The Most Meaningful Gift

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© Irene Becker, Founder, Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ (IQ-EQ-SQ)
Coaching, Consulting & Keynotes for a Better, Stronger Future 

3Q Leadership™ Blog- 54,000+ Social Media Followers & Growing!




We stand on a glass cliff, a place where we will see the greatest renaissance man has ever known, or a decline into the abyss of chaos, aggression and destruction.  A place where we can choose to embrace our potential to use what is to create what can be in ourselves, our families, our organizations, our society…our world.

One of the most meaningful gifts you can give is the gift of encouragement.  The father of Positive Psychology, Dr. Martin Seligman ascribes 5 factors to human wellness; these five factors are also the anchor for resiliency, tenacity and top performance:  Positive emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning/purpose and accomplishments.  These five factors cannot be cultivated and sustained without encouragement.

“You get the best efforts from others not by lighting a fire beneath them, but by building a fire within.” Bob Nelson 

A person possessing the gift of encouragement transmits an energy, a humanity, a deep sense of caring and acknowledgement of another person’s qualities that can change a life, a relationship, a team or an entire organization.

Techniques don’t produce quality products or pick up the garbage on time; people do, people who care, people who are treated as creatively contributing adults.” Tom Peters

Your encouragement can shine the light on current potential and on past accomplishments in a way that ignites the fire, the power of another person; and the bonus of encouraging others lies not only in empowering them to feel better and do better, but it has the same effect on the encourager.

“The way to develop the best that is in a man is by appreciation and encouragement.”  Charles Schwab

•Do you want to build greater resiliency and tenacity?  Improve your performance or results?

•When was the last time you encouraged someone else?  How did it make you feel?

•Do you use encouragement to engage and empower yourself and others?

•Do you encourage at least one person a day?

•Did you have receive encouragement in your life or career that helped you see and live your best life?

Remember to encourage yourself, because self-encouragement is important. In order to lead you must develop the self awareness it takes to embrace our power and transform our challenges into levers for wisdom, purpose, integrity, humanity and results. Seize this moment to encourage yourself and recognize that you can build your 3Q Edge™!  Continue this positive energy by reaching out and encouraging someone else, you will be glad you did.

Leadership is a 3Q equation supported by courage. Courage grows each time we align intelligence (IQ)-humanity (EQ) + integrity (SQ).

Celebrate your ability to change and grow because while our brains are primally wired to look for problems and seek out negativity; cultivating the habit of encouragement will help you reset the primal wiring and refocus in a more positive way. Yes, your brain is neoplastic; cultivating new ways of thinking, new habits of doing or communicating can help you re-write primal wiring or old scripts that no longer work.  New mindset = new results!

 “Be patient with yourself. Self-growth is tender; it’s holy ground. There’s no greater investment.” ~Stephen Covey

One of the most meaningful gifts you can give yourself and others is the gift of encouragement.    Yes, encouragement can be contagious! It only takes one candle to illuminate a room.  Think about how encouraging others can impact your future and theirs. Seize this moment to encourage yourself!  Continue this positive energy by reaching out and encouraging someone else, you will be glad you did.

“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” ~William James

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Irene Becker, Chief Success Officer
Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ | (IQ-EQ-SQ)
Face to Face, By Telephone, Skype or Video Conferencing
Programs, Services and Keynotes for a Better, Stronger Tomorrow  Twitter @justcoachit Tel: (1) 416-671-4726   Skype: beckerirene

1 reply
  1. Moses Baron
    Moses Baron says:

    The thoughts shared here are very impressive and since the article is about learning skills I agree that encouraging a person is quite an interesting thought but I personally think if it weren’t about just learning skills than I would suggest providing a thoughtful gift will be a good idea. As mothers day is approaching I was thinking of gifting my mother something but I did not have an idea about what should be it and than I started searching about some ideas when I came across this article on The article gives an overview of how does one give a thoughtful gift. Please find it here: I hope your readers will also like it.


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