Leadership Means Winning The Silent War Destroying People & Organizations From Inside Out

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Leadership Means Winning The Silent War Destroying People And Organizations From Inside Out

Including many bonus links and Three Special  Bonus Links To The Work Of Leadership Thought Leaders: Stew Friedman, Wharton-Rosabeth Kantor, Harvard-Bill George Harvard

© Irene Becker, Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™  | (IQ-EQ-SQ) Reach-Resonance-Results
3Q Leadership™ Blog- 27,000+ Social Media Followers & Growing!  


Winning The Silent War

Will we bury our heads in the sand, or die from a death of the obvious.  What we are doing is NOT working well enough.   

What is the economic cost of L & D, coaching and training initiatives that are expensive, and outdated and often have poor ROI because they are focused on what worked in the past? The American Society for Training and Development (ASTD), the world’s largest professional association dedicated to training and development reports that $156 Billion + was spent by US organizations on L & D in 2012 and in excess of $170 Billion was spent on leadership development training initiatives and programs.

It is time to make the critical shift forward, or prepare to watch lives and organizations erode from inside out. Dateline 2013:  Best practices are made in the NOW.  The sheer velocity of change, challenges, complexity and opportunities surrounding us will continue to accelerate.  Our ability to optimize and actualize potential at the speed of change is REAL, but it requires the courage to make a critical shift forward.  A shift that starts by getting re-inspired by what WE can do and accomplish;a shift that continues by developing a new and important relationship with strengths, changes, challenges, even failures that helps us optimize, humanize and monetize potential by building our 3Q Edge™

The latest research and report from Stanford University is important because it speaks to the critical need for executive coaching and leadership development that helps leaders optimize their potential and the potential of others.  Do you want to stop the silent erosion of your greatest asset?  Is it time to win the silent war that is eroding people and organizations from inside out? Leadership requires courage, wisdom, integrity and a stoic resolve to use what is to create what can be.  Those who lead and succeed forward  with be pioneers; men and women who recognize our ability to optimize the power of human potential and results, by developing new mind-sets and skills sets that unlock our greatest potential.

Leadership requires more than courage, more than real experience in the field, at the front lines…it requires skills development that helps leaders optimize, humanize and monetize potential by developing the mind-set and skill set that enables and actualizes their potential and the potential of those they lead. It means recognizing and nurturing essential leadership and success skills, it means building YOUR 3Q Edge™

More On Leadership and Organizational Development At The Speed Of Change, Challenges & Complexity?  YOU Betcha!

3Q Leadership Development

• Ten Practical Ways To Build Essential Success Skills At The Speed of Change & Complexity
• Success At The Speed Of Change-Essential Strengths
• 3Q Leadership-Reach Benefits And Why I Have Dedicated My Life To This Work
• Women And Leadership-Ten Powerful Steps Forward For Women And Men
• 10 Steps To Building The 3Q Leadership Skills You Need Now
• Ten Ways To Lead Forward In Times Of Complexity And Change
• Constructive Discontent:  Building a critical leadership and life 3Q skill
• Why Smart And Fast Are Not Enough:  The Need For Higher EQ/EI

3Q Organizational Development:
 The Thriving Organization-Ten Power Steps Out of Jurassic Park
• From Now to HOW:  Building Social, Digital and Cross-Generational Leadership
• The Individual and Organizational Imperative for 3Q Leadership
• What Does Leadership Really Mean?
• Leadership Means Developing a Community of Purpose
•Ten Steps to Employee Engagement

Three Special Bonus Links:  Important Insights Of Leadership Thought Leaders!

Being A Better Leader (Video) by Professor Stew Friedman, Wharton
The Self Esteem of Leadership by Bill George
Surprises Are Normal-Resiliency Is The New Skill by Rosabeth Kantor

Are you ready to go from Now to HOW? Time to get re-inspired?
Click for a list of 2013 Programs, Services, Professional Fees
I welcome the opportunity to discuss how I can be of service to you/your team! 
Call: (416) 671-4726 | Email 
irene@justcoachit.com  Skype: beckerirene


Irene Headshot


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19 replies
  1. Mark Zorro
    Mark Zorro says:

    One thing I know for sure is that when it comes to the nurturing of leadership capital, the heroic are in short supply. Whether the wind of change runs through organizations in full force a decade from now, is very much a function of those who challenge prevailing orthodoxies and inconvenient truths.

    The brave are still the minority, for the head in sands approach continues to be costly compromise, between those whose incentive is to keep things as things are, and those who enable that behaviour and in so doing continually sell their own organizations continually short.

    Yet whatever the politics of those who are submerged in the status quo and whatever the passion is of those few who can see that in the long-term, keeping one’s head in the sands becomes harder as transparency filters into exposing organizational practices.

    We living our lives less and less in a linear world, and there is something really messed up about that linear past – the unforgiving sit outside the system and the forgiving sit within it. That situation has to reverse itself somehow and that reversal won’t be an immediate transformation, but a slow and painful reality check.

