The Thriving Organization-Ten Power Steps Out Of Jurassic Park

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The Thriving Organization – Ten Power Steps Out Of Jurassic Park

© Irene Becker, Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™  | (IQ-EQ-SQ) Reach-Resonance-Results
3Q Leadership™ Blog- 25,000+ Social Media Followers & Growing!  

lion roaringJurassic Park is alive and well. If you are not working in Jurassic Park, many of your colleagues and friends are.   While there are minor exceptions, organizations by and large spend incredible dollars trying to help executives and managers play to their strengths.  Good?  Yes.  Enough? No. The imperative to capture and use what we now know about ideation, cognition, building whole brain skills, developing greater emotional resiliency, empathy communication, collaboration and the ability to learn and relearn faster and better must be integrated in programs and initiatives that stretch across the organization.  Initiatives that transform complexity into simple, powerful steps that create practical and powerful results in the way we communicate, collaborate, manage and lead in the face of change, challenges and complexity.  Powerful steps that help us reset the internal and organization GPS to flash forward!

Are you improving your corporate culture? While the elephant moves slowly, the need for organizations to move fast by recognizing the gaps that prevail is critical to moving out of Jurassic Park.  Will YOU build not only a learning organization, but a living, thriving organization where adaptive communication, management and leadership thrive? Is your organization “people and process ready” to make the necessary transition from the age of information to the age of innovation?

Are you developing the vertical and horizontal communication and leadership critical to success by using not only strengths but changes, challenges, stressors and failures to  build your 3Q Leadership Edge? – Q1 enhanced focus, ideation, ability to learn-relearn | Q2 improved emotional intelligence-emotional self management, relationship management, social management | Q3 purpose, integrity-and the alignment with the shared values that drive sustainability, engagement, & empowerment.

Ten Simple, Power Steps Out Of Jurassic Park | Ten Steps To A Thriving Organization

1.  Develop training, coaching and mentoring initiatives that help managers and executives develop a new relationship with strengths, challenges, stressors and failures that empowers  their greatest potential in the face of complexity and change. Optimize strengths and USE challenges, changes, stressors and failures to R-E-A-C-H™  (Redirect Focus, Empower Confidence, Actualize Potential, Communicate Effectively and Harvest Results).  Build 3Q Leaders and Managers who inspire the best in themselves and others in the face of change, complexity and challenges

2.  Keep your eye on the prize. Purpose = Profit.  The fire of human passion, purpose, potential and creativity will take your organization forward faster and better.  Employee engagement, buy in of constituents and relationship growth/management demand a laser focus on the shared values, objectives and giving all constituents the resounding sense of purpose that drives profit at every level; individually, organizationally, socially, financially.

3. Be a promise manager and leader who fails forward.
Use every opportunity to model promise management and leadership. Build the DNA of all successful relationships, trust. Do what you say, come through with the promises you make and when you fail, fess up to the error and teach your people the power of learning to fail forward.  Model it, teach it because the sheer velocity of change means that the best and brightest among us will fail.  Learning to use our failures to help us lead forward is a critical life and leadership skill.

3. Find the DNA of success. Understand what really drives you, and gain a better understanding of what drives and motivates others. Get coached so that you have not only a trusted confidant and sounding board, but a dedicated professional who can help you the high emotional intelligence, life, leadership, communication and whole brain thinking strengths that are the new currency of success.

4. Become relentlessly solution focused.  Develop a new relationship with change, challenges and stressors. Neuroscience now confirms that our brains are set on automatic negative, a default from our days in the cave when being on alert for surrounding predators was critical. Yes, we pick up negative occurances, random thoughts etc with the greatest facility; yes, our brains are conspiracy theorists!  The caveat is that we can learn to use simple steps that will help us reset the internal GPS, reset patterns, habits of thought that impede our being solutions focused.

5. Get out of the comfort zone on a daily basis. There is nothing comfortable about the era in which we are living and leading. Learn to embrace and use moments that take you out of your comfort zone as opportunities to stretch, grow, learn and succeed. Getting out of the comfort zone in small ways, will help you develop greater emotional and mental adaptability in big ways.

