Unforgettable | Exceptional | Remarkable

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Unforgettable | Exceptional | Remarkable
21st Century Success Markers
With 308 bonus links!

© Irene Becker, Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ | (IQ-EQ-SQ) Reach-Resonance-Results
3Q Leadership™ Blog- 35,000+ Social Media Followers & Growing!  


The imperative to be unforgettable, exceptional and remarkable is clear, and doing so takes guts, gusto and integrityIt takes the courage of a lion, the heart of a servant and the values of a champion to thrive in a marketplace where info-besity,  competition, challenges, chaos AND opportunities reign supreme. You are YOUR brand and the solution starts with YOU.

Will you be shaped by the environment before you, or use what you have to create a new internal environment that drives your greatest potential? Is  it time to inject new blood, new ways of thinking, doing, communicating and executing that help you raise the bar, up the game, champion and realize the best in yourself and your people?


Be unforgettable.  Build Q1: IQ (Ideation, Innovative Thought, Strategic Thought, Focus on What Counts)  Change the way you think, become an abductive thinker who can use challenges to see solutions, create new ideas, drive collaboration in new ways that take you and others (those you serve)  forward faster and better.  Get gutsy. Transform the way you think, transform the results you achieve.



Q2Be Exceptional:   Build Q2:  EQ (Emotional Intelligence, Social Intelligence, Communication, Collaboration, Resiliency, Risk Tolerance) Use changes, challenges, stressors and failures to grow EQ/EI. Develop a new relationship with typical stressors and frustrations that ignites your ability to grow, evolve, lead and live better at the speed of change.   Stretch and grow with gusto.  Expect a bit of discomfort that will translate into emotional strength and capacity that will transform stress into greater success.



Q3Be Remarkable:  Build Q3: SQ (Values, integrity of purpose, communication, action while growing intrinsic motivators that will LEAD your forward when times are tough!).  The timeless anchor for sustainability is creating value for others; doing so means guarding your values, your integrity of purpose, action and communication.  Build Q1 and Q2-optimize your intelligence and your emotional power, increase creativity, adaptability, communication, collaboration. Champion integrity.  Embrace and actualize the values and purpose that creates value for all constituents and the communities you serve.

Will being unforgettable, exceptional and remarkable become your mantra?  Lead forward with guts, gusto and integrity? Plant seeds that drive new ways of thinking, seeing, communicating and acting that break through barriers, empower engagement, vitalize creativity, drive human centric  business results?  Growth does not happen in the comfort zone, so get out of it and champion the opportunity before you to learn/relearn, grow, expand and lead forward. You can be shaped by the environment before you, or you can decide to shape your environment and build your future by optimizing your greatest potential. 

The greatest opportunities lie in looking at things the way no one else does
.  Will you see the present and future with new eyes that help you develop the organization of tomorrow, build a better career path, empower the best in those you lead and serve, or be stuck in a mindset that may have worked in the past but cannot help you empower, engage and achieve your greatest potential? Carpe diem.  Each day is a new opportunity to learn, share and contribute.  Start building  3Q success skills that grow at the speed of change.  Use them, share them and watch them grow!

[Image Credit: 123RF Stock Photo]

More on 21st Century Success and 3Q Leadership?  You Betcha!

Guts, Gusto and Integrity: 3 Qualities You Need to Succeed
From Pain to Gain:  Ten 21st Century Leadership Lessons Learned
Building the Thriving Organization
The DNA of Business Success in Disruptive Times
The Individual and Organizational Imperative to Do Good in the World
Sneak Peak:  Intro to my forthcoming book!

More?  Yes!
Over 300 articles on Great Leadership and 3Q Leadership
Audio Interview by Ted Coine  : The Linchpin to Your Company’s Success 
Video Interview by Shannon Skinner:  Extraordinary Women TV

Enough?  Almost!  If you are in Toronto, I hope you will join me for the following events.  If you are in London and NYC…stay tuned, coming to you later this year!

Project Manager’s Success Summit | April 25-27 (Virtual, Free Event with PDU’s)
Effective Teambuilding in One Hour |  Project World,  June 10th  Metro Convention Centre
3Q Leadership | Canadian Institute of Management Symposium, June 13, Sheraton Four Points


Are you ready to go from Now to HOW?

 Get re-inspired by what you can achieve at the speed of change/challenges? Recharge, refocus, repurpose, repower? Build YOUR 3Q Leadership, Career, Business Development or Talent Optimization Edge?

Irene Headshot

Irene Becker | Just Coach It | The 3Q Edge™
Executive Coaching, Consulting, Training & Keynotes with a 3Q Edge™
Face to Face | By Telephone, Skype or Video Conferencing
Twitter @justcoachit Tel: (1) 416-671-4726
Skype: beckerirene

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  1. […] The Essentialist Leader: Unforgettable, Exceptional Remarkable […]

  2. […] The desire to do something unforgettable, exceptional and remarkable is the fire that burns in the head and hearts of leaders who strive to create a better future; a living, learning, evolving workplace where potential thrives and products and services create value for all constituents and the communities they serve.  What is Essentialism? Why is it so important? How can it make you/your organization unforgettable? Buy the book by Greg McKeown and find out what “Essentialism” can do for your life, your work, your potential because it is a worthy read. And, for a moment reflect upon the words of Greg McKeown, “The way of the essentialist means living by design not by default.” Thinking by design and not by default means training your brain in ways that can help you build a better present and future. […]

  3. […] desire to do something unforgettable, exceptional and remarkable is the fire that burns in the head and hearts of leaders who strive to create a better future; a […]

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