Success = The Reach and Resonance of the Human Heart

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Success = The Reach and Resonance of the Human Heart

©Irene Becker | Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ | QBlog
Helping smart people & organizations communicate & LEAD forward smarter, faster & happier

Toronto and Virtually Everywhere |  416-671-4726 | Skype: beckerirene

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Are we dying from a death of the obvious, or will the obvious take us forward smarter, faster and happier? Stress expert and comedienne, Loretta Laroche, commented that we are “dying from a death of the obvious.” I believe that the obvious can have enormous impact on our present and future. Science confirms that in order to optimize our potential we need to get happy first. Common sense tells us that the right and ability to live happy lives is the most important goal of all. Inspiration + human contact + connection = happiness.

Each day we have an individual and collective opportunity to do good, be good, share good. The reach and resonance of the human heart is our greatest hope for a better present and future. It is our humanity that can take us through and past problems,valleys of change, turmoil, pain and trouble to come out the other side a bit wiser, stronger. It is our ability to optimize brain power and empathy that can take us forward smarter, faster and happier. We are human beings, not human doing faster than ever before.  The longer we wait to embrace our humanity, the less time we will have to experience it.   Human beings need happiness; we need inspiration, human contact and connection. There is no time like the present to embrace the power, the reach and resonance of our heart. Seize it, use it, share it. Inspiration + human contact + connection = happiness.  Purpose fuels happiness.  And, our potential to be good, do good and share good is as real as our ability to create darkness and chaos.

Purpose trumps all other drivers of potential.     Purpose makes profit, and the only way to create sustainable profit is to develop a mindset that fuels value for all. What do we really want?  What are we really searching for in our lives, our careers, our jobs?  The need for inspiration, human contact and connection is written on the walls of our lives, our communities and our organizations. A community of purpose™, a gathering of like minded heads and hearts, begins with one person doing simple math; one person deciding to start with the end in mind. Finding white space, me time, time for reflection that allows you to not only focus forward in a positive way, but restore and replenish your ability to get inspired by what YOU can do is critical. Take a moment right now to remember that your life does not have to be a blinding blur of stepping on, over or avoiding others to make your way from birth to death.  While we rush around living and working at a more accelerated pace than ever before it is the white spaces, the gaps between our thoughts, our feelings and our actions that give us time to take in where we are and where we really want to go.

 What is your greatest, truest hope? Imagine that you are living the last moment of your life.  Would you spend those last few minutes tabulating your personal net worth, calculating your bank balance, reviewing pivotal moments in your life and career when you exercised the ability to command and control; or would your thoughts be focused on what you had shared and contributed, on those you had loved and who had loved you?  Now we have children, adolescents, and adults whose major preoccupation is consumption, greed and ego. Does this mean that a death of the obvious is growing? Perhaps, but there is also a great hope, an undercurrent of change, a glimmer of incandescent light leading us to the genesis of our greatest power; the power to embrace our humanity and use it to create strategies and solutions that fill our pocketbooks and our souls.  Strategies and solutions for good that do good.

Fuel YOUR humanity. Recharge your power to become solution driven.  Empower yourself to live purposefully, and in so doing you will inspire and engage with others who resonate with your purpose.  Together you will build a community of purpose™. Together we can and will make a difference. Seize the day. Do the math; inspiration + human contact + connection = happiness.    Use it to share, to care, to contribute.

Embrace your purpose and it will embrace you back.   Enjoy    Leadership Means Building a Community of Purpose™  | Our Greatest Hope  | Constructive Discontent 
The Secret to Peace and Prosperity | Rediscover Your Fire  © Irene Becker, 2012



 Irene Becker | Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ | QBlog
smart people & organizations communicate and LEAD forward smarter, faster & happier
nto and Virtually Everywhere | 416-671-4726 | Skype: beckerirene

22 replies
  1. Edward Colozzi
    Edward Colozzi says:

    Dear Irene,
    This is one of your BEST! Yes Purpose is so critical. Discovering one’s purpose does lead to happiness in many ways that even lowers stress, raises efficacy beliefs, and improves immunocompetence. You write beautifully and with deep meanng from your many experiences along your Blessed life journey. EdC

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Dear Ed: Thank YOU so much for your wonderful comments about the substance behind my post and my writing skills; please know how very appreciated they are. I hope you will visit my blog again and comment.

      Very best! Irene

  2. Linda Samuels
    Linda Samuels says:

    Hi Irene,

    I love your happiness equation…”Happiness = inspiration + human contact + connection.” Being connected to others, helping one another, building community are essential to our well-being, growth and happiness. Perhaps these connections even help us to define our purpose. We become other focused, rather than self-absorbed. We become people focused, rather than thing focused.

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Hi Linda: Thank you so much for your sage comments! So glad you like my happiness equation. The question you brought up about purpose is important. The one linchpin that is left out of the equation is purpose. I left it out because I truly believe that while it is critical to lasting happiness and peace of mind as well as great work; I believe that often we find our purpose when we are in a state of transitory happiness.

      Sadly we are still in the ME generation era, but I believe that we moving towards a new conciousness that speaks to the value of WE. Self absorption is easy, it speaks to our ego, it gives us a false sense of happiness or fulfillment. Growth, purpose, meaning and learning to see our work and lives in a way that sustains happiness is all about the WE!

