How to Live Happier in the Midst of a Storm

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iStock_000014644345XSmall-glass-half-fullHow can you live happier in the midst of a storm? What do I know about storms, happiness and success? More than most.  I can honestly say that my expertise in all three areas may be unchallenged.   Read More  and More.  This year I faced a tragedy of enormous proportion, today I face myself and I reach out to you with one message.  Choose life, choose happiness, find a way to ignite and inspire your best self because doing so is the only way forward.  Find a way to give and contribute, because doing so will ignite your heart, soul and help you engage your strength.  Be kind to yourself and pay kindness forward to others.

Let’s face it, negativity abounds, change, challenges, and upheavels are the norm.  Yes, we are living in a storm that is going to get worse before it gets better. Learning to extract happiness every day is a learned habit that starts with making a conscious decision to fight the negativity that surrounds us as we open our newspaper, turn on our radio or TV and interact throughout the day.    When negativity overtakes our consciousness we feel helpless and powerless.  Unable to see all that we have to be grateful for negativity blinds us to options, opportunities.  Psychological research indicates that a pessimistic cognitive bias makes you vulnerable to feelings of helplessness and depression.  Negativity also appears to compromise the immune system – optimists have been shown to have better-functioning immune systems and better health overall.  Optimists generally live 8-9 years longer than do pessimists.  It is clearly time to get happy, to get joyful.  Read more

Do you want to reduce the risk of depression, physical illness, and early death?  Start by reclaiming your personal power to be joyful.  Can we train ourselves to be happy?  You bet.  How can we start?  Start by preparing your consciousness to accept joy and to reject negativity.  Decide that you are going to spend one whole day, 24 hours refusing to be negative.  Stretch out of the comfort zone and decide to make today a positive day, no matter what!  Read more

Go ahead, just spend 24 hrs. being positive, drinking in life with your glass half full.
   Choose life, choose happiness, find a way to ignite and inspire your best self because doing so is the only way forward.  Find a way to give and contribute, because doing so will ignite your heart, soul and help you engage your strength.  Be kind to yourself and pay kindness forward to others.Reclaim your personal power to be joyful by taking making this day a purely positive one.  Reject all negativity for 24 hrs and decide to be happy.  Try it, you’ll like it!  Read more

© Irene Becker, Just Coach It

More on Getting and Staying Inspired?  YOU Betcha

The Secret to Peace and Prosperity
Refocus, Repurpose, Repower
I Choose the Road Less Traveled

The Happiness Course
Picking the Golden Apple
Recharge, Repower in 3 Minutes or Less
100 Stressbusters
True Happiness
Rediscover Your Genius

Not Enough?  Visit the drop down menu for more inspiring articles
Click here for 3,617 inspiring quotations


Do you want to get motivated and inspired?  Transform a people-centric leadership, business development, communication or career challenge into an advantage Transform an area of personal challenge into an asset? Build sticky coaching, training and mentoring initiatives?  Find out how we can help- call Irene (416)-671-4726  Skype:  beckerirene

Irene Becker

Just Coach It.  Empower-Engage-Transform | Build a Better Tomorrow

Irene  Becker, Founder and Chief Success Officer, Just Coach It
Coaching•Consulting•Workshops•Keynotes with a 3Q Edge™  Twitter @justcoachit
Tel: (1) 416-671-4726   Skype: beckerirene 
Tel:  Irene’s Assistant Drew Jones: 416-737-5075

5 replies
    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Hi Ian: Gosh, thank you so much for your awesome feedback. I think that you will also enjoy the links in the article….And, I will write more on the topic of positivity in the face of challenges.

      Best, Irene

  1. Tina
    Tina says:

    Thanks Irene! This is great information. I’ve always been a happy, positive person, always lived with my glass not 1/2 full but filled to the top!…Then 2 years ago I allowed someone into my life that is a negative person. I am seeing that neagtivity feeds negativity. Recharging to be the positive person I was is the face of my challenge!
    Thank you for this !

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Hi Tina: Thank you so much for your feedback and sharing a bit about you. Yes, negativity feeds and grows negativity. Kudos on recharging your positivity in face of your challenge! Great work. I hope you will browse the many articles on happiness, personal development and growth on the blog. Do let me know if there are other posts you enjoy!

      Best, Irene


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  1. […] on Happiness in Disruptive or Turbulent Times?  YOU Betcha! How to Live Happier in the Midst of a Storm The Secret to Peace and Prosperity Refocus, Repurpose, Repower I Choose the Road Less Traveled The […]

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