Against All Odds | A True Story of Courage, Hope & Leadership

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Against All Odds | A Story of Courage, Hope & Leadership
Sharing My Guest Post on Serve to Lead-One of the Top 100 Leadership Blogs 

“The greatest power we hold is not in what we have, but in who we truly are when we choose to ignite, engage and unleash the leader or hero within.   Our greatest power lies in our ability to use what is to create what can be in our self, our lives, our relationships, our leadership and our work” – Irene Becker

Serve to Lead is an outstanding blog…and a must read leadership book Thank you James Strock, Serve to Lead Blog for a body of work, a blog and three amazing books that talk loudly, boldly and fiercely to 21st Century Leadership at its best!

In this post, acclaimed success coach Irene Becker shares her personal leadership journey.

How would you summarize Irene’s journey, as recounted here? My one sentence: Persistence and resilience can build a bridge between adversity and excellence.

What is your leadership journey? Do you recognize aspects of your experience that coincide with Irene’s?…James Strock, CEO Serve to Lead

The deepest questions, insights, awareness and answers rarely come when we are sitting at the top of the mountain of success feeling like the keys to the kingdom are in our right hand. No matter who we are, no matter what we have acquired and accomplished; our success, satisfaction, sense of personal power, value and fulfillment can change in a blink.

40th Birthday Marks Turning Point

My greatest challenge, and greatest life, leadership and success lesson began on my 40th birthday way I was thrust from the mountain of success into a very dark valley. My birthday represented a giant fork or rut in the road of my personal life and my career. It was a time when the gold I had created by the sweat of my brow had turned to dust. I had not done anything to justify what had occurred. My birthday came to pass far, far away from the success, financial security, social capital and material comforts I had worked so very hard to achieve and acquire.

I landed far, far, away from my former success as CEO of a successful multi-million dollar company, and the accouterments of success I had taken for granted. I faced a life crucible, an event of nightmarish proportion, that took me from the mountain of success to ground zero where I had to start my life and my career again. While I had overcome incredible hurdles building a formidable career, the hurdles that I faced on my 40th birthday took me to the abyss where survival itself was in question.

I spent my fortieth birthday in a dark valley that was my greatest challenge and my greatest teacher, doing the most menial of jobs… cleaning toilets. A life crucible, a crime, a tragedy had thrown me from the mountain of success to a very dark valley.With $100 dollars and a credit card in my pocket, hoping that I would be able to recover enough money to start life again, I stood there, mop in hand, vowing to show my two young children that with faith, courage, integrity one could transform even the greatest darkness into the greatest light.  Why is my story important? Because, if you are a smart, fast forward thinker you know that being smart, fast, and well-trained are no longer enough. The changes, challenges and crises we face today demand a different way of thinking, leading and living that can help us inspire, engage and lead the best in ourselves and others when the going is very tough…and even when the tough are not sure how to get going!

A Secret Revealed         

It was at ground zero, doing the most menial of jobs that I learned a secret, a truth, a lesson that changed my life. Inevitably, whether by old age or a twist of fate…all the glitters is never gold. The greatest power we hold is not in what we have, but in who we truly are when we choose to ignite, engage and unleash the leader or hero within. Our greatest power lies in our ability to use what is to create what can be in our self, our lives, our relationships our leadership and our work.

The worst life crucible; the cruellest of treatment, abuse, humiliation, the greatest of failures, the pain of dealing with a threatening illness, or a personal stumbling block cannot steal the faith, hope, courage, potential and determination that burns inside us, unless we let it. The greatest success we can ever achieved cannot be measured by things that will be irrelevant when we leave this earth, but rather by our ability to live, lead and succeed to purpose. It is our ability to live, lead and succeed to purpose, our ability to truly self-actualize by unleashing our true potential that can move mole hills and mountains in our life and in the lives of others. It is this purpose, this passion this potential that creates value for others, and creating value for others is the timeless formula for success and fulfillment.

