Recharge! Inspire YOURself ( in 5 minutes or less!)

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© Irene Becker, Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ (IQ-EQ-SQ)
3Q Leadership™ Blog- 50,000+ Social Media Followers & Growing!












Stop.  Reflect.  The imperative to fill your emotional reservoir, light your own fire, re-motivate yourself is critical.  So many of us are focused on making more money, meeting the growing list of demands and responsibilities that make up the day that we forget to fill the emotional reservoir that keeps us happy, healthy.  Your reservoir that must be filled on a regular basis.  Frustration and stress create a biological reaction that attacks your immune system, emotional well-being, physical health and can also push even the best and brightest among us to say or do something that is counterproductive to personal or professional success.

I am here to remind you this second, this moment that YOU can develop personal rituals (I call them COOL TOOLS) that take less than 5 minutes a day; rituals that help you replenish your reservoir of personal power, resiliency….even happiness!

Here is a simple exercise from a workshop I did many years ago for executives and executive coaches called the Just Joy Workshop.  Try it, share it…and if you discover something new about your personal portal to more joy in life and at work, please write to me and let me know the new learning that has come from this simple exercise.

Instructions: Take a few second to relax, regroup and just take a pause from the mundane world.
Clear your head and write down the answers to three simple questions on a piece of
paper or in your journal.

Step One:
What is your name?  Not the name that you go by, a different name. I want you to find an emotion that describes you at your best and consider it your name for the day (i.e. joyful, caring, insightful, adventurous etc-that is going to be your new name.)  Write it down.

Step Two:
What is your job?  Not the title you have or the job description you fill but what you    really do every day.  i.e.  I sell high-end clothes.  Drill it down.  I help people look better so they can live  better and do better.  **If you are in career transition, here is a tome of info about successful career transition, and you can do the exercise by thinking about the job you enjoyed the most and what was YOUR job (as per step two)

Step Three:    
Write down how many times you did your job today.’

Step Four:
Write down what you can do on a daily basis to remind yourself of your answers
to step one and two because they are critical.  Purpose = profit on a multiplicity of levels.  Our ability to feel purposeful, our ability to build the intrinsic motivators (Q3 Strength-SQ) is critical.

Anything else?  If you get stuck…put the exercise aside and try another one!  Here is an excellent list of Cool Tools (Rituals you can do in 5 minutes or less to build YOUR 3Q Edge™)  Three Q what>>Click here to learn more!

Graphic Credit:  Hugh McLeod, Gaping Void Art


Efficiency to Effectiveness

More on 3Q Personal Development and Greater Happiness in Disruptive Times?  YOU Betcha!
The Power of YOUR Story
The Power of NOW
The Power of What
Actualizing YOUR Greatest Potential NOW
Best Self, Best Work-Ten Minute 3Q Focused Self Test!
The Happiness Compendium
The Happiness Course
The Empowerment Compendium
A Collection of Inspiring Life, Happiness and Success Infographics, Posts, Podcasts & Videos!


Anything else?  YES.  Our new website and blog  with expanded collaborators, programs and services for individuals, organizations and emerging leaders debuts this soon.   Stay Tuned!
 Are you ready to find a new way, a better and faster way to build strong leadership, communication influence and career success at the speed of change/challenges? We are here to help!

Irene Headshot

Irene Becker | Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ | (IQ-EQ-SQ)
Face to Face, By Telephone, Skype or Video Conferencing
Programs, Services and Keynotes for a Better, Stronger Tomorrow
Leadership, Communication Influence, Career Optimization in Disruptive Times  Twitter @justcoachit Tel: (1) 416-671-4726   Skype: beckerirene

5 replies
  1. Bishop Gregory Bowden,Sr.
    Bishop Gregory Bowden,Sr. says:

    Once again, Irene has managed to provide insightful and relevant ideas to prompt us to think and do better. As a Pastor, I can see the importance of my parishioners refilling their emotional reservoir to maintain good mental health. Too often I see people burnout over daily routines and rarely stop to take a mental-health break. Moreover, the idea of putting pen-to-paper in retrospect of what we do and how we think of ourselves is a powerful tool in personal development.

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Thank you so much Bishop Bowden! I appreciate your sage comments, reflections and feedback on this post. I have spent many years developing and collecting what I call “Cool Tools” simple, but powerful rituals one can do in less than 5 minutes a day to recharge, refocus, repower and repurpose! I think you will enjoy the new Just Coach It website as there will be a compendium of cool tools and more.

      Again, thanks for your great feedback!

      Yours in service, Irene


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  1. […] Recharge-Inspire Yourself in 5 Minutes or Less The Empowerment Compendium The Secret to Personal Development and Growth The Happiness Compendium The Happiness Course True Happiness The Power of YOUR Story Picking the Golden Apple Ten Ways to Lead and Succeed in Times of Complexity and Change Zowie!  Over 500 Life, Happiness, Success Posts, Infographics, Podcasts & Videos […]

  2. […] •Inspire Yourself The choice is before you, is before us all; you can choose to champion the best or be swept away by the worst. You can feed your mind, your brain, your soul with intake that inspires, engages and challenges your forward or give in to the ongoing climate of volatility, uncertainty, change and ambiguity that characterizes this time of great paradox and transition. Finding one simple way each day to feel inspired, developing personal rituals of inspiration is critical. […]

  3. […] Cool Tools:  Exercises that take less than 5 minutes and can help you think, feel and do better! […]

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