Intelligent Leadership Executive Coaching Process features 40 to 60 hours working directly with Irene over a 6 to 12 month period. She confidentially engages with the executive in the four proven phases of Mattone’s proprietary coaching process: Awareness; Assessment; Action; and Achievement.

The executive experiences an in-depth diagnostic interview and are assessed using the proprietary “inner-core” assessments that are complemented by Irene’s stakeholder interviews and custom 360 to gain insight into their “outer-core” effectiveness. As part of this process, Irene will shadow the executive as they go about conducting organizational development meetings, delivering presentations and interacting with internal and external stakeholders.

Once the interviews and assessments are completed, Irene will debrief the executive on the results and offer her own observations. It takes several sessions to cover, discuss, and create plans to resolve the results. The remaining sessions moves the process to have Irene partner with the executive “hip to hip” and help them build and implement their custom leadership and personal development plan focused on leveraging their gifts and strengths and addressing their development needs.

This process is very stakeholder focused in that executives are guided by Irene to use their stakeholders throughout the process to gain powerful insights about their own organizational leadership strengths and development gaps. She utilizes Mattone’s powerful and proprietary online LeaderWatch mini-survey process at three month intervals to obtain feedback from stakeholders to determine if the executive is improving in the areas identified as critical in their leadership development plans.

Intelligent Leadership Coaching Program: 6 to 12 month period

Irene Becker’s personality attributes, non-judgment open demeanour, creativity and visionary talents to see what we don’t see about ourselves is key to how she works with you – on an individual basis or in group format.
Dr. Michel Rice, Director Ontario Medical Research Group


Irene gives me the coaching excellence I need to achieve greater passion, purpose, potential and success in my life and career.
Milton E. Fletcher, President of Great Minds Incorporated Professor of Business, Spring Arbor University, Former Manager of Global HR, General Motors, Michigan, USA


You could never find a better advocate for yourself. It is difficult to imagine how there could be anywhere in the world a better success coach than Irene Becker. She is worth 14 therapists, and yet is not a therapist. She deals with your own raw talent and helps you focus it in the direction where it will be maximally effective.
Richard Rotman, Professor of Media Relations, Humber College, Founder, PR Writer Extraordinaire, Toronto, Canada

Irene Becker’s Leadership Coaching Options

Described by clients as a transformational catalyst, Irene Becker works with C-suite executives, vice-presidents, senior managers, and entrepreneurs optimizing leadership, performance, and communications in high stress, high change environments.

Irene Becker was mentored and trained by John Mattone, who is recognized as the third best executive coach, after a successful business career, coaching certifications, including a certification in Emotional Intelligence and over a decade running a successful coaching practice.  She uses her revolutionary 3Q Leadership mindset and the Intelligent Leadership Coaching Program™ created by John Mattone to ignite and strengthen executives’ and leaders’ inner-core and outer-core strengths. This enables them to realize game-changing outcomes by leveraging The 4 A’s in their business and life: Altruism, Affiliation, Achievement, Abundance. These 4 A’s are the most important seeds to achieving sustained greatness and creating a lasting legacy.

Irene’s journey has taken her from dreams of becoming an academic to being the first woman CEO of a Canadian multi-million dollar steel company to pioneering consulting and mentorship programs internationally that achieve trailblazing results in business and in the community at large.