Guts, Gusto, Integrity

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Guts, Gusto, Integrity | 3 qualities you need to succeed as a leader
New Edition: Over 350 bonus leadership links and one excellent podcast!

© Irene Becker, Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ | (IQ-EQ-SQ) Reach-Resonance-Results
3Q Leadership™ Blog- 41,000+ Social Media Followers & Growing!  


 This post was originally published on (without the new bonus links)  

Guts, Gusto, Integrity

After a 20+ year career that encompassed being the first woman CEO of a steel company in Canada and working in the USA, France, England and with clients across the globe, I developed a model for individual success in challenging times that I call the 3Q Leadership Model  correlated with guts, gusto and integrity.

The model reflects my learning after some incredibly challenging career and life events that took me from the mountain of success to starting again from ground zero.  The challenge became: how do you optimize strengths while also learning to use changes, challenges, stressors (even failures) to build critical strengths to help you grow at the speed of change today?

Here are three qualities you need to succeed as a leader, three qualities that speak to 3Q Leadership™.

Quality One:  Guts

Stay focused, positive and in a state of mind that drives ideation, innovation, communication, collaboration (the sticky stuff of 21st century business development success) by developing or evolving your own mantra. Use these three words in your self-talk, with your team and colleagues.  Imprint them in your mind so that when you face a new challenge and want to look at it in the same old way you do an automatic reset.

It takes guts to look at a situation with new eyes, but if you do not, you will be sucked into old ways of thinking, communicating and doing that may not take you forward.  It takes guts to decide to be relentlessly solution focused and to look at every problem as the conduit to a brilliant solution.  It takes guts to wait for the automatic fight or flight stress reaction to pass, so that you can focus on using the problem in a way that takes you forward.  The caveat remains, that each gutsy move, each time you circumvent fight or flight and think in a new way, you are developing improved focus, strategic thought, ideation, and upping your ability to learn and re-learn.

Quality Two:  Gusto

Do you have what it takes to develop business in a disruptive economy?  Business development is all about relationship building.  The heart of the client relationship, the heart of all the relationships that will help you succeed is made up of the gusto, the desire to build, repair and grow human relationships of trust and understanding. Relationships start with you; you are the MVP (most valuable player) in the sandbox.  Business development 101 tells us that the client relationship is the most important linchpin for success, and while this remains true, building the client relationship means developing a communication style that evokes reach and resonance with your team members and your clients. It means learning to hone your words, your body language your presentation skills to fit each person you are communicating with.

Start building a new set of soft skills by searching for what other people really want (rather than what you think they need to hear).  Come to the center of the table by finding the common denominator (values, objectives) that you share and can build upon.  Gusto is healthy.  Positive communication is contagious and will help you build a community of purpose (like-minded people with shared values), objectives, your success team of constituents, colleagues, clients, social and digital networks. Learning to communicate with gusto across social, digital, cross-generational or cross-culture boundaries is a skill you must and can grow and develop.

Quality Three: Integrity

Do you want to build new and better strategies that will help you play in a sandbox of quicksand that can just as easily pull you down and put you out? The secret to success is timeless; create value for others.  Creating value for others means offering a service or product that does exactly that.  It does not mean over selling, up selling, trying to manipulate.  It does mean understanding what your client/prospect needs, how he/she needs the information to be presented for it to resonate, and having a focus on building a relationship that will continue to grow and evolve and be a model of service, integrity, and value that will help you gain and keep traction in the sandbox.

Business development means having a mind-set, skill-set, and follow-up processes that fill your suspect and prospect pipeline while nurturing and growing relationships with existing clients).

Get bold. Build your 3Q Edge™. Move forward by learning to use your strengths and challenges to actualize:


  1. Q1-Guts: Improved ideation, strategic focus, the ability to learn-relearn and fail forward
  2. Q2-Gusto: Emotional intelligence, communication, collaboration, risk tolerance, resiliency
  3. Q3-Integrity: Integrity of purpose, communication and action that can start a contagion that will take you forward faster, smarter and better!


More on developing 3Q Leadership™skills that GROW at the speed of change?  YOU Betcha!

Actualize YOUR Greatest Potential NOW! Cheat Sheet of Practical, Powerful 3Q Tips
Restore Your Roar

From Pain to Gain:  Ten 21st Century Leadership Lessons Learned
The Thriving Organization:  Ten Steps Out of Jurassic Park
The DNA of Business Success in Disruptive Times
The Individual and Organizational Imperative to Do Good in the World
Sneak Peak:  Intro to my forthcoming book!

More?  Yes!
Over 300 articles on Great Leadership and 3Q Leadership
PodCast::  Expanding Your Leadership Capacity (Interview by JoAnn Corley)

Enough?  Almost!  If you are in Toronto, I hope you will join me for the following events.  If you are in London and NYC…stay tuned, coming to you later this year!

Effective Teambuilding in One Hour |  Project World,  June 10th  Metro Convention Centre
3Q Leadership | Canadian Institute of Management Symposium, June 13, Sheraton Four Points

About Irene

 Irene HeadshotIrene Becker helps smart people communicate, lead & succeed forward smarter, faster happier by building 3Q skills that GROW at the speed of change/challenges. Executive Coach, Consultant, Trainer, Speaker and Writer, Irene is a trailblazer whose unique R-E-A-C-H™ methodology and 3Q Edge™ focus have helped forward-thinking people and organizations in Canada, USA and Europe develop communication, leadership and career skills that grow at the speed of change and challenges.  First female CEO of a steel company in Canada, Irene Becker has a track record of accomplishments in business and in the community at large.  Her first book, I Will NOT Be Broken-The Call To Build a Better Future debuts later this year.

Guts, Gusto, Integrity 

Irene Becker | Just Coach It | The 3Q  Edge™

Leadership Growth, Talent/Career Optimization and Business Development in Disruptive Times
 Executive Coaching, Consulting, Training & Keynotes with a 3Q Edge™
Face to Face | By Telephone, Skype or Video Conferencing
Twitter @justcoachit Tel: (1) 416-671-4726
Skype: beckerirene

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  1. […] Encourage learning, growth, collaboration and action! Get out of the comfort zone on a daily basis. There is nothing comfortable about the era in which we are living and leading. Learn to embrace and use moments that take you out of your comfort zone as opportunities to stretch, grow, learn and succeed. Getting out of the comfort zone in small ways, will help you develop greater emotional and mental adaptability in big ways.The imperative to challenge the status quo by developing new ways of thinking, communicating, collaborating and succeeding is written on the walls of our workplaces and organizations. There is no time like the present to champion enlightened self- interest, build your 3Q Edge™ and take your organization forward! […]

  2. […] potential because it is a worthy read. And, for a moment reflect upon the words of Greg McKeown, “The way of the essentialist means living by design not by default.” Thinking by design and not by default means training your brain in ways that can help you build a […]

  3. More Women Leaders and Entrepreneurs? What a Wonderful World It Would Be! | Omaha Sun Times says:

    […] There were other takeaways I got from this terrific, insightful, and well organized symposium. Lessons that go beyond sharing which successful traits leaders, especially women leaders, need to hone. […]

  4. More Women Leaders and Entrepreneurs? What a Wonderful World It Would Be! | says:

    […] There were other takeaways I got from this terrific, insightful, and well organized symposium. Lessons that go beyond sharing which successful traits leaders, especially women leaders, need to hone. […]

  5. […] There were other takeaways I got from this terrific, insightful, and well organized symposium. Lessons that go beyond sharing which successful traits leaders, especially women leaders, need to hone. […]

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