Leadership Means Climbing The Mountain
Leadership Means Climbing The Mountain
(One Post & 21 Bonus Links)
© Irene Becker, Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ | Reach-Resonance-Results
3Q Leadership™ Blog- 25,000+ Social Media Followers & Growing!
Lead Forward! The call to climb the mountain has never been greater.
If you listen, you will hear it. Our ability to climb it is REAL
Leadership is a trek around foggy corners, bluffs and terrain that challenges us beyond our wildest imagination; leading us where most people fear to tread. On good days, we move upward, forward and onward to new challenges, heights and accomplishments. On bad days, we may slip, fall, lose our balance and tumble backward. On all days, leadership means learning, re-learning and failing forward with faith, hope, courage, integrity and humanity. It means leading forward.
Leadership is not a tactic or a strategy; it is a commitment to climbing the mountain by honoring and empowering the best in our self and others. It is a commitment to service above self rooted in love. Love gives us the power to lead forward where others fear to tread. It is the fire that lights the indomitable power of our heart, mind and soul. Falling off the path, losing our grip and ability to negotiate difficult terrain and foggy corners occurs when we slip, slide or fall into fear based ego, hubris or arrogance. It is corrected by self-awareness, humility and the conviction to embrace the love, the commitment to service above self that can take us forward.
True leadership is not about being nice, nor is it about being intimidating; it is about serving the greatest good, and empowering the best in oneself and others so that we can climb the mountain. It means taking hard decisions and making the sacrifices necessary to negotiate foggy corners and challenging terrain with hope, faith, courage, integrity and humanity. The imperative to build and sustain purpose driven leadership, to inspire purpose driven work, to build purpose driven communication and collaboration has never been greater. Purpose equals profit on a multiplicity of levels, leadership is about tapping into our truest purpose and inspiring those we lead to do the same.
Leadership is 3Q equation supported by courage that grows each time we align intelligence (IQ), humanity (EQ) and integrity (SQ); each time we use challenges, changes and strengths to learn/re-learn, adapt and align best thoughts, best speech, best actions. Leadership touches an emotional chord in others, as mirror neurons help us share our deepest emotions, our most heartfelt convictions.
Leadership means resetting the individual and organizational GPS, by developing communities of purpose and a common language language rooted in the mutual objectives and shared values that create a bridge between cultural, personal and inter-generational differences. It demands a relentless focus on climbing the mountain better and faster than ever before by using our minds, empowering our brains and aligning our hearts. It means climbing the mountain by using what is to create what can be; a better self, better teams, better organizations, better communities…a better world.
Lead Forward! The call to climb the mountain has never been greater.
If you listen you will hear it.
More on Leading Forward? YOU Betcha! Twenty Bonus Links:
Ten Practical Ways To Build Essential Success Skills At The Speed Of Change
The 3Q Leadership Skills You Need to Build NOW-10 Steps
Win the Race with Wolves: Live, Learn and Lead Forward 10 Steps
An EQ Primer for Effective Leadership-Management-Teambuilding
Top Leadership and Communication Posts 2012
The New Leader
Winning the New War
Women & Leadership : Ten Critical Steps Forward for Women and Men
Building R-E-A-C-H™ (video: 3Q Leadership™ for Project Managers)
Rising to the Challenge Before Us (post and video)
Ten Ways to Lead Forward in Times of Complexity and Change
Leadership Means Developing a Community of Purpose
More? YES…Great Guest Posts and Great Reads!
How to Improve Your Corporate Culture by Adriana Girdler
Lead Fwd with “Corporethics” by Pablo Fernandez & Yusuke Yamashita, PH.D
An Argument for Purpose-Driven Business by Carol Cone and Jackie Murphy
My Interview with Dr. Amit Nagpal on Enlightened Business and Leadership
Managing With A Conscience By Frank Sonnenberg
The Power of Communication by Helio Fred Garcia
The Fifth Discipline by Peter Senge
Full Steam Ahead by Jesse Lyn Stoner and Ken Blanchard
I am committed to helping smart people and organizations use changes-challenges-strengths to optimize and catalyze their potential to communicate & LEAD FORWARD. Use changes and challenges to improve communication, management, leadership…career success?
Yes, the proof is in ten years of inspiring and outstanding results!
Irene Becker | Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ | IQ-EQ-SQ for Reach-Resonance-Results
Executive Coaching, Consulting, Training and Keynotes with a 3Q Edge™
Face to face and/or virtually by telephone, video conferencing or skype!
3Q Leadership Blog- 25,000+ Social Media Followers & Growing
irene@justcoachit.com Twitter @justcoachit
Tel: (1) 416-671-4726 Skype: beckerirene
Irene, you know that I always enjoy your Post Hon and I do Appreciate you inviting me here. However although I do agree with what you’ve had to say here about “Leadership” …..Here’s my take on the subject.
1st A Real Leader is a Servant, and very humble in His or Her ways and Mannerism towards others, as well as through the Actions they must take, in order to Get things Done!!!
2nd A Real Leader Must Be Able to “Think” Clearly for themselves, “Before” They Can Ever Effectively Make a Decisive Decision Concerning Others, or a particular task that needs to be taken care of.
3rd A Real Leader knows that although your position may put you in the seat of “POWER”, The Best of us know that, Being “The Boss” means nothing without Discernment!! And you can get nothing done in this world really, without “Listening” to those that “Support” you then following through with real Actions on your part.
So I speak from real experience when I say this; The One Who Leads?? Must Be Persuasive enough in order to get others to support whatever it is that you’re doing, while maintaining the Discipline necessary to get it Done!!
Then that Leader Should Confidently Teach What You know, to those that support you, so that they may be Empowered enough, to do the same thing for someone else…. Just my thoughts. JTP.