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Is it time to ignite YOUR inner-Olympian? Effective leadership is critical at a time when the lack of effective leadership abounds. You face a choice, we all face a choice every day that can change your life and the lives of others. Will you focus on what you can get or what you can contribute? Will you be caught in a vortex of greed, ego, fear, negativity that will lead you to forsake what matters most for what, in the end, matters least? Leadership starts from within, it grows and is driven by the hope, courage, and integrity that remain our greatest treasures. Click here to read more about the power within.
What is the causal mechanism of leadership? The causal mechanism of leadership is the integrity of our ambition because that which does not create value for others will eventually crash, burn, wither or die. Purpose equals profit on a multiplicity of levels and nothing can replace the faith, hope, courage, integrity, and humanity that have defined and will always define great leaders.
Do you want to build and sustain leadership in a VUCA world ( volatility, uncertainty, change and ambiguity)? Leadership demands a new focus or perspective I call 3Q, because it helps you helps you recognize strengths and transform changes, challenges (even failures) into powerful levers for greater purpose, focus, resiliency; better thinking, communicating, collaborating. Read about 7 pillars that will help you build and sustain great leadership in a VUCA world.
Leadership means igniting your inner-Olympian
•Transform the complex into simple, powerful, messages that align our greatest potential and purpose. Read more about developing effective communication
•Use changes and challenges even failures to discover new ways of thinking and doing, new ways of learning and relearning that take us forward faster and better. Read more about building your ultimate advantage-your 3Q Edge™
•Encourage the best in others by rewarding good thought, good work, and good actions because it is our individual and collective ability to contribute, to do meaningful work that can help us retain the courage, the stamina, and boldness required to succeed. Read more about building a resilient, thriving workplace
•Live and lead in alignment with the universal values that drive sustainability; modeling best actions, best thoughts, best leadership so that we may inspire the best in ourselves and in others. Read more
•Create meaning and value for others in a way that unites and integrates the skills and strengths, the hope and courage of all. Read more
•Become an architect of hope, courage, and resiliency within your enterprise and community, because true leadership is “kaizen”-it only reflects change for the better. Read more about building individual and organizational change leadership
Will you be part of the future or the past? Being part of the future is one of the most important choices you can make.
The future lies in the heads, hearts, and hands of those courageous men and women who will refuse to be daunted; change-makers, personal Olympians who will embrace the integrity of their ambition and rise to the challenges before them with new ways of thinking, communicating and collaborating that take them forward faster and better than before
Each day presents you with a new chance to ignite your inner-Olympian. Will you start each day lighting a torch of hope, courage, integrity and humanity that can inspire the best in yourself and others? Most will forsake this opportunity because it is difficult, at times painstaking; but that which is worthwhile takes effort and the effort to ignite your inner-Olympian is well worth the effort. Read about the reach and resonance of the human heart.
© Irene Becker, Just Coach It, 2016
Recharge, refocus, re-power with inspiring, insightful posts and videos about our ability to build a better future!
3Q Leadership Exposed: Realizing Leadership Magazine Cover Story
I Will Not Be Broken: The Call to Build a Better Future
How to Live Happier in the Midst of a Storm
The Call to Serve, Lead and Live Greatly in Disruptive Times
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About Irene Becker, Executive & Career Coach, Consultant, Speaker, Writer
Chief Success Officer, Just Coach It
Irene Becker has a track record of trailblazing accomplishments in business and in the community at large. Her edge is helping clients achieve breakthrough results in their communication, leadership, careers, and lives; results achieved in the face of disruptive or turbulent times. Passionate about our ability to use what is to create what can be in ourselves, our work, our lives…our world, Irene is also an international speaker, people lifter, and award-winning leadership blogger whose candor, integrity and practical advice will inspire you to rise to the challenges before you! Irene welcomes your feedback and questions.