareness of others that allows one to understand purpose in light of shared values and objectives.  If we cannot understand what is purposeful, meaningful to our employees, our clients, our organization and we are unable to align our self with the values and objectives implicit in this purpose, we are riding a broken train that will ultimately derail. […]

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    […] tolerance, resiliency, improved communication, collaboration, teamwork, engagement and purpose) Leadership means building a community of purpose!  A community that innovate, collaborate and actualize […]

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  15. […] Develop a community of purpose because success is a “me to we” equation that starts with developing real, virtual, or digital community of shared values and objectives. Celebrate YOUR ability to be the difference and make a difference. Nothing is more important! Building a better self, better team, better business unit, better organization and a better world starts with you. […]

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  17. […] What does this mean?  It means that our individual and collective success will be based on our ability to collaborate, communicate with people and organizations whose values and vision are in alignment with our own.  A global marketplace demands real and virtual/digital/social communities that interact and collaboration together towards shared objectives.  Our individual survival amidst a sea of change, challenges that could make stress the number one worldwide source of disability means building strong relationships with kindred spirits, relationships with people whom we can trust and whose values and vision are in alignment with our own.  Leadership means building a community of purpose. […]

  18. Leadership Means Developing a Community of Purpose by Irene Becker | Toronto Women's Expo says:

    […] referenced from http://justcoachit.com/blog/2012/05/29/1899/ […]

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