Enlightened Self Interest: 6 Ways to Build a Resilient Thriving Culture (Including 6 Bonus Links/Tips)

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Enlightened Self Interest by Irene Becker first appeared in People Development Magazine
 This Post Includes 6 BONUS links to action steps and tips!

© Irene Becker, Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ (IQ-EQ-SQ)
3Q Leadership™ Blog- 50,000+ Social Media Followers & Growing!  

(Enlightened self- interest is a philosophy in ethics which states that persons who act to further the interest of others (or the interest of the group or groups to which they belong) ultimately serve their own self-interest.)

How can you enlighten your self- interest and build a resilient, thriving culture in an environment of change, challenges and hyper-competition? Develop anchors that drive engagement, empowerment, communication and collaboration when the chips are down, the going is tough and best practices are made in the now?

Take a deep breath, get ready to stretch, because optimizing your potential and the potential of your people means unlearning much of what worked in the past and is irrelevant today. Learn and unlearn? Build adaptive thinking, improve empowerment, engagement and execution? YOU Betcha!

Here are six powerful, practical steps that will stretch you out of the comfort zone, inspire you with possibility and hopefully challenge you to build a resilient, thriving culture in disruptive times!  AND, if you click on each of the following steps, you  will find additional bonus articles-insights and tips!


  1. Champion enlightened self- interest because success is a me to we equation. You are only as good as your people. A successful business is a human business. Today, more than ever before, purpose = profit. Success means creating value for your employees, stakeholders, shareholders and the communities you serve
  2. Improve recruitment, employee retention and productivity by building a happier, healthier workplace. Offer health benefits, family-friendly policies (job sharing, child care support, paid time off for family responsibilities), personal and professional development opportunities, and community based projects.
  3. Build essential 3Q skills that will grow at the speed of change. Help your people build their 3Q Edge™ by offering coaching, training and mentor initiative that help them optimize strengths while using/transforming changes, challenges, stressors (even failures) into Q1: Enhanced focus, strategic thought, ability to learn-relearn Q2: Enhanced EQ/EQ, emotional self-management, communication, collaboration, resiliency, risk tolerance Q3: Enhance purpose, integrity of communication, actions and the development of intrinsic motivators that work when the chips are down.
  4. Be a promise manager and leader who fails forward. Use every opportunity to model promise management and leadership. Build the DNA of all successful relationships, trust. Do what you say, come through with the promises you make and when you fail, fess up to the error and teach your people the power of learning to fail forward. Model it, teach it because the sheer velocity of change means that the best and brightest among us will fail. Learning to use our failures to help us lead forward is a critical life and leadership skill.
  5. Become relentlessly solution focused. Develop a new relationship with change, challenges and stressors. Neuroscience now confirms that our brains are set on automatic negative, a default from our days in the cave when being on alert for surrounding predators was critical. Yes, we pick up negative occurrences, random thoughts etc. with the greatest facility; yes, our brains are conspiracy theorists! The caveat is that we can learn to use simple steps that will help us reset the internal GPS, reset patterns, habits of thought that impede our being solution focused.
  6. Encourage learning, growth, collaboration and action! Get out of the comfort zone on a daily basis. There is nothing comfortable about the era in which we are living and leading. Learn to embrace and use moments that take you out of your comfort zone as opportunities to stretch, grow, learn and succeed. Getting out of the comfort zone in small ways, will help you develop greater emotional and mental adaptability in big ways.The imperative to challenge the status quo by developing new ways of thinking, communicating, collaborating and succeeding is written on the walls of our workplaces and organizations. There is no time like the present to champion enlightened self- interest, build your 3Q Edge™ and take your organization forward!

    More?  YOU Betcha

    Ten Ways to Build a Thriving Organization


Anything else?  YES.  Our new website and blog  with expanded collaborators, programs and services for individuals, organizations and emerging leaders debuts this soon.   Stay Tuned!

 Are you ready to find a new way, a better and faster way to build strong leadership, communication influence and career success at the speed of change/challenges?
We are here to help!

Irene Headshot

Irene Becker | Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™
Leadership, Communication, Career REACH-RESONANCE-RESULTS
We do it better at the speed of change, challenges and opportunities.
Programs, Services and Keynotes with a 3Q Edge™ | Face-Face, Tel, Skype, Video Conf.
irene@justcoachit.com  Twitter @justcoachit Tel: (1) 416-671-4726   Skype: beckerirene

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  1. […] Thrive:  Build Enlightened Self Interest. Purpose equalis profit on a multiplicity of levels.  Championing the values, integrity and purpose that drive sustainability while creating value for employees, stakeholders and the community you serve is critical, and it starts with walking the talk and developing coaching and mentorship programs that foster intrinsic motivation. […]

  2. […] Q3: Thrive. Build enlightened self interest. Purpose equals profit on many levels. Championing the values, integrity, and purpose that drive sustainability while creating value for employees, stakeholders, and the community you serve is critical, and it starts with walking the talk and developing coaching and mentorship programs that foster intrinsic motivation. […]

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