Living & Leading The Dream-If not now, when?

= 6907

by Irene Becker

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Is living and leading the dream idealism? You bet. But, it is that spark of idealism that was the genesis of the United States of America. It is that quest to discover and engage our noblest thoughts, emotions and actions that can help us not only keep our dreams alive, but make them real.

The need, greed and ego that has destroyed every fiefdom, kingdom, empire and more recently felled once great corporations; is alive and well in our lives, communities and our workplaces.

Meanwhile, at a time when the average North American and European has more personal powerand access to communication, knowledge and technology than ever before…

We are living in a box-a prison of discouragement because, too many of us are hiding our discontent under our latest material acquisition or the badge of having a career that has led us to a 24/7 work week.

Too many of us have taken the past of least resistance by forgetting our dreams, forgetting our true potential.How? Why?  By accepting and hence contributing to the destruction of our quality of life and the relationships we cherish.Taking the path of least resistance means giving up our dreams by accepting a quality of life, a quality of relationships that does not lead to the meaning, purpose, passion and fulfillment. It means living faster but not necessarily better to acquire all that will become irrelevant when we leave this earth.

As a great man once said, it is time to become the change we seek.   And doing so does not mean that we have to cut up our tie, get rid of our navy blue business suit, quit our job, our marriage or leave our community…

Becoming the change we seek means keeping our dreams alive.
It means that we have to stop, pause and reflect upon the purpose of our life, and reflect on whether we are building a path to our best self, our highest ideals, our noblest thoughts, emotions and actions…

Most of us will decide to embrace the status quo, by taking the path of least resistance.  But some of us will not.  And, it is those courageous human beings who have made the decision to step out of the box, people who have decided that they need to not simply fill their pocketbooks but also fill their souls who will change their lives and in so doing change will also help to change the world.

Is living and leading the dream idealism?  You bet.  But, it is that spark of idealism that was the genesis of the United States of America.
It is that quest to discover and engage our noblest thoughts, emotions and actions that can help us not only keep our dreams alive, but make them real.

Irene Becker

4 replies
  1. Michelle Tranter
    Michelle Tranter says:

    Great thought provoking blog, Irene.
    I agree, the path of least resistence is like a comfortable pair of slippers – easy to slip into at the end of a long day even in they have lots of holes and are getting worn and tired.
    Now is the time to reconnect with our dreams, to stop selling ourselves short – I love this quote:
    “It’s not the day you have to manage, but the moment,
    It’s not the dragon you have to slay but the fear,
    It’s not the path you have to know, but the destination”
    Take courage and step forward – we have one unique life – LIVE IT!

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Dear Michelle: Thank you so very much for taking the time to comment on this post. And, for the wonderful quote: “It’s not the day you have to manage, but the moment,
      It’s not the dragon you have to slay but the fear,
      It’s not the path you have to know, but the destination”
      Take courage and step forward – we have one unique life – LIVE IT!

      The ability to retrain our brains and open our hearts in order to engage our true potential is right in front of us! While brain science confirms that our brains are set on negative and that we automatically veer towards the path of least resistance; the ability to retrain our brain and to use the challenges we face as levers for our best selves, best work and ultimately our best world is real.

      Thanks again! Hope you are enjoying the blog.

      Yours in service, Irene

  2. Peg Gillard
    Peg Gillard says:

    Hotdamn! Love the passion here and the truth of your voice. Thanks for sharing and may it be the thorn some need to push them beyond their comfort zone and make a change they wish to see.


    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Dear Peg: Love the hotdamn! Thank you so much for your wonderful comments. I live and work from a place of learning, sharing and contribution. yes, it is all authentic. And, I believe that learning to push past our comfort zone is not only critical to growth but to developing the Q skills that can help us live and work happier and better in this new era of consistant change, challenges, crises…and opportunities.

      Yours in service, Irene


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