Because, it is our ability to see past what is, and create or re-create what can be that determines our ability to drive our greatest intentions forward, and reclaim our ability to live, lead and succeed to purpose. For when we are on purpose, we also discover our joy factor. When we are on purpose there is a sense of profound happiness, fulfillment meaning and empowerment that helps us unleash our best thoughts, emotions and actions. The pilot light that connects us with our highest power and our greatest potential, the candle that can help us heal, restore and rebuild a life, a career, an organization can be found and it can be re-engaged and re-ignited.

Resilience Yields Greatest Power

It was in the valley, at a time when all seemed lost, that I discovered my greatest power-my 3Q Edge™. It was in the valley that I learned to love and accept myself for who I was, rather than measuring my worth by what I had acquired or accomplished. It was in the valley that I discovered how to use my strengths AND my stressors, my changes AND deepest challenges to build my greatest advantage and potential by developing my 3Q™’s.

I learned to optimize my strength and skills while transforming the very difficult and gut wrenching challenges, challenges and crises I faced into breakthrough results that accelerated and sustained  3Q Strengths: My IQ (mind power-whole brain thinking, greater focus, quicker ideation, creativity, action-ability), EQ (emotional intelligence-emotional management and mastery) and SQ (spiritual quotient-the power within).

Today, I have dedicated my career to helping others build their 3Q Edge™ because I believe in the power of human being better, not simply living and doing faster. I believe in our ability to unleash the business, personal and inter-personal leadership we need to live, lead and succeed to purpose in our lives, our relationships, our workplace…our world. I believe that our greatest strength, success and satisfaction cannot be sustained by what we command, control or acquire, but from what we contribute. It is the relationships that we build and sustain, our ability to inspire, engage and lead the best in ourselves and others that help us make our contribution. And, we all have a special contribution to make; no matter how large or small every contribution counts now more than ever before.

When we do find our true power, when we build our Q strengths and potential, we come home. August 1998 I came home, and thankfully I have been there ever since. I am honored and grateful for the gift of life, and for the ability to help other rainmakers, road warriors and trailblazers open a new pathway, a critical pathway to their best work, best relationships, best leadership, and best lives by building their 3Q Edge™.

I am honored to help my clients come home by living, leading and succeeding to purpose because together we can make a difference. A difference that builds engagement, empowerment, communication, action-ability, leadership and growth in real life, real work and real-time.

Irene Becker |  Against All Odds

More on Leadership, 3Q Leadership and Leading at the Speed of Change and/or in the Face of Crisis?  YOU BETCHA:

Winning The New War
The NEW Leader
Women and Leadership: 10 Steps Forward for Women AND Men

 From Now To How Building Social, Virtual and Cross Generational Leadership
Leadership and Enlightened Business:  Coaching & Training for Sticky Results

Extraordinary Women Interview

Building the 3Q Leadership Skills YOU Need NOW

Agile Leadership and Management Toolkit
Leading in the Face of Crisis
What Does Leadership Really Mean?
5 Ways to Lead Forward by Championing the Challenge
Success = The Reach and Resonance of the Human Heart
Smart and Fast Are NOT Enough:  The Need for Higher EQ/EI

Irene Becker is Chief Success Officer of Just Coach. Just Coach is a “transformational catalyst” whose unique 3Q™ approach has helped clients in Canada, USA and Europe achieve breakthrough results in performance, communication and leadership. She writes at JustCoachIt.

66 replies
  1. michael seres
    michael seres says:

    What a fantastic and inspirational story. I learned a lot from it. If you ever have a minute to read my story I would love your views as whether your 3Q model could be of use to me.
    Many thanks

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Dear Rabbi Lapin: Thank you so much for your message, it brought tears to my eyes. Clients, friends and my now adult kids always tell me that I am inspirational-I think that this energy is transmitted because after seeing and experiencing what I consider to be the best and the very worst of life and human nature I have emerged with a philosophy and appreciation for the gift of life and how we can use from the most simple challenges to difficult problems to move forward better, stronger and with our heads, hearts and potential in alignment.

      Thank YOU so much. Your comment is a merit and a blessing to me that I cherish.

      Yours in service and friendship, Irene

  2. Trevor Lee
    Trevor Lee says:

    Inspirational Irene

    Those of us who have had perceived setbacks are humbled by your recounting the detail of your journey from darkness into light. That you choose to harness this re-birth in the service of others is incredibly spiritual and in contrast to the lack of SQ that has led so many institutions and commercial concerns to this low point in their respective histories.

