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Optimize-Humanize-Monetize || 3 Critical Steps to Results YOU Want

The Coachable Moment for the week ending July 6-2012
Irene Becker
| www.justcoachit.com | 3Q Leadership™ Blog
Helping smart people and organizations communicate and lead forward
smarter, faster and happier is what I do bes

What Are Coachable Moments?
Why Are They Important ?

Coachable Moments are the “aha” moments I have had in my executive coaching practice over the past ten years; moments that have helped me develop 3Q leadership™ tools & exercises for clients that have helped them quickly shift forward to improved results by resetting default patterns of thinking and doing.  Rewriting neural patterns/ habits of thought and action that no longer work is what 3Q Leadership™ is all about.

Great communication is critical to employee engagement and retention, effective teams/ virtual teams, improved lead generation/ salesSystems theory tells us about the power of one consistent change to affect positive change in the entire organization. More on systems theory-effective communication and team-building?  You betcha.  Stay tuned for my forthcoming Pink Paper.

And, now this wk’s Coachable Moment- Optimize, Humanize, Monetize



Attitude is altitude, but developing an attitude that takes you and others forward means building a critical Q skill!  It means honing your ability to focus on strengths and see problems as a conduit to the solution. Build a critical Q skill constructive discontent.  See mistakes, failures with new eyes that help you turn them around. Constructive discontent is part of my 3Q model because, while counter-intuitive it is absolutely critical to leading and managing forward.  Developing this key skill will help you not only optimize your potential and the potential of others; it will also build greater to wellbeing.




The leader who communicates well succeeds well. Communicating well means delivering your message in a way that resonates profoundly with the recipient(s).  It means building resonance and reach!  Humanizing communication, adapting your words, your tone, your body language for each and resonance is a learned skill, a critical important skill that will also help you build another key leadership competency-enhanced EQ/EI.  Humanizing communication means adapting your style in a way that opens the ears of the listener (s). What is the value of learning to humanize your communication? The value is implicit to successful management and leadership because the take-away is  an auditory footprint that engages and inspires the best in others.




Shift forward!  Use your communication, your voice to become solution focused and solution driven. Fail forward faster, and better.. Once you have mastered constructive discontent, hone your ability to optimize potential by teaching your people to fail forward, faster and better.  Model/mentor/coach others by helping them to build transparent communication, empowerment-improved bottom line results. Achieving results and sustaining the power of those who are part of YOUR success team means building the Q skills that will help you optimize-humanize and monetize results.

©Irene Becker 2012.  All Rights Reserved


Are YOU Ready to Kick-Start Results?

New 3Q Leadership™ Quick-Step Programs Start Aug 6, 2012
Insightful, Purposeful, Powerful

Section I:  Optimize-Humanize-Monetize (Verbal Communication)
Section II: Optimize-Humanze-Monetize (Written Communication)
Section III: Optimize-Humanize-Monitize (Social Media Communication)

Registration is Limited. Email:  irene@justcoachit.com


More on  Building Your 3Q Leadership™ Edge?
Humanizing, Optimizing and Monetizing Results?  Yes

Great Read Review & Excerpt The Power of Communication
7 Ways to Turn Conflict Around
Greatness Leadership-7 Steps
Extraordinary Woman Interview on Leadership
Meaningful Work
Lead Forward

The Thriving Organization
Courageous Team-building

Join the conversation by posting on this blog or on twitter @justcoachit


Irene Becker, Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™

Helping smart people and organizations communicate and lead forward
smarter, faster and happier is what I do best. Executive coaching, consulting, keynotes and articles with a 3Q Edge™ for greater reach, resonance and results

Irene Becker | Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ | 3Q Leadership™ Blog
Career, Communication and Leadership Programs & Services with a 3Q Edge™
Toronto & Virtually Everywhere | (1) 416-671-4726 416-671-4726 Skype: beckerirene

3 replies
  1. Karlene Petitt
    Karlene Petitt says:

    Thank you for another great post. Thinking about this while flying with a Captain who lacks essential leadership skills. On the ground… we lose time, money, opportunity. In flight what do we lose?

  2. Irene Becker
    Irene Becker says:

    Karlene: Thank you so much for your kind comments! There is no way to begin to quantify the money lost, the opportunities lost and the cost in employee retention, engagement, results due to poor leadership skills, or a leadership style that just does not work any longer.

    Thank you for making an important point! I wish that more organizations would recognize that the need to help key leaders and senior managers optimize, humanize and in effect monetize their communication is critical and implicit to leadership and ongoing success.

    Often 3-4 coaching sessions can make a pivotal difference, if the problem is communication based. Perhaps your colleague would take a gentle hint? But, if he is ego driven or oblivious to areas of challenge hinting may or not be appropriate!

    Best, Irene


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  1. […] to move forward, lead forward by developing new ways of thinking, communicating and doing that optimize, humanize and monetize our individual and collective potential. Success is a team activity. Leadership is Olympian. Those […]

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