Great Leadership: The Call To Lead Greatly

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Great Leadership:  The Call To Lead Greatly
It is time to get inspired by what we  can be, do and achieve.

 © Irene Becker, Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™  | (IQ-EQ-SQ) Reach-Resonance-Results
Building 3Q Skills That GROW At The Speed Of Change Is My Commitment To A Better Future
3Q Leadership™ Blog- 30, 000+ Social Media Followers & Growing!  

“Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Leadership CompassMy passion for leadership began with the epic speech, I Believe, by a great man, leader and Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Martin Luther King.  His words, I believe, still echo in my heart, because I think and feel that great leadership is the reflection of our deepest beliefs and commitment to a higher power, a great way forward, a better life, workplace and world.   Our beliefs inspires us to reach past what is and create what can be.   In writing about something I believe in with all my heart, Great Leadership,  I could not begin or continue without my own personal statement of belief.  I share it with you, because the call for Great Leadership has never been greater.

I believe in the power of great leadership.  Leadership that speaks to human purpose, potential at the speed of change, in the face of challenges and crises.  3Q Leadership that helps us champion the values that take us forward, while building new ways of seeing, doing and communicating the optimize our greatest potential.


I believe in using our strengths, challenges and failures to build three critical areas that drive great leadership at the speed of change.  Q1: IQ (ideation, strategic thought, focus)  Q2: EQ (self awareness, relationship management, communication, resiliency, risk tolerance)  Q3:  SQ (courage, integrity, purpose-the intrinsic motivators and timeless anchors for sustainability)
I believe in the power of human being better, not simply working harder than ever before because human potential and our ability to optimize it has personal and professional area of study, and has also been something reflected in the enormous challenges I have faced and overcome.  Challenges that helped me hone my courage, my commitment to the power of human being better.


I believe in the power of personal leadership, because our ability to use failures, challenges, even crises to optimize our greatest potential is real.  Our ability to adopt a new perspective, a new way of seeing what was in order to optimize our greatest purpose and potential is the fire that can illuminate and empower us in the face of our greatest challenges.


I believe in the power of communication that builds social digital and cross generational bridges, communication that speaks to the common goals, the common purpose that unites us all; building better selves, better families, better workplaces, better organizations one word, one sentence at a time.


I believe in the power of women and others who have been traditionally dis-enfranchised to let go of the yoke of what was, and work with those who hold the reigns of power to create what can be when we develop the evolution of spirit, thinking and doing that takes us forward together as one people sharing one planet.


I believe in the power of thriving organizations that champion a better way forward for shareholders, stakeholders, employees, clients, communities because I believe the purpose = profit, and the greatest purpose we have is creating value for others.  Value creation is litmus test of surviving and thriving in a bold new century where everything is changing faster than ever before.


I believe that great leadership speaks to every man and woman who hears the call, who feels the desire to contribute to a better future. Some of us with lead great organizations, some of us will lead great businesses, some of us will lead great personal relationships, families.  We all have important roles to play in a better future, and our ability to do so lives within our hearts, within our minds, within our desire to reach past what is so we can create what can be.


I believe we can meet the challenges before us, challenges that impact us all in different ways, by starting a New Year with one resolution; a resolution to evolve by seeing our strengths and our challenges with different eyes that take us forward faster, better and smarter, because our ability to align our heads and hearts in ways that create Me to WE solutions, ways that align our highest purpose with our greatest potential. The writing is on the walls of our lives, our workplaces, our organizations; it is time to lead greatly.


I believe it is time to get inspired by what we can be, do and accomplish.  

Very best wishes for a New Year of growth and success~


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  1. […] RT @SkipPrichard: Great Leadership: The Call To Lead Greatly via @justcoachit  […]

  2. […] My passion for leadership began with the epic speech, I Believe, by a great man, leader and Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Martin Luther King. His words, I believe, still echo in my heart, because I think and feel that great leadership is the reflection of our deepest beliefs and commitment to a higher power, a great way forward, a better life, workplace and world. Our beliefs inspires us to reach past what is and create what can be. In writing about something I believe in with all my heart, Great Leadership, I could not begin or continue without my own personal statement of belief. I share it with you, because the call for Great Leadership has never been greater.I believe in the power of great leadership. Leadership that speaks to human purpose, potential at the speed of change, in the face of challenges and crises. 3Q Leadership that helps us champion the values that take us forward, while building new ways of seeing, doing and communicating the optimize our greatest potential.  […]

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