    I wish you continued health and good fortune in sharing this with even more who will, I know, be truly blessed by your wise counsel and love.

    Warmest regards – Trevor

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Dear Trevor: Firstly, please know that your comments and your wonderful re-tweets of my work on Twitter inspire me! I have done my utmost to use every challenge small and large, personal and business/career to help others. My passion for my 3Q model was a result of perhaps one of the greatest challenges one can face. I believe with all my heart that we have the power to use what is to create what can be. What is needed are shifts forward, coachable moments that help those who lead and those who aspire to greater leadership reset default patterns of thinking, doing and communicating that no longer work while also transforming the way they look at problems.

      And, to me great leadership comes from a place of love because great leadership, true leadership is always about service above self. WE cannot all be great leaders, but we can lead with greatness; we can help those who are great leaders, we can stretch our vessel, our soul our being just a little bit every day and every week so that we have the ability to enhance brainpower-emotional power/empathy and align both with our spiritual quotient-the purest power within.

      I do not think that the importance of leading forward can be minimized, and we all share the same path; a path of learning, growing, evolving. A path of finding new and better ways to build a better present and future.

      I send you much love and appreciation, Trevor. I am inspired that you resonate with my mission, and I continue to pray that a mission so critical will be seen clearly by not only small businesses but all businesses. The ability for enterprise to help LEAD forward is our greatest challenge, but it is a challenge worth pursuing!

      Warmest regards back,

  3. Maliheh Mahdavi
    Maliheh Mahdavi says:

    Thank you , for this great inspiration story. I thanks God for you,I am grateful we haven you in Toronto. when I read this Geust Post I fell power come to my heart.

    Thank you ,


    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Dear Maliheh: Thank you for your wonderful message. Whatever you are facing, know that you have the power to move through and past it with G-d’s help. You are not alone. There is always a power we do not see but can feel that moves through us. Catch it, hold on to it!

      Yours in friendship and service,

  4. Will Harris
    Will Harris says:

    This is why I love to follow and read about ‘great’ people in the world. Everyone loves to hear about the outcome and present day successes but I always want to know the turning point or the exact moment when you have to make the decision to sink or swim. These are the moments when your life changes and you truly find your purpose in it. As you stated, when you are living in your purpose it’s like someone took the blinders off and you see the world–and your world–in an entirely different light. Suddenly you have more clarity about exactly who and what YOU are and that is a beautiful thing. Irene, you are the truth. These are the kinds of testimonies I like my student-athletes and their parents to read about so I’ll be sharing this for sure. When I talk or read about interesting people I always want to know..’how did you get here?’ and it never fails the answer is always that moment I think everyone gets….their destiny moment. I’m glad you found yours. It’s a pleasure to have met you and an absolute delight to read your testimony. Thanks for sharing and may GOD continue to bless you.

    Over the years, people have approached me about blogging now I think I may know of a person to help me get started. LOL

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Dear Will: Please know that I was profoundly touched by your comments. Thank you so much. I believe that other than the 4-10% of sociopaths who we now believe are born with an inability to really feel or have an ethical compass-WE ALL have the ability for greatness, we can all lead forward in different but equally important ways. I believe that we are all sparks of G-d, of the Creator and it is our individual and collective journey, our greatest challenge to ignite and share these sparks.

      I made a decision at age 5 to tie a knot around my faith, humanity, integrity and courage. I have had incredible success, I have also faced abject poverty and failure…but, the greatest riches I discovered at age 5 have never left me, and they sustain me still.

      While it is critical to survive, to have food, shelter as well as a positive environment where we can grow, flourish, learn relearn and contribute; our greatest achievement to me is always being aware of what our true riches and that no matter what happens they will never let us down.

      There are many posts on my blog, and I have many more as I am passionate about not only the integrity of my purpose and my work, but in communication; in our ability to build communities of purpose, to collaborate together to build a better present and future. If there are other areas that interest you that are not on the blog, please just email me

      Also in regards to help with blogging, email me. Would love to help. Here is the link to a good post I wrote about successful blogging I also have a quickstep 3 session coaching program starting Aug 6.

