Inspiring Quotes: Leadership & Success At The Speed Of Change

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Inspiring Quotes:  Leadership & Success At The Speed Of Change

© Irene Becker, Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ | (IQ-EQ-SQ) Reach-Resonance-Results
3Q Leadership™ Blog- 30,000+ Social Media Followers & Growing!  

The imperative to get re-inspired by what we CAN do is critical. Sharing some inspiring  quotes/excerpts  from my Top Ten Posts of 2013.


From Now To HowLeadership And Success In Disruptive Times
Success at the speed of change is the mantra of courageous pioneers, avid learners and doers, pragmatic optimists and change-makers, transformational catalysts…
leaders and builders of a better way forward.

From Pain To Gain-Ten 21st Century Lessons Learned
Leadership is a 3Q equation supported by courage.  Courage grows each time we align IQ (intelligence) EQ (humanity) SQ (integrity).

Ten Practical Ways To Build Essential Success Skills At The Speed Of Change
Embrace your ability to make a difference and be part of the difference by using your strengths and challenges to learn, communicate, collaborate and lead forward. 


3Q Leadership Benefits And Why I Have Dedicated My Life To This Work
Our ability to rise to the challenges before us means developing a mindset and skill set that takes us forward in ways that help us evolve and grow. A mindset and skill set that helps us build communities of purpose that thrive at the speed of change.  A mindset that helps us build and grow our 3Q Edge™.


Ten Ways To Lead  Forward In Times Of Complexity And Change
A great man once said that we must become the change we seek.  It is time to realize that we must also use the changes we face to develop the solutions, optimize the potential that can help us live and lead forward.


Women And Leadership: Ten Critical Steps Forward For Women And Men
The most important fire we can light is the fire of human potential, and I believe that women have a critical role to play.


From Now To How: Building Social, Digital and Cross Generational Leadership
The need to go from NOW to HOW is critical. Leadership starts with our ability to imagine, inspire, innovate and communicate forward.

Hope lies in not simply playing to strengths, but to seizing every challenge, change, stressor and failure as an opportunity to grow, evolve and expand the power of our minds, the strength of our brains and the capacity of our hearts.

Courage lies in our ability develop a whole new mind set, skill set and heart set that optimizes the unbridled passion, purpose and potential of humans to do better, rather than simply living or working faster than ever before.

Strength lies in finding a common language, a common message that touches the heads, hearts and mind of many.


Using Failure To Succeed: 7 Practical Powerful Tips
Learning to fail forward is not only the stepping stone of those who will lead greatly, it is the pivot point for everyone and anyone who wants to grow, evolve, adapt and succeed in the 21st century.



Are you ready to go from Now to HOW?  Build Your 3Q Edge™? Get re-inspired by what you can achieve at the speed of change/challenges? Recharge, refocus, repurpose, repower?

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  1. […] for 3Q Leadership Development From Pain To Gain:  Ten 21st Century Leadership Lessons Learned Inspiring, Insightful Leadership Quotes And Posts Ten Ways To Build Essential Success Skills That GROW At The Speed Of Change The New Leader From Now […]

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