The Power of YOUR Story-New Edition

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BEWill your story help you engage and sustain your best self or keep you stuck in a rut? Many of us have a problem looking at the challenges we face with new eyes, especially when the challenge me face is our own story. The way you see your life will determine whether YOUR story will empower you to achieve your greatest potential or keep you from truly achieving your heart’s desire. Read more



© Irene Becker, Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ | (IQ-EQ-SQ) Reach-Resonance-Results
3Q Leadership™ Blog- 58,000+ Social Media Followers & Growing!  

The stories we tell ourselves become our worlds.  Perspective is everything, consciousness drives our ability to evolve or devolve, and the desire to make sense of our personal story is something a task that our brain is hard-wired to perform.

The power of YOUR story must be mined because its power lies not in what you have accomplished or not accomplished, but  in the pivot points, the accomplishments that touch your heart, the wins that are milestone markers AND moments of challenge that (if properly used) can help you develop a new sense of self, a better view of your own potential.

From birth to death, the power of our own personal story follows us, and it’s ability to inspire our best self, our best work and help us build our best life is as real as it’s power to create disempowerment, underachievement, overachievement at any cost.

What is YOUR story?  How will you look upon your journey with eyes that will help you see your strengths with greater clarity, and use challenges, failures as a lever for your greatest potential? Q1: improved focus, ideation, innovative thought  Q2: improved resiliency, risk tolerance, empowerment, communication, collaboration  Q3: enhancement of the intrinsic motivators, the timeless values that drive sustainability-courage, integrity, purpose

The power of your story is the fire that can light the power of your greatest potential.  Your ability to see your story with new eyes, eyes that build on three Q skills starts with your desire to look at your story and the story of others with eyes that search a meaning and purpose that aligns with the courage, integrity, purpose, humanity required to take us all forward as one people sharing one planet. In a world of constant change, challenges, competition; at a time of titanic paradox where our ability to develop technological, scientific advances that are REMARKABLE remain dimmed by social, economic, environmental, organizational problems...Your story, my story, our stories and the way we choose to see them can either enhance or reduce our ability to build better lives, better organizations and contribute to a better world.

What is your story?  How will you use it to empower your greatest potential?  How will you listen to the stories of those you lead, work for, befriend and love?  The challenge to see our own stories with new eyes and hear the stories of others with new ears calls to us all!  The call to build new ways of thinking, new ways of listening that take us forward is upon us!  Answering this call is a powerful step forward.

More On  Personal Development-Empowerment-Optimization of Potential?  YOU BETCHA!
Posts, Podcasts, and Web TV Interviews!

There Is Only One Story That Matters
  I Will Not Be Broken
Lighting The Fire Of Human Potential:  Developing A Purposeful Life And Career
Building Essential Success Skills That GROW At The Speed Of Change
Ten Ways To Lead Forward In Times Of Complexity And Change
Remove The Wall To Your Greatest Potential
Using Failure To SUCCEED-Practical Tips
The Secret To Personal Development And Growth
Constructive Discontent:  Building A Critical 3Q Life And Leadership Skill
Two Minute Tune Up For Over-Achievers And Under-Achievers

Podcasts and Interviews
Radio Interview by Deb Scott:  From Pain To Gain In Life And Career
Web TV Interview by Shannon Skinner:  Extraordinary Women Leading In The Face Of Challenges


Are you ready to go from Now to HOW?  Get re-inspired by what you can achieve at the speed of change/challenges? Recharge, refocus, repurpose, repower? We are here to help!

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