Five Ways to Communicate & Lead Forward
Five Ways to Communicate and Lead Forward
Stop Making Change Hard-Embrace it, empower it, USE it!
Build Your Ability To R-E-A-C-H | Build Your 3Q Edge!
© Irene Becker | | 3Q Leadership™ Blog – Reach-Resonance-Results
Helping smart people and organizations communicate and lead forward smarter, faster and happier is what I do best
Stop making change hard by developing R-E-A-C-H. Stop saying that change is hard, stop using words, thinking thoughts that entrench default patterns (or the default pattern of most people) around rejecting change. Alter your vocabulary, modify your self-talk. Whether you need to make a behavioral change or you are facing a tough assignment that requires you to think and act differently; the only way to embrace and use change is to STOP focusing on what is hard ( i.e. change) by focusing on what you can do now to communicate and LEAD forward. Stop making change hard. Develop YOUR ability to R-E-A-C-H
1. Redirect your focus. Learn to see the changes you face with new eyes. Old school: problem focus, change management. New school: Solution focus, transform changes into levers for ideation, empowerment, collaboration and results. At a time when ADD is rampant, leading forward means honing your ability to focus faster and better on what counts because it will help you and members of your team learn and lead forward.
2. Empower yourself and others. You cannot make a fire with wet wood. Stop focusing on the change you need to make, focus on the end game, the objective, the caveat that will make changing what you think or do worthwhile. Focus on the benefit of the change you will make, not on having to change behavior, way of thinking or doing. What you focus on grows. Focus on the solution by developing strategies and tools that will help you change and lead forward faster, better and with less static, strain or struggle.
3. Actualize potential by hitting the hot button. Discover your hot button-the motivator that truly propels you to action. Get self aware. Find your true hot button, use it. Help others do the same. Being a best practice leader means also being a best practice coach who can learn-teach/coach and empower others. Actualizing potential at the speed of change, in the face of challenges is critical for you and for members of your team. Learn-Do-Teach-Lead
4. Communicate with empathy and clarity. Learn and relearn communication skills that will take your verbal, digital/social, written communication to new heights of success. Discover tools that will help you reset fight or flight responses, retrain your brain to communicate more effectively at the speed of change, in the face of conflict or across diverse groups. Use communication to develop reach, resonance and results. Do not speak at others, speak to them in ways that engage and empower results.
5. Harvest results, practice hard. Practice makes perfect. Old adage, key truth. The more you practice, the more you rewrite default patterns and reset neural pathways so YOU focus on your objective, develop tools that drive positive differences in how you think, communicate and act. Celebrate each small win, each positive step forward in thinking, acting/communicating. We are not trained to celebrate the small wins in our mind’s eye and doing so is critical. You cannot harvest new and better behaviors, ways of thinking and doing without celebrating the small wins, because doing is both empowering and also empowers your brain to lead forward.
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Great Read Review & Excerpts:
Full Steam Ahead by Jesse Lyn Stoner and Ken Blanchard
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Change is a good thing, and you’ve just made it easy. We don’t need the easy button all we have to do is REACH. I like it!
Thanks for your feedback, Karlene. So appreciated. Developing R-E-A-C-H is critical!
Best, Irene
Very nice, insightful and informative, I would like to invite you to evaluate a tool I believe will enhance users ability to execute your REACH process/program.
William: Sincerest apologies for the delay in replying. Thanks for your great feedback.
Tech problems with the blog that should be corrected this week. Look forward to evaluating your tool. We should set up a time to speak. Please email me
Best, Irene
Great article; Appreciate the insight!
Thanks so much, David! I appreciate your taking the time to comment! And, I hope that you enjoy other articles on the blog.
Best, Irene