Leading and Succeeding in Disruptive Times – Part 4 of 4

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Leading and Succeeding in Disruptive Times: Part 4
Series Conclusion-Connecting the Dots

(Including a Free ebook, Parts 1, 2, 3 of this series, a free subscription to Realizing Leadership Magazine and a compendium of great posts from thought leaders in leadership, hr/career/workplace/teamwork and business)

© Irene Becker, Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ | (IQ-EQ-SQ) Reach-Resonance-Results 3Q Leadership™ Blog- 42,000+ Social Media Followers & Growing!  


Leadership is a 3Q equation supported by courage. Courage grows each time we align intelligence (IQ)-humanity (EQ) + integrity (SQ).


A Gift for YOU

The conclusion to this series is a short, practical, free guidebook championing our ability to learn-relearn, lead and succeed in disruptive times by developing 3 essential strengths at GROW at the speed of change (your 3Q Edge™) I had every intention of  sharing what was supposed to be part 4 in this series, It’s All In Your Mind; a post simplifying what neuroscience confirms  about our capacity to optimize our brain power not only by strengthening cognition, but by re-writing default patters of thinking, communicating and doing that do not take us forward.

My intention did not go forward because of the  tremendous support of my interview on 3Q Leadership-Building Your 3Q Edge™ in Realizing Leadership Magazine yesterday and today from colleagues and friends whose integrity, intelligence and contributions to a better workplace and world I respect.  People who took time to support my article in Realizing Leadership on Twitter yesterday and today!  I realized the need to express my gratitude for this support, and upon reflection I believe the best way to conclude this series on Success in Disruptive Times is in extending thanks to colleagues/friends (innovators, change-makers), and by providing a guidebook/eBook that will help you connect the  3Q dots!

Innovation is fueled by the desire to create value.  Competitive differentiation and success are about delivering this value.   

Gratitude (in alphabetical order) Michael Ballard (@resilientmichae), Canadian Institute of Management (CIM_National) Elysian Training (@elysiantraining), Shashi Bellamkonda (@shashib), James Braunstein (@continuitycloud),  Bill Butler (@wiarbu), Lyn Boyer (@lyn_boyer), Bishop Bowden (@GPBCNYC), David Burkus (@davidburkus), Catherine Anne Clarke (@acelebrationofw) Ted Coine (@tedcoine),  Trevor B. Lee (@TBlepi) ,  LDRLB (@ldrlb), Barb Jemott (@skillsclick) Mike Howard (@mikehowardmsgs) Shawn Murphy (@shawmu), Karlene Petitt (@karlenepetitt) Deb Mills Scofield (@dscofield  @bluelobsternets), Switch and Shift (@switchandshift), Deb Scott (@greenskydeb), Tarak Rindani (@tarakrindani), Esta Singer (@sheconsulting), Jesse Lyn Stoner (@jesselynstoner),  James Strock (@servetolead), Cyndy Trivella (@cyndytrivella), Amit Verma (@amitv_tweets). (If inadvertently missed someone, or did not catch a tweet, please let me know so I can amend this list:-).

Why am I giving this book away as a conclusion to this series?  Because it is my gift to YOU.  A Practical, Purposeful Guidebook-A 3Q Edge™ Primer on Leading and Succeeding in Disruptive Times (←click link for eBook)

This ebook’s purpose is to challenge and inspire you to realize your power, power to develop a whole new relationship with changes, challenges, stressors (even failures) that takes you forward faster and better than before; a relationship that helps YOU build your 3Q Edge™.    I hope that you will take the time to browse the book…because, change is not the problem…our ability to change and adapt while enfranchising the values, the purpose, the courage that can lead us forward is the way forward. It is a simple book, because I believe that our ability to simplify and make the complex actionable, doable and real is critical! 


Enjoy it, select chapters to YOU. Check out my list of 3 minute 3Q tools/exercises you can do almost anywhere. Send me your comments.  My passion for championing our ability to build Q skills, to realize our ability to learn, re-learn, communicate, collaborate and LEAD forward at the speed of change, in the face of challenges, stressors, even chaos cannot be deterred because it is the heartbeat of my commitment to learn, share and contribute every day, in every way I can.  I hope that you enjoy the E-Book, and welcome your feedback! 


More.  Yes! Thank you Laurie Wilhelm, CEO of Realizing Leadership Magazine for your important work and contribution to the leadership conversation!  Get a free 3 month subscription to Realizing Leadership Magazine, no strings, no automatic renewal.  YOU will be glad YOU did! 


More?  YOU Betcha!  Parts 1, 2 and 3 of this Series:
Part 1  |  What is the DNA of Business Success in Disruptive Times? 7 Insights
Part 2  |  Empowering and Actualizing Great Leadership
Part 3  |  From Now to HOW:  Efficiency to Effectiveness

 And…Excellent Compendiums of articles by a wide variety of experts that you can browse and to subscribe to for free (justcoachit on Pinterest!)

A Growing Collection of over 350 Articles | Great Leadership and 3Q Leadership
A Growing Collection of over 250 Articles  | Business at the Speed of Change
A Growing Collection of over 650 Articles  |  HR, Teamwork, Career, Talent Optimization


More? Almost done.  Just one more thing!
Delighted to be speaking in the UK October 3, 2014 

British FlagIf you are in the London/Bristol, UK area I hope you will join me for an Elysian Training Leadership Event and Presentation on How to Lead Through Turbulent Times


Are YOU Ready to…

Get re-inspired by what you can achieve at the speed of change/challenges? Recharge, refocus, repurpose, repower?  Develop leadership skills that GROW at the speed of change?

Irene Headshot

Irene Becker | Just Coach It | The 3Q Edge™ (IQ-EQ-SQ)
Executive Coaching, Consulting, Training & Keynotes with a 3Q Edge™
Leadership Growth, Talent/Career Optimization, Business Development in Disruptive Times
Face to Face | By Telephone, Skype or Video Conferencing 
Twitter @justcoachit


2 replies
  1. Laurie Wilhelm
    Laurie Wilhelm says:

    Thank you Irene for so generously sharing your knowledge through your excellent free eBook – as well as your blog and tweets! I highly recommend to others to download your eBook and learn how to become a better leader and person. You make it so doable! These’s A LOT of value in this eBook with ideas that are life changing. Thank you Irene – you’re changing lives!


    PS. And thank you so much for sharing and supporting Realizing Leadership magazine. It was a pleasure and honour to interview you and I’m so grateful to you!

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Dear Laurie: I am deeply touched and humbled by your message, Laurie. Thank you SO much! Taking 3Q to as many people as I can is more than a passion, it is a mission that punctuates my days because the imperative to rewrite neural pathways, the POWER to reset default patterns of thinking, communicating and leading that no longer take us forward while optimizing our ability to learn and re-learn is REAL and DOABLE.

      Realizing Leadership Magazine is outstanding! I thank you for your important work, contribution and support.

      Yours in service, friendship and with gratitude! Irene


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