Entries by Irene Becker


Career Self Assessment

= 2071

Post Views = 2071Career Self-Assessment © Irene Becker, www.justcoachit.com [google-translate] • What are my financial and personal criteria for my next position? • What are my short term and long term goals? • What are my motivating skills, interests and values? • What new learning do I want to acquire? • Which work environments and […]

2 Minute Stressbuster and Mindfullness Tool-Enjoy!

= 14830

Post Views = 148302 Minute Stressbusting and Mindfullness Exercise-“The Pause”, Irene Becker, www.justcoachit.com [google-translate] What’s the big deal? Why take 2 minutes to try this stressbuster? Scientific studies conclude that it is very important to put our brain in an alpha state where our creativity and connection with our higher power is optimized. This state […]

Gr8 Read-Fascinate Your 7 Triggers to Persuasion and Captivation

= 4992

Post Views = 4992Great Read: Fascinate YOUR 7 Triggers to Persuasion and Captivation by Sally Hogshead… author of Radical Careerist. Yes, I am hot on Hogshead whose books are enlightening, creative and utterly fascinating! [google-translate] How Fascinating Are YOU? A few nuggets from this gem of a book: …“the key to mastering fascination is effectively […]