Building a Better Future | Values, Mission, Vision

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Building a Better Future | Values, Mission, Vision
A 3Q Leadership™ Manifesto
(Including-Over 400 bonus leadership articles/infographics)

© Irene Becker, Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ | (IQ-EQ-SQ) Reach-Resonance-Results
3Q Leadership™ Blog- 42,000+ Social Media Followers & Growing!


Values | Mission | Vision
Irene Becker, Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™


Values:  To guard the hope, faith, courage, integrity and humanity that can lead us forward, because they are the foundation for our greatest thoughts, actions, and the hope for our individual/collective sustainability and can never be cast asunder.


Mission: To build a better world, one person, one organization at a time. It is this mission of service and commitment that was the genesis of my 3Q Edge™ model (3 essential strengths that grow in the face of change/challenges).  It is the heartbeat, focus and imperative behind every service, program and keynote we provide.

Individuals:  To help our clients actualize their greatest potential to learn/relearn, communicate, collaborate, lead and forward at the speed of change/challenges.

Organizations: To help executives, senior managers and teams develop new ways of thinking, doing and communicating that optimize potential, engagement, empowerment and results in high stress, high change environments.

Emerging Leaders: To help emerging leaders develop the 3Q Leadership™ skills that can help them to rise beyond the challenges before them by inspiring and actualizing the best in themselves and those they serve/lead.

Portfolio of 3Q Services/Programs:  To provide programs/services that stick and grow while also planting the seeds for a new, powerful relationship with change, challenges, innovation and the actualization of one’s potential. Boundary-less, customized programs deployed face to face, by Skype, telephone or video-conferencing.

Partners:  To partner with those who share our mission/passion for developing new ways, new strategies of optimizing/actualizing human potential and results; drawing upon the combined integrity, experience and skill set of people and organizations dedicated to a better future.

Planet: To build a better world one person, one organization at a time; championing our ability to use what is to create what CAN be in our lives, our workplaces, our organizations and our world. Purpose equals profit on a multiplicity of levels.

Productivity: Dedication to a level of service and productivity that mirrors the 3Q skill set and mind-set that we teach.  Productivity is effectiveness.  We are dedicated to both.


Vision:  To develop a community of great thinkers/doers dedicated to the actualization of our greatest individual and collective potential; a Global Consultancy for 3Q Leadership™ that will become the springboard for a 3Q Leadership™ Foundation dedicated to coaching, mentoring, training and teaching the underserved.


Over 400 Bonus Leadership Articles and Infographics:

Great Leadership-3Q Leadership at the Speed of Change
Ten Ways to Build Great Leadership in Turbulent Times (# 1 Article for Elysian Training UK 2014)
Possibility Thinking, Doing and Results-Building 3 Skills That GROW at the Speed of Change
How to Build 5 Benchmarks of 21st Century Leadership and Success
Free eBook:  Leading and Succeeding in Disruptive Times | A 3Q Edge™ Primer


More? Almost done.  

 British-FlagDelighted to be speaking in the UK on Leading in Turbulent Times. There are 25 more places available at the October 3 Leadership Event in Bristol, UK. Delighted to offer subscribers/followers a 30% discount on remaining seats! Email if you would like to secure on of the remaining seats at this fantastic discount, while they are still available!



Are YOU Ready to…

Get re-inspired by what you can achieve at the speed of change/challenges? Recharge, refocus, repurpose, repower?  Build 3Q leadership skills that GROW at the speed of change? Successfully negotiate a career transition? Optimize your talent and results? Communicate effectively with new constituents? Get an assessment, debrief and action plan that puts you on the right track?

Irene Headshot

Irene Becker | Just Coach It | The 3Q Edge™ (IQ-EQ-SQ)
Executive Coaching, Consulting, Training & Keynotes with a 3Q Edge™
Leadership Growth, Talent/Career Optimization, Business Development in Disruptive Times
Face to Face | By Telephone, Skype or Video Conferencing 
Twitter @justcoachit


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  1. Our Projects Are Our Journey and Our Life - Just Coach It - says:

    […] is a pleasure and honour to host a guest post by a friend, colleague and 3Q Leadership™ Champion whose expertise in project management/leadership, corporate agility are reflected in a body of work […]

  2. […] is a pleasure and honour to host a guest post by a friend, colleague and 3Q Leadership™ Champion whose expertise in project management/leadership, corporate agility are reflected in a body of work […]

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