    The world is in the changing currents of chaos pushing up against order, the collective human spirit is awakening, which is magnifying those currents and just at the point the world seems like an unforgiving place, we are learning to forgive and to arrive at the collective good.

    There will come a time when we will live in a forgiving world, where the chief form of unforgiving is for those who wish to reverse time, to seek safety in dark ages rather than freedom in an enlightened age – and modern corporations will not be forgiven, if they are seen as the chief arbiters of the dark ages we are all collectively hoping we will emerge from.

    This is not a fight, it may feel like a war – a silent war but it is patient resolve, the offer of peace that comes from doing the right thing, and here is the potential of that transformation – that we who were born from the war-bound past are the champions of the peace-bound future. May there be a silent-peace where today there is a silent war.


    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Mark: Thank you so much for your sage reflections. I agree, and believe that transformation starts with developing a new relationship with our strengths, changes, challenges and failures that optimizes all Q skills, ideation, emotional mastery, spiritual quotient. Our ability potential to optimize learning and relearning, our potential to function better in a non linear world of constant change is real; but doing so demands resetting the internal GPS.

      Again, thank you for writing. May we welcome an era of enlightenment during our lifetimes!

      Best, Irene

      • Mark Zorro
        Mark Zorro says:

        Enlightenment is an intelligent form of welcome, it simply means our lights are on – even in an era of darkness, one solitary light makes all the difference. We can personally choose to turn on our lights or we can choose to hide in the darkness. Such a personal choice is favorable in our age because we can aggregate these pockets of light – and such aggregation is the era of enlightenment, for without such aggregation we contribute to an error of enlightenment. While enlightenment is one intelligent form of welcome, what we actually welcome in such aggregation, is freedom.


  2. Kathryn Alexander
    Kathryn Alexander says:

    Having been around the block more than once I have to say this has been an ongoing conversation for at least 20 years. What is new is the 3Q approach where more than mind is considered and the spiritual perspective Mark offers. We are very slowly learning that we need whole system – whole people, whole organizations and a healthy whole planet. We have a ways to go. Mark recognizes that there is now a push from nature as well as the pressure from a myriad of collapsing systems that make this transition more urgent. At the Art of Leadership – Impact we help this process along and are part if the cadre of “enlightened” folks doing so. Bravo to both of you!

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Hi Kathryn: Thank you for your feedback. I apologize for being a bit lost in your reference to “Mark”, so please fill in the blanks for me. It is always a pleasure to connect with colleagues and to learn about others who have an appreciation for the value of a more wholistic way of reframing and dealing effectively with the challenges we face. The system is broken, but that only means that we need to inspire, empower and enable our about to build all three Q strengths by using the very challenges and problems we face as a lever for our greatest potential. I am passionate about this focus because I have lived it in my own journey, through the positive journey of clients.

      I would welcome the opportunity to learn more about your work and Mark’s work.

      Best, Irene


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  1. From No to GO! Optimizing Potential, Results & Well-being At The Speed Of Change – 3Q Leadership™ Blog says:

    […] How important is recognizing the negative default and resetting the individual and organizational GP…  It may be one of the most critical enablers of our potential to survive and thrive in a non-linear eco system where best practices and made in the now, and the changes, challenges, competition and opportunities. […]

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  5. 3Q Leadership™ Blog | Words Make Worlds: Opening The Door To A Better Present And Future says:

    […] • Leadership requires courage, wisdom, integrity and a stoic resolve to use what is to create what can…Those who lead and succeed forward  with be pioneers; men and women who recognize our ability to optimize the power of human potential and results, by developing new mind-sets and skills sets that unlock our greatest potential. […]

  6. […]  Leadership Means Winning The Silent War Destroying People & Organizations From Inside Out […]

  7. […]   Is one of your people stuck in a box/rut/overdrive or stasis?  […]

  8. […] Is one of your people stuck in a box/rut/overdrive or stasis? Are you stuck in a box/rut/overdrive or stasis because YOU want to find a new way, better way to generate results at a speed of change, challenges, hyper-competition and opportunity that is accelerating? […]

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  10. What 3Q Leadership Means | Insights And Action Steps » Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge says:

    […] • Leadership means empowering, enabling, actualizing our greatest individual and organizational potential and results  in the face of change, challenges, crises. ( Leadership Means Winning The Silent War That Is Destroying People And Organizations From Inside Out  http://bit.ly/13ZXlLS   ) […]

  11. […] Will we bury our heads in the sand, or die from a death of the obvious. What we are doing is NOT working well enough. What is the economic cost of L & D, coaching and training initiatives that are expensive, and outdated and often have poor ROI because they are focused on what worked in the past?  […]

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  13. […] Leadership requires more than courage, more than real experience in the field, at the front lines…it requires skills development that helps leaders optimize, humanize and monetize potential by developing the mind-set and skill set that enables and actualizes their potential and the potential of those they lead. It means recognizing and nurturing essential leadership and success skills, it means building YOUR 3Q Edge™  […]

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