      Thank you again for your wonderful comments, and for your clear dedication to the kids your coach and their potential. May G-d grace your ability to lead forward with learning, light, success and much happiness.


    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      You are so welcome, Whitney! Wishing you an outstanding birthday. Gosh, you have so many great accomplishments to celebrate, and I remain honored to have written a Great Read Excerpt and Review of Dare-Dream-Do as your book, your message is so critical; and, in many ways the title of your book could be my mantra! Thank you so much for your incredible footprint and work. You are very appreciated!

      Best! Irene

  5. Neville Pritchard
    Neville Pritchard says:

    Thank you for sharing this with me; it is inspiring and is something that I can really relate to. I wish you continued good health, happiness, flow and success.

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Hi Neville: Thank you so much for your very kind comment! I think that our ability to lead forward even through the worst of times is so critical. Look forward to visiting your site and learning more about your work. Always great to speak with a colleague! My email

      Best, Irene

  6. kevin
    kevin says:

    Your story is so inspirational, it filled my heart with power of handling matters that at first I thought hard to take up, I now know the bigger the head does not contain the big brain but the power lies in my ability of how to make a step, ability to talk and to keep on trying to achieve my dreams and the ability never to give up. Believe me Irene in your story I have learnt more than I can write here, be blessed.

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Kevin, thank you so much! I apologize for the delay in replying as there was tech problem responding on the blog. I am humbled and honored that my story spoke to you. Hope that you will enjoy the posts on the blog!

      Yours in service, Irene

  7. Japhet Simon
    Japhet Simon says:


    Don’t think I have any more words to add or any better than what others have already mentioned, but Inspirational. Sometimes things come our direction when we’re in the mist of hardship ourselves, we think we’re in a lone world with the doors and windows all shut to try and keep ourselves protect, and wonder how we got there in the first place, with no answers. Your story has brought some clarity and given more strenght to fight on…. I know someday I would be able to seat down and connect the dots

    Your story is truly inspiration and I am glad to have read it at this time in my life.



    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Japhet: Thank you so much for your wonderful comments and feedback. I am grateful that my story spoke to you, and was of service. Our ability to transcend even the most difficult challenges is real. And, that being said the ability to use small, everyday and even BIG challenges to empower, engage and actualize our greatest potential is our greatest challenge and purpose…doing so is the way forward.

      Very best, Irene

      • Japhet Simon
        Japhet Simon says:


        Been thinking about your story all day today, but particularly the words below extracted from your story. Many can feel it but only very few put them in words. Thanks again.

        “The greatest power we hold is not in what we have, but in who we truly are when we choose to ignite, engage and unleash the leader or hero within. Our greatest power lies in our ability to use what is to create what can be in our self, our lives, our relationships, our leadership and our work” – Irene Becker

        • Irene Becker
          Irene Becker says:

          Japhet: You are so welcome! I am truly so delighted that my story and its message spoke to you.

          And, thank you for extracting quotes that truly represent the message of my story, my work and the results I have helped clients achieve.

          I hope that you subscribe to my blog, and look forward to your comments on other posts.

          Yours in service,

  8. Harb
    Harb says:

    What happened to you at the beginning of your forties has been called night Journey or death and rebirth leitmotif in literature. . You leave your usual day-to-day world and going down within yourself come in contact with your roots, your undivided consciousness of unity, even God, even whole free-energy of the universe. Then you come recharged, reintegrated on a higher plan. Some become creators of new religions, some become creators of new great works of art, I came up with the vision of my book Self-Designed Universe. You probably came up with a new vision regarding leadership. Here are a couple of relevant paragraphs from my book:

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Dear Harb: Thank you SO much for your very sage comments, your wisdom and for sharing paragraphs from your book. I apologize for the delay iin replying as my blog had the flu (tech glitches). The wisdom of your words speaks through each syllable. Honored to learn from you.