      Very best, Irene

  3. Adam Leipzig
    Adam Leipzig says:

    Well said, Irene. In our trainings, we help people understand their “Why” — as in Why does this project exist? Why do I exist? When the Why becomes clear, all the dross falls away. Then there comes a flood of additional possibilities — many Whats can emanates from a single Why.

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Thanks, so much Adam. The why is so important. Asking it so that we can determine what is important to is is critical. I think we all need to do it daily to make sure we are on purpose. Far too easy to be sidetracked or blindsided by the sheer velocity and enormity of tasks, responsibilities we have.

      Very best! Irene

  4. Kate Nasser, The People-Skills Coach™
    Kate Nasser, The People-Skills Coach™ says:

    What caught my full attention in this post was your question:
    “What is your greatest, truest hope? Imagine that you are living the last moment of your life. What would you be thinking about?”

    I do think that this single question about truest hope unearths our personal core values. When we give them voice — long before the end of our lives — it leads us to happiness. Not necessarily easy happiness yet the kind of inner satisfaction that we would otherwise miss.

    20 years ago my career counselor helped me unearth the answer to this (without asking it your way 🙂 . Nonetheless it led me to a wonderful place that I might not have otherwise found.

    Kudos and I hope this one question helps all find true happiness.


    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Kate: Thanks for your comments and for sharing a really valuable reflection about your journey to a very successful and meaningful career. We often do not spend the time to reflect on what really matters to us. It is so important to question ourselves daily, to make sure that we are on point, not only with our values but with our unique purpose. Values are fundamental of course to our purpose, but I also believe that this foundation (values) helps to build the character, the strengths and the challenges which if seen with the right eyes show us the way to purpose, to meaningful work and live. And, in the end it is our ability to contribute, to make a difference in whatever way we choose in alignment with our values and purpose that sustains fulfillment, happiness and that which is truly success.

      Kudos to you for great input and work,

  5. Linda Fisher Thornton
    Linda Fisher Thornton says:

    Hello Irene,

    Thanks for this post. I like “Strategies and solutions for good that do good.” Finding ways to lead while doing good in the world is such an important part of responsible leadership. I also see “an undercurrent of change” that is growing, and a broadening awareness that caring for others is part of our ethical responsibility.

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Hello Linda: Thank you very much for your sage comments. I believe that, thankfully, we are at a critical juncture, a turning point where the value of ethical responsibility, ethical leadership is being recognized for its strength. Clearly, sustainability depends upon ethical leadership and responsibility. What does not serve the greater good, is bound to crash and fail. Years ago I wrote a post Goodness to Greatness Leadership 7 Steps I did not dare publish it then as I would have been the subject of ridicule, and my passion for values driven leadership and its importance to the social and economic fabric of our society would have been ridiculed. Thankfully, this post was really well received this year. Strategies and solutions for good that do good is so important.

      Very best regards, Irene

  6. Judy Martin (@judymartin8)
    Judy Martin (@judymartin8) says:

    This was a breath of fresh air. Truly resonates with me on such a deep level. It’s very encouraging when – although working in the mainstream corporate environment – one can embrace purpose, heart and hope. We forget that we are human beings in business. This post is a nice reminder that we can wake up and smell the roses while being successful and productive in our work. Refreshing.

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Judy: Thank YOU so much for your wonderful comments. The importance of remembering that we are human beings not simply humans doing faster than before is so critical. Seven years ago the World Health Organization forecasted that stress would be the major cause of physical disability in the world by 2020. Learning to not only recognize the importance of purpose, heart and hope but to celebrate them in terms of our health, our society and the prosperity of our organizations and all contituents is to me so important.

      Thank you again so much!

      Best! Irene

  7. KC Herbel
    KC Herbel says:


    Speaking from experience, sometimes death is the only thing that will shake us enough to bring all the important things into focus. It’s unfortuneate, but true. Mostly we want to stick our heads in the sand and put on our self-convincing “I’m immortal” T-shirt. Being self-centered (the general human condition) is responsible for most of our short comings and short sightedness. If we can step away from that for a moment, we get a moment of clarity. Sometimes death (or near death) experiences can make us break through our selfish fences, step outside and see the “big picture”.
    So what am I getting at? I think that humankind, like individual humans, has to face or at least glimpse its death before it will change. Like in “What About Bob”, we might just need a little “death-therapy”.

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Thanks for your comments. Yes, I agree that it is ego (ego as defined as the need to seek validation from people and things) that is our greatest challenge. Some people will face a near death experience and re-think what their lives are really all about. Others, will go through a very challenging experience that beckons self reflection. The solutions to solve all the problems in the world are at our doorstep, the breakthrough is science and technology abound. I believe it is time for us to wake up and smell the roses. Until we can transform ME into WE, until we can recognize that our ego will only give us short term gain in exchange for long term pain, we will remain mired in a negative spiral on an individual and collective basis.

      I believe that there is hope in people who care more, share more. We are standing on a glass cliff, a place in time and history where we will fall into the abyss of darkness or we will see the greatest renaissance man has known. I vote for the former.

      Thanks so much for your comments KC.

      Best! Irene


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