6. Cultivate humour, optimism and adaptability while retaining a realistic perspective. Take time each day for a good laugh. Brain science tells us that laughter not only connects you with others but it also helps strengthen the immune system, creativity and enhanced ideation.  Take time day to factor in blank time every 90 minutes (even five or ten minutes)-time when you do not think about stressors, problems at all. Blank time will help you come back to the challenge or project at hand with greater mental acquity.  Build mindfulness, empowerment, focus in as little as 3 minutes a day. 

7. Nurture and build collective intelligence embrace change by building a Me to WE culture!  Develop vertical and horizontal communication. Success is not achieved alone. Your people, your relationships (social, person to person) are your most important asset.  Develop a ME to WE culture where shared objectives, values, communication, learning/relearning and collaboration are entrenched in every communication and initiative. Systems theory tells us that one small, consistent change will in turn change the whole system.  The positive, purposeful small and consistent changes you make will reset the individual and organization GPS to fast forward!

8. Build Social, Virtual and  Cross Generational Leadership across diverse constituenciesA global marketplace, a war for talent, and a diverse workforce all demand a new perspective that will allow you to understand and successfully negotiate the cultural and ethnic differences that can deride communication, effectiveness, engagement, action-ability and results.  Build the sound bites, the message bites, the verbal, written and digital/social communication that drives a Me To WE culture that transcends social, gender, ethnic differences.

9. Don’t react-respond.
 The era of command and control leadership is passé. Adaptive management and leadership means keeping an eagle eye on your goals and objectives, values and vision while also building an emotional intelligent, adaptive leadership and management style that is responsive and not reactive. Learn to circumvent the automatic fight or flight response by developing constructive discontent. Use it, build it, model it!

10. Get out of Jurassic Park. Positively adapt and model changes in your management and leadership style because change is not the obstacle, it is our greatest power. Send the message loud and clear that positive change is where it is at. Encourage learning, growth, collaboration and action!  Remember that words make worlds.  Change the way you talk to yourself and others, use words and messages that help you optimize, humanize and  monetize potential.

More On Building The Thriving Organization? You Betcha!
Enlightened Self Interest:  Building a Resilient, Thriving Culture
From Now to HOW
The Individual and Organizational Imperative To Do Good
The Leadership Compendium
How To Improve Your Corporate Culture by Adriana Girdler
Ten Ways To Lead Forward In Times Of Complexity And Change
Winning The Race With Wolves
The Agile Leadership and Management Toolkit
Women and Leadership-A Post for Men and Women
Building The 3Q Leadership Skills You Need Now
Disrupt The Status Quo-Make The Critical Shift Forward
Constructive Discontent-Insights And Tips On Building A Critical Life and Leadership Skill
Meaningful Work-Building A Leadership and Management Must
Building An Agile Self and Team
Leadership and Enlightened Business | My Interview With Dr. Amit Nagpal
Smart And Fast Are Not Enough | EQ Primer For Improved Communication, Leadership, Teambuilding



I am committed to helping smart people and organizations use changes-challenges-strengths to optimize and catalyze their potential by building their 3Q Leadership Edge.
Use changes and challenges to improve  whole brain thinking, engagement, empowerment, communication, management, leadership…career success?
Yes, the proof is in ten years of inspiring and outstanding  3Q results! 

Irene Headshot

Irene Becker | Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ |  IQ-EQ-SQ for Reach-Resonance-Results
Executive Coaching, Consulting, Training and Keynotes with a 3Q Edge™ 

Face to face and/or virtually by telephone, video conferencing or skype!
3Q Leadership Blog- 25,000+ Social Media Followers & Growing  Twitter @justcoachit
Tel: (1) 416-671-4726   Skype: beckerirene

28 replies
  1. William McCauslin
    William McCauslin says:


    Thank you for the post. I need to get going on creating a blog. I love the lion which is a great transition to a tool I have come across. One of the communications types is a “Social Lion”. You may want to take a look at it. The Temkin group is predicting the next mega trend is personalized service driven by technology. You have brought this up (and more) in your blog post. Client Types is a huge step towards this process. The default language is sales. It is easily changed to fit every human encounter from marriage counseling, coaching, mentorship and team building. Enjoy and keep up the good work. Try the demo. I am an empathetic Bear.

