Lead Forward: Build A Better Bottom Line By Closing The Gender Wage Gap

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Yes, Leading Forward Means Closing The Gender Pay Gap

© Irene Becker | www.justcoachit.com-The 3Q Edge™ | Improved Reach-Resonance-Results
Helping smart people and organizations lead & communicate forward smarter, faster, happier is what I do best  

The catalyst for our greatest economic and social promise lies in the hands of men and women who will work together to optimize human potential as it relates to human rights, economic prosperity and development.  The litmus test of sustainability, the engine of prosperity is people; male and female people not simply working faster than ever before, but working better together towards a greater goal.

Gender Pay Equality is about fairness and equality of everyone across all sectors and levels, regardless of their gender.  Embracing it, entrenching it in our organizations, in our policies in the fabric of our individual and collective consciousness is the way forward.  Gender Pay Equality is about building a better human and business bottom line.  Do you want to strengthen the GDP?  Enhance quality of life and work? Are you ready to champion Gender Pay Equality? You should be.

Here is a snapshot of USA Results from www.learnstuff.com



Created by: LearnStuff.com

More on Building a Better Human and Business Bottom Line?  HR/ Career, Management & Leadership Tools? YOU Betcha!
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Irene Becker, Chief Success Officer, Just Coach ItThe 3Q Edge™ | Reach-Resonance-Results
Toronto and Virtually Everywhere | Face-Face, By Tel, Skype or Video Conferencing
Tel: 1-416-671-4726 Email: irene@justcoachitcom Twitter @justcoachit Skype: beckerirene

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