      Yours in service, Irene

  9. Mark Zorro
    Mark Zorro says:

    There are many adversity stories that have no happy ending but when they do, it is the face of our deepest humanity that wishes the best possible outcome. The greatest courage of all is love and in adversity, love is witnessed in people who refuse to accept what fate offers – so it is not so much the success which is courageous but the sense of belief.

    Brain injury is one of many forms of adversity that can occur, and we may not have the faculty or depth to understand pain that is way beyond our experience, but we have the humanity to appreciate what courage is. I posit “Journal After Brain Injury” as an example of peering into a world which heart alone cannot explain.

    The libraries of the world cannot contain the courage our fellow human beings have in totality, for we only get to see a fraction of a percentage of this courage in print, let alone what enters our own individual insight. Even if large parts of our world suffer in silence, appreciating courage is the doorway to knowing love.

    What I do know is that whenever we stand in the presence of this courage, this courage that connects all seven billion of us on this ebb and flowing planet – it’s upshot is a great sense of humility, of connection to that spirit we all call “humanity” – and in the revealing of these stories, it is this humanity that emerges most.

    That is why, the way we read a human story is ever so more important than how we are touched by it, for courage demands of us a humanity we may not see in our lifetime – but every story that demands courage of us, brings that humanity into being, one single human cell at a time. So that is how I honour what I have read here, for it is a part of the whole – and in that I pass my appreciation.


    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Dear Mark: I was deeply touched by the wisdom and humanity of your blog comment. Thank you so much for sharing! I suffered a near fatal car accident years ago and experienced brain trauma. I salute you for writing about such trauma, and will visit your blog first thing in the morning.

      You are a terrific writer, and have so much wisdom to share. I again, thank you for sharing it with me. May I quote some of the great passages from your blog comment on twitter? I would like to share your sage words with others.

      Thank you so much for your important work and contribution.


      • Mark Zorro
        Mark Zorro says:

        Dear Irene,

        You are free to share on twitter, your energy serves as a great polarity, the yang of action balanced by a yin of silence, which is simply my way of saying how much I appreciate that energy in the purity of reflection.


  10. Kevin Swarbrick
    Kevin Swarbrick says:

    Hi Irene.

    Thank you for sharing this post.
    You are an inspiration and there’s no question about that!
    I am at a bad place in my life at the moment, so this post opened my eyes more!
    You have always been nice to me since day one of meeting you on twitter.
    I think you are a wonderful person and a great soul, that alone speaks volumes to me.
    Keep up the amazing work and I do wish you the very best for 2013.

    Happy new year X

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Dear Kevin: Thank you so much for your comments. I am so sorry you are going through a difficult time. My heart goes out to you. I know how hard it is, but I also know that are ability to use even the darkest of times to find a new way, a better way is real. There is not enough nice, not enough kindness, integrity and humanity in the world. I do my part every day to spread all three. Together we can use our kindness, integrity and humanity to help each other lead forward. Together we make a purposeful whole in a world where our ability to discover new ways to collaborate, communicate and help each other lead forward is real.

      I wish you a quick trip through this difficult period, and a simply fantastic 2013.

      Yours in service and friendshp. Irene

    • Japhet Simon
      Japhet Simon says:

      Kevin Swarbrick

      Please stay strong, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Irene’s story has helped me draw the courage (from the heart) to help me understanding the reasons why things are happenning and to take a new direction.

      Take care

      Japhet Simon

  11. Irene Becker
    Irene Becker says:

    Dear Japhet and Kevin Swarbrick: Japhet, your message to Kevin touched my heart, and I am sure his. Know that you are not alone, Kevin and that new directions, new ways to see and lead forward arise from our darkest moments. Take this time not to reflect upon what is not, but rather what can be.

    And, if you need help to kickstart this reflection…email me Here to help.

    Yours in service, Irene

      • Cheryl Aldridge
        Cheryl Aldridge says:

        Thank you for sharing your journey with your readers. It does inspire hope in me, and obviously others that when we are faced with a major life shift that its not the end, but has the potential to be a new beginning for something great.

        • Irene Becker
          Irene Becker says:

          Thank you for taking the time to comment, and your wonderful feedback. The models I developed, 3Q and REACH came as a result of the story/experience you read, and a journey that has been touched by both great success and also extremely difficult life, health challenges.

