Building an Agile Self and Team | The Coachable Moment for the Week ending June 1, 2012

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The Coachable
Moment for the week ending June 1, 2012
 Building a Strong, Agile Self and Team

Irene Becker | Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ | QBlog
Helping smart people & organizations communicate & LEAD forward smarter, faster & happier

Toronto and Virtually Everywhere |  (1) 416-671-4726 | Skype:  beckerirene

 The coachable moment this week is about building personal and interpersonal strength and agility.   Where do you start? Whether you want to build a strong actual or virtual team, develop a community of purpose™ or simply live and lead more effectively at the speed of change, resetting your default pattern of thinking is critical.   


The secret is out of the box. 
What worked in the past doesn’t work any longer.
Your thoughts impact your mood, your mood is transmitted to others (yes, science confirms our mirror neurons make mood contagious) and from a team building perspective the positive power of group-think is well documented.

How can YOU help yourself?  How can YOU help those you lead  build greater strength and agility?  Being effective, being an agile manager or leadership is all about using each win the way you would use a weight to strengthen your brain, to rewrite a new positive neural pathway so that you become more solution focused. Yes, it is time to change it up, because what worked in the past (being problem focused) no longer works.  The sheer velocity of information, challenges, changes, opportunities we face on a day-to-day basis is titanic.  Learning to live, communicate and work effectively at the speed of changes means becoming solution focused.  Becoming solution focused starts with an emphasis on the WINS.


Power food for YOUR Brain!  Cross training for your personal development. You are what you think. Searching for problems with the intention of solving them is no longer the most effective way to manage or lead forward. Our educational system and the culture of most organizations is centered around picking and pointing out what is wrong and fixing it. Is it working?  No. WINS rock because appreciating them and celebrating them in your mind’s eye will help you reset your default pattern of thinking so that you can become solution focused.

Retrain YOUR brain…it feels GOOD!  Help your team  retrain their brains. Get a WIN fix, by spending a few moments each morning and each evening to think about your personal and professional wins.  Start your next team meeting by focusing on the WINS.  What happened today that was positive?  Think about it, celebrate it in your mind’s eye.  Try having a WIN fix twice a day for the next week.  Change it up before the sheer weight of challenges, negativity obscure the incredible potential before us to make a difference, be the difference and inspire those we manage and lead to do so more effectively.  Have a win fix right now.  Try it, enjoy it, because it is an important step in becoming solution focused.  A step than can help you reset the default pattern.


Enjoy the search panel the upper right hand site of this blog for insightful and inspiring posts on
leadership, communication, team-building, career management & transition. YOUR opinion counts.  Post a comment!


Irene Becker | Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ (IQ-EQ-SQ) 
Helping smart people & organizations communicate & LEAD forward smarter, faster and happier

  Discover the power of coaching, consulting, keynotes & articles with a 3Q Edge™
Toronto and Virtually Everywhere | 416-671-4726 | Skype: beckerirene

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