Agile Management + Leadership Toolkit

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Agile Management and Leadership Toolkit
7 Important Steps | 7 Important Questions
And…. 9 Bonus Links

© Irene Becker, Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™  | (IQ-EQ-SQ) Reach-Resonance-Results
3Q Leadership™ Blog- 26,000+ Social Media Followers & Growing!  

Seven Important Steps

1. Understand the critical importance of developing a Community of Purpose.
   Success will not be achieved alone;  you need clients, constituents, stakeholders, direct reports and the social/digital influence/footprint that will help you, help your organization manage, lead and succeed forward   Click for more info on leadership and C of P

2. Develop Greater Self Awareness Your community of purpose starts with the self-awareness that helps YOU lead forward at the speed of change, in the face of challenges.  Your ability to find new ways, better ways to R-E-A-C-H (redirect, empower, actualize, communicate and harvest results) in yourself is the starting point, the pivotal determinant for your ability to inspire and engage the best in others. Click for a short video explaining the importance of reach

3Increase your emotional intelligence, build the self-awareness, awareness of others, emotional mastery and resilience that is critical to effective management, leadership and wellbeing.  Learning about EQ/EI is important, but it is not enough.  Emotional intelligence is honed in the practice, in using challenges at hand to build each critical area of EQ/EI that will allow you to live, lead and succeed more effectively, optimize and delegate purposefully and build the communication and strong relationships that are critical to success. Click here  to self test your EQ

4.  Embrace and nurture your strengths.
  Get in focus with what you do brilliantly, with your areas of excellence.  Know what you do best, and use every challenge you face to engage and build you’re your intrinsic and learned strengths. Choose team members who have different strengths that give the sum total of your efforts more power. Team members whose values, integrity and dedication mirror yours but whose intrinsic and learned strengths are different and complimentary to your own.

5. Embrace and nurture your challenges in a new and different way that takes YOU and those you lead forward. Develop a new and different relationship with changes, stressors, difficult people/situations that will help YOU Fail Forward faster and betterYour ability to reset default patterns is the coachable moment.  It takes awareness; it takes practice and consistent small positive steps or changes in perspective and behavior that will have a formidable impact. The solution is often found in the midst of our greatest problem, challenge or stressors; seeing the solution means using your challenges, stressors in new ways that optimize your intelligence (IQ) your emotional mastery (EQ) and the alignment with your highest purpose and values (SQ).

6.  Develop your coaching skills.  Learn how to effectively coach others. Develop the coaching skills that can help you help others to optimize their potential, communication and results when the going gets tough by helping others R-E-A-C-H (redirect focus, empower, actualize potential, communicate effectively, harvest results).  Understand what motivates, engages and drives results.  Apply systems theory, because even one small consistent positive change will impact the whole system in ways that can be pivotal and transformational.

7.  Build your verbal, written and social/digital communication skills and strengths. Develop new ways, better ways of communicating verbally, emotionally, digitally/socially that bring out the best in others and give clarity to the message you want others to embrace.  Realize that it is not what you say that matters; rather it is how want you say is internalized or accepted by the recipient(s).  The ability to transcend the emotional filters, cultural and emotional filters of others is real, and it starts when you are not only more self-aware, but trained and attuned to communicating with others in a way that entrenches the right message, maximum engagement and results.

Seven Important Questions

1. What are the significant motivators/drivers in my career life?

2. What is the end game, the purpose for my job, my career? What do I really want to accomplish in the next two years and how will that fit into my game plan?

3.  What do I need to do to develop my Community of Purpose? What actions can I take to build a strong Community of Purpose?

4. What skills, knowledge and experience, and behaviors do I need build to achieve my goals?

5. What steps do I need to take to gain greater influence, engagement, better results?

6. What actions (which of the above seven steps)  I am going to take now to achieve my goals?

7. What small but significant change in thinking or doing can I make today that will positively impact my ability to inspire the best in myself and/or others?

More on Agile Management and Leadership?  You Betcha!
The Thriving Organization-10 Powerful Steps Out of Jurassic Park
Building an Agile Self and Team
The Leadership Compendium
A Great Team is the Sum of Its Parts

Great Read Review & Excerpts:
Full Steam Ahead by Jesse Lyn Stoner and Ken Blanchard
The Power of Communication by Helio Fred Garcia
Business at the Speed of Now by John M Bernard
Managing with a Conscience by Frank Sonnenberg

Is it time to REACH- Redirect-empower-actualize-communicate and harvest YOUR potential to lead forward? Get Executive Coaching, Training that Sticks? Enjoy an insightful and inspiring keynote?   Just Coach It. Helping smart people and organizations lead and communicate forward smarter, faster and happier is what my work is all about. Discover Executive Coaching, Consulting, Keynotes and Workshops with as 3Q Edge™

Irene Becker, Chief Success Officer, Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ Toronto and Virtually Everywhere | Face-Face, By Tel, Skype or Video Conferencing
Twitter @justcoachit  Skype: beckerirene  Tel: 1-416-671-4726 Email:  irene@justcoachitcom










15 replies
  1. Greg Waddell
    Greg Waddell says:

    Great tools Irene! I especially like your first point. This is something that does not come naturally for me. I can be a bit of a loner. I wonder how personality fits into this area, particularly thinking of the difference between introvert and extroverts. Thanks for the reminder of the importance of developing networks and, as you say, a community of purpose. Can you suggest any books that deal particularly with that issue? Thanks again.

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Hi Greg: Thank YOU so much for your comments and feedback. I think that awareness and desire are two critical success linchpins, and being aware that you tend to be a loner and that you are an introvert can help you develop a new way of seeing and dealing with people and situations that will help you build a Community of Purpose. While personality does impact everything, there are many introverts and many people who started out as loners who have learned to build strong networks, enhanced communication. In fact I coach a VP Finance who made the metamorphosis from lone wolf to HR leader who is positively changing the culture, impacting the communiction and collaboration of her organization in ways she would have thought impossible before we started working together.

      I truly believe that reading about skills or behavioural change we want to make is important, but making the changes we need to make to build out more effectively or make changes that will help us optimize our talent and the talent of others is best realized through coaching. The reasons for this are twofold: 1: We cannot be a mirror for ourselves, and the ability to have a non-judgmental mirror and guide who can help one make the positive perceptual and actual changes that drive success cannot be undervalued 2. Changes, positive changes are effected in the doing, and this being said, effectively making a change means taking small, purposeful, consistent steps that in the end rewrite the neural pathway, reset the default pattern.

      Positive changes start with awareness and desire, and of course finding the right way to make the change most effectively. Many clients actually forget what had been a challenge for them initially, because I believe that when coaching is really on point change becomes something that occurs almost organically.

      Let me know in particular what types of books you are seeking, Greg. There are a number of books on communication and leadership skills for introverts. I have not come across any books on Building a Community of Purpose, and hope in the future to have the time to write one!

      Very best, Irene

  2. Japhet Simon
    Japhet Simon says:


    Just to add on the points you’ve made on change. I truly believe it all start with standing in front of the mirror, and accepting what are your weakness and strengths. It’s vary easy to forget theses while going through not only a life changing experience but you start to see things that different and unique about yourself. We all have the mojo in us, no one can change that, we just need to believe we make that change.



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