The Power of a Great Leadership Event: Reflections, Features & Benefits

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The Power of a Great Leadership Event:  Features, Benefits & Reflections (Including  Powerful, Actionable Tips and Over 400 Bonus Articles)

© Irene Becker, Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ | (IQ-EQ-SQ) Reach-Resonance-Results
3Q Leadership™ Blog- 42,000+ Social Media Followers & Growing!


Reflections: The audience at Leadership Connections was most committed, enthusiastic leadership audience I have ever addressed.

“Irene is without doubt a powerful and passionate thought leader – her drive and commitment can lift the energy levels of a group within minutes! Her belief in the power and impact of attitude echoes the thoughts of great writers over history. For organisations Irene is able to challenge people to assess not just their competence in role but also their STYLE, she is a great driver for change.” Chris Atkinson, Training Director, Elysian Training, UK

My experience attending and giving a keynote October 2014  at Leadership Connections UK will remain a career highlight because the commitment to leadership excellence and the participation of the Elysian Training team who planned the event and those attending were memorable. Yes, in a country where reserve and decorum are often seen as part of the cultural fabric, the whole room of leadership delegates were so enthusiastic, so participative that after three hours of conference attendance that they took me aback doing an exercise I call the Leadership ROAR.



Leadership Delegates Doing Leadership Roar UK Keynote Oct 3 2014
The level of audience and speaker participation, learning and enthusiasm was tremendous! Did the audience resonate with my 3Q  Leadership™ message and model of not simply playing to strengths  but actively USING changes, challenges, stressors and failures to grow  three areas that are critical to great leadership in turbulent times? YES!

Irene Presenting

                         Thank you, Sarah Pavey of MindTools for your live twitter feedback!

Why was presenting and attending Leadership Connections  important?
Why is the footprint, the work of Elysian Training important? We are living in turbulent times. Leadership  development and growth cannot and will not occur without inspiring, empowering and enabling our ability to learn and re-learn new ways,  better ways to lead forward at the speed of change. Leading forward  means breaking down internal and external barriers that impede our greatest potential, while building cross cultural and generational  bridges that take us forward faster and better.

Features :  What made the event successful? Five areas of strength that are the linchpin of a great leadership event:

● Providing a venue and speakers that illuminate new ways of thinking, learning communicating and doing.

● Facilitating speaker to audience and peer-to-peer interaction and learning because being talked at is not enough.

● Helping attendees stretch out of their own personal comfort zone because doing so builds the cognitive and emotional dexterity that is critical go great learning, communication and leadership at the speed of change.

● Developing greater self-awareness and awareness of others (cross culturally, cross functionally and cross generationally) because the new marketplace, the new world is one of diversity on every level.

● Inspiring action through new ways of thinking, communicating, collaborating and doing that help attendees inspire, empower and enable the best in themselves and others because resetting default patterns of thinking, communicating or doing and becoming relentlessly solution focused is critical on a multiplicity of levels.

Reflections:  The power of a great leadership event lies in its ability to inspire new ways of thinking, doing, communicating and collaborating that drive individual and collective growth and potential.

Leadership Connections was a great leadership event whose strength can be measured by the courage, creativity, commitment of the Elysian Training team, the speakers and the leadership delegates who participated in a cross-pollination of ideas, concepts, learning and collaborating.  Courage, commitment and consistency of purpose (leadership growth and greatness) were areas of personal and professional focus that were echoed by those I worked with and addressed at this conference.

‘To improve is to change’ -Winston Churchill

Evidence based thinkers who have a tendency to rely on what was and what worked in the past, but were intrigued and inspired by the importance of looking forward and developing ways of thinking, doing and communicating that optimize what we have learned and take it forward in new ways.

‘Empires of the future are empires of the mind’ – Winston Churchill


Talent optimizers/leadership developers (coaches, trainers, consultants, HR experts) who recognize the critical need to hone their craft in ways that help clients learn, communicate, collaborate and succeed at the speed of change/challenges.

‘All great things are simple’ – Winston Churchill

Men and women who recognize that the way forward is together; united we stand, divided we will fall. The fastest way to optimize and realize our potential is to break down cognitive, emotional, cross cultural and gender barriers that preclude the realization of our greatest potential by focusing on the purpose, values and commitment that builds bridges from NOW to HOW.

Inspire Action and Results:  Here are ten powerful ways to build great leadership covered in my keynote and  pre-event article.  Pick one tip and put it to use today!

  1. Build skills that GROW at the speed of change and challenges: YOUR 3Q Edge™
  2. Do not wait for great ideas to collide. Empower them.
  3. Take one step daily to motivate someone else.
  4. Build new touch points. Get out of your intellectual, emotional or peer based silo.
  5. Develop enlightened self-interest because purpose = profit.
  6. Resolve to evolve. Re-define winning.
  7. Use change as a lever for potential; human biz!
  8. Build a better relationship with yourself and others.
  9. Unpack the knowledge. Transform complexity into powerful-simple-steps that open the ears of your constituents.
  10. Have a leadership code of ethics that you model and integrate in your company.


Carpe diem.  Courage, commitment, consistency of purpose and the unrelenting desire to learn, communicate, collaborate, grow and fail forward will help you move from NOW to how. Become a possibility thinker and doer. Start now. Redirect focus, Empower confidence, Actualize potential, Communicate effectively, Harvest results.

Thank YOU Chris Atkinson, Founder, Elysian Training, Kerry Bellamy, Kate Tuck, Paul Tuck and the entire outstanding Elysian team for your outstanding work and contribution.  If you have not had time to browse the new Elysian website of over 100 courses, programs and a new learning hub, it is a worthy read!


More?  YOU Betcha!  #1 Top articles for Elysian Training 2013 and 2014 (to date)

Using Failure to Succeed.
Ten Ways to Build Great Leadership in Turbulent Times
3Q Leadership Benefits and Why I Have Dedicated My Life to This Work
Over 400 Articles on Great Leadership and 3Q Leadership™ at the Speed of Change


Are YOU Ready to…

Get re-inspired by what you can achieve at the speed of change/challenges? Recharge, refocus, repurpose, repower?  Develop leadership skills that GROW at the speed of change? Successfully negotiate a career or leadership transition? Optimize talent and potential?

Irene Headshot

Irene Becker | Just Coach It | The 3Q Edge™ (IQ-EQ-SQ)
Executive Coaching, Consulting, Training & Keynotes with a 3Q Edge™
Leadership, Communication,  Talent/Career Optimization in Disruptive Times
Face to Face | By Telephone, Skype or Video Conferencing 
Twitter @justcoachit

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