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      William: I am having a terrible time with a tech problem on the blog, in terms of replying! Thank you so much for your comments and sage reflections. Please know they are very appreciated. My models 3Q and REACH are focused on not only playing to strengths but using change, challenges, stressors…even failures to minimize negative stress and optimize potential, communication, collaboration and results!

      I look forward to trying your demo very much, and will do so on the weekend, as my work schedule this week is over the top. I welcome the opportunity to try the demo, and also to connect. My email is

      Best! Irene


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  2. […] First woman CEO of a steel company in Canada, Irene Becker has a track record of trailblazing accomplishments in business and in the community at large. Irene is an inspiring executive coach, speaker and writer whose R-E-A-C-H methodology and 3Q focus has helped clients achieve breakthrough results in their careers, communication, leadership and lives. Passionate about the integrity of her work, Irene is dedicated to helping change-makers LEAD forward at the speed of change. […]

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  8. […] Step 6.  Engage with MBWA.  Peter Drucker coined the term: Management By Walking Around decades ago, and while command and control leaders often ascribe this to taking a stroll through the general office and peaking in cubes to make sure everyone is working; MBWA is an exercise is humanization, in reaching out to the people who work for you and developing rapport.  Success is a human factor, and it begins with the people you lead and manage.  Do they know you?  Do they like you?  Do they trust you?  If you can answer yes to all three questions, the imperative for MBWA is still critical because you need to maintain employee relationships in disruptive times where rampant disengagement is a workplace pandemic. […]

  9. […] Jurassic Park is alive and well. If you are not working in Jurassic Park, many of your colleagues and friends are. While there are minor exceptions, organizations by and large spend incredible dollars trying to help executives and managers play to their strengths. Good? Yes. Enough? No. The imperative to capture and use what we now know about ideation, cognition, building whole brain skills, developing greater emotional resiliency, empathy communication, collaboration and the ability to learn and relearn faster and better must be integrated in programs and initiatives that stretch across the organization. Initiatives that transform complexity into simple, powerful steps that create practical and powerful results in the way we communicate, collaborate, manage and lead in the face of change, challenges and complexity. Powerful steps that help us reset the internal and organization GPS to flash forward!Are you improving your corporate culture? While the elephant moves slowly, the need for organizations to move fast by recognizing the gaps that prevail is critical to moving out of Jurassic Park. Will YOU build not only a learning organization, but a living, thriving organization where adaptive communication, management and leadership thrive? Is your organization “people and process ready” to make the necessary transition from the age of information to the age of innovation?Are you developing the vertical and horizontal communication and leadership critical to success by using not only strengths but changes, challenges, stressors and failures to build your 3Q Leadership Edge? – Q1 enhanced focus, ideation, ability to learn-relearn | Q2 improved emotional intelligence-emotional self management, relationship management, social management | Q3 purpose, integrity-and the alignment with the shared values that drive sustainability, engagement, & empowerment.  […]

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  22. […] Jurassic Park is alive and well. If you are not working in Jurassic Park, many of your colleagues and friends are. While there are minor exceptions, organizations by and large spend incredible dollars trying to help executives and managers play to their strengths. Good? Yes. Enough? No.  […]

  23. The Thriving Organization-Ten Power Steps Out O... says:

    […]   […]

  24. […] Jurassic Park is alive in well. If you are not working in Jurassic Park, many of your colleagues and friends are. While there are minor exceptions, organizations by and large spend incredible dollars trying to help executives and managers play to their strengths. Good? Yes. Enough? No. The imperative to capture and use what we now know about ideation, cognition, building whole brain skills, developing greater emotional resiliency, empathy communication, collaboration and the ability to learn and relearn faster and better must be integrated in programs and initiatives that stretch across the organization. Initiatives that transform complexity into simple, powerful steps that create practical and powerful results in the way we communication, collaborate, manage and lead in the face of change, challenges and complexity. Powerful steps that help us reset the internal and organization GPS to flash forward!Are you improving your corporate culture? While the elephant moves slowly, the need for organizations to move fast by recognizing the gaps that prevail is critical to moving out of Jurassic Park. Will YOU build not only a learning organization, but a living, thriving organization where adaptive communication, management and leadership thrive? Is your organization “people and process ready” to make the necessary transition from the age of information to the age of innovation?  […]

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