What Are The New Forces Driving 21st Century Success? (Video)

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do something that mattersWhy do you need a revolutionary approach to success that drives networking, collaborating, evaluating and influencing? What do givers, takers and matchers have in common, and who is more successful? Can two hours of weekly giving on the job make a meaningful difference to others, ourselves and our careers?

Dr. Adam Grant’s book, Give and Take, sheds an important and refreshing light  on what it takes to succeed today.  For generations, passion, hard work, talent and luck have been considered the drivers of success; but success is now increasingly dependent on our ability to interact with others.  Becoming a Giver at work isn’t something that happens overnight; and it may feel a bit unnatural at first; but shifting ever so slightly can make a tremendous impact on your life, your relationships and your success.

Nice guys do NOT always finish last. There are new and unexpected forces driving achievement, and you can learn about them in this short video.  Thank you Dr. Grant for your outstanding research, book and contribution.  Thanks also to The Business Source for this great video clip synopsis of Give and Take by Adam Grant.  Click here for the video clip

Photo Credit:  Hugh McLeod, Gaping Void Art

More on 21st Century Success and Meaningful Work?  You Betcha!

Meaningful Work-A Critical 21st Century Life and Leadership Skill
Enlightened Self Interest-Building a Resilient, Thriving, Organization
Leadership and Enlightened Business Interview
Motivating People Beyond Money by Chris Atkinson
How to Inspire and Enable Your Greatest Potential
The Purpose Equation-Intrinsic Motivation
What Does Leadership Really Mean?

Do you want to get motivated and inspired?  Transform a people-centric leadership, business development, communication or career challenge into an advantage Build sticky coaching, training and mentoring initiatives?  We are here to help you lead, communicate and succeed forward in disruptive times;  face to face, by telephone, skype or video conferencing.  Call (416)-671-4726  Skype:  beckerirene

Irene BeckerJust Coach It.  Inspire a Better Tomorrow
Irene  Becker, Founder and Chief Success Officer
Coaching•Consulting•Workshops•Keynotes with a 3Q Edge™

irene@justcoachit.com  Twitter @justcoachit
Tel: (1) 416-671-4726   Skype: beckerirene   irene@justcoachit.com 
Tel:  Irene’s Assistant Drew Jones: 416-737-5075 drew@justcoachit.com
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