          I am passionate about our ability to lead forward individually and organizationally by not simply playing to strengths, but by using changes, challenges, stressors, even failures to optimize our potential to learn, share, contribute and excel!

          Best, Irene

  12. Theresa
    Theresa says:

    Dear Irene. Thank for your inspiring story. I am 38 years old and has just survived great losses. Your path resonates with me. As I start my next journey, I will continue to reference yours. Thank you for being a light on my path

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Dear Teresa: I apologize for the delay in replying, as there have been a few tech snags. Thank you so much for your wonderful message. It touched me profoundly. Stay strong! Stay inspired! Sharing a recent interview, I think will resonate with you. From Pain To Gain In Life And Career (Audio)

      Very best! Irene

      • Japhet Simon
        Japhet Simon says:


        It has been over a year now, and I just read through my comments and your replies, and I can n tell you the darkness are behind me and I’m inSaudi Arabia working for the past 8 months now and loving it.

        Your story helped me to get over hurdles I never had the courage to take on, but, I’m here now and it’s great to see the other side of the tunnel. Thanks for the inspiration.



        • Irene Becker
          Irene Becker says:

          Dear Japhet: Thank you so much for your wonderful note. I work and write in service, and am so delighted to know that my articles have been of service to you. Kudos on your accomplishments. I am rooting for you. Our ability to transcend and transform the challenges we face, our ability to build our courage and tie a knot around the faith, hope, integrity and humanity that can lead us forward is real and critical.

          Wishing you great continued success!

          Yours in service, Irene


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  12. […] It was at ground zero, doing the most menial of jobs that I learned a secret, a truth, a lesson that changed my life. Inevitably, whether by old age or a twist of fate…all the glitters is never gold. The greatest power we hold is not in what we have, but in who we truly are when we choose to ignite, engage and unleash the leader or hero within. Our greatest power lies in our ability to use what is to create what can be in our self, our lives, our relationships, our leadership and our work.  […]

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  18. […] Since writing my story,  Against All Odds, my journey has included some of the greatest challenges … I guess the pivot points in my journey were pain points that would have compelled most people to simply give up.  As a young child, on a journey that encompassed tragedy, abuse, pain and a myriad of  challenges I discovered that the greatest power we have is in the hope, faith, courage, integrity and humanity that lights a fire in our soul.  I learned that the values we cherish are the formula for our greatest success or a descent into an endless trajectory of ego driven illusions that never really help us achieve our greatest purpose. I learned that we each have a unique footprint, a unique gift/contribution to share in our lifetime; each positive step forward that is alignment with hope, faith, courage, integrity and humanity takes us all forward. […]

  19. From Pain To Gain-Ten Leadership Lessons Learned » Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge says:

    […] Since writing my story,  Against All Odds, my journey has included some of the greatest challenges … I guess the pivot points in my journey were pain points that would have compelled most people to simply give up.  As a young child, on a journey that encompassed tragedy, abuse, pain and a myriad of  challenges I discovered that the greatest power we have is in the hope, faith, courage, integrity and humanity that lights a fire in our soul.  I learned that the values we cherish are the formula for our greatest success or a descent into an endless trajectory of ego driven illusions that never really help us achieve our greatest purpose. I learned that we each have a unique footprint, a unique gift/contribution to share in our lifetime; each positive step forward that is alignment with hope, faith, courage, integrity and humanity takes us all forward. […]

  20. Words Make Worlds: Opening The Door To A Better Present And Future » Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge says:

    […] and dedication that resonates with every core of my being. I have held leadership positions, I have been extremely successful and I have also struggled with changes, challenges, career and life…  The desire to lead forward is a state of mind, a state of heart, a state of being that opens the […]

  21. Leadership Compendium: Leading Forward In the Face of Complexity, Change or Crisis » Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge says:

    […] what can be in our lives and our organizations.   Click for testmonials    Read  my  story: Against All Odds.   And most of all,  LEAD […]

  22. […] assuming that you desire to EXCEL in life, that you wish to BE A BETTER YOU. True leadership, leading from within, comes from the drive and determination deep down to make the world a better […]

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