18 Word Success Formula
18 Word Success Formula
The Coachable Moment | Lead Forward!
Irene Becker | www.justcoachit.com | 3Q Leadership™ Blog
Helping smart people and organizations communicate and lead forward
smarter, faster and happier is what I do best. Greater reach, resonance & results!

1. Hone your ability to learn and unlearn
2. Develop Communities of Purpose and Collaboration
3. Apply courage, integrity, humanity>>>REPEAT
Does this work? YES. Here is the proof
And a video
More Coachable Moments? YES
Personal Development
First woman CEO of a steel company in Canada, Irene Becker has a track record of trailblazing accomplishments in business and in the community at large. An insightful and inspiring executive coach, mentor, speaker and writer, Irene helps clients achieve breakthrough results in their communication, leadership and lives. Passionate about the integrity of her work and its ability to help changemakers LEAD change, Irene helps smart people and organizations develop 3Q Leadership™ and effective verbal, written and social communication that builds reach, resonance and results. Contact Irene: irene@justcoachit.com Twitter @justcoachit Tel: (1) 416-671-4726 Skype: beckerirene Irene goes the distance for her clients face to face and/or virtually!
Very well said. One of the key points we often don’t think about is the ability to “unlearn.” Powerful!
Karlene: Thank you so much for your comments. The importance to find solutions that are simple clear, and that we can use as auditory or mental footprints to help us focus forward is critical. The 18 words to me optimize what is so critical to individual and organizational leadership. AND, the power to unlearn is real, it is a coachable skill it is actually core to my 3Q coaching methodology not only because the velocity of change means that our ability to optimize, accelerate learning includes unlearning what no longer works. The benefits of mastering this skill are multifold in terms of wellbeing, mental health, optimization of potential, effective agile management and leadership. One of the benefits to honing our ability to learn and unlearn is developing better whole brain thinking which is critical. Z
The caveat I think is in following the 18 word Success Formula we strengthen our intellect, our emotional power and our spiritual quotient-connection with our highest power and greatest good.
Thank you again for your comment!
Best, Irene
This is truly powerful, Irene. Thank you for sharing. I too, especially loved #1. It’s so important that we ensure that our beliefs and values are aligned with where we are today. We can’t move forward, if we’re stuck holding on to the same lessons yesteryear loaned us.
Deone: Thank YOU so much for taking the time to comment on my post. I agree entirely, we need to be on purpose and in alignment. Also, sometimes our values and beliefs are in alignment but the way we respond to situations no longer works, or the way we choose to think about a particular situation does not take us forward. The ability to retrain our brains, to reset default patterns that no longer work is real, and it is powerful too!
Best, Irene
Very interesting post. I recently did a life inventory and found that I had been wasting a lot of time, being unproductive. Now I am going back to the basics with hard work and innovation, I find your philosophy fresh and could possibly provide a map of how to kick off my journey. I see that both previous comments both deal with unlearning, this is very to interesting to me. I am currently a Doctoral candidate in Business Administration, which keeps my passion for learning strong, but I have such a disadvantage against my fellow classmates. While they have all been gathering real world experience while they learn, a neck injury several years ago has kept me out of the workforce. So 99% of the time when looking for a new position I know I have all the others applicants I beat on education but I lack real world experience. Long story short I had surgery last June that has allowed me to go back to work. I am now a adjunct faculty at a college in Chicago. Don’t get me wrong I love to teach and I have such a passion for it, but I feel as though I am meant for something more. One avenue I am pursuing is starting to create some buzz for myself by launching a personal branding website/blog, supporting the website is a social media component (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn). It is my goals to use these tools to show that I am not all just classroom knowledge, that I can compete in the real world (Marketing, Organic SEO, Digital Content Development…) by treating myself as a brand and marketing in a similar manner online. Furthermore, it give people some insight as to what my abilities are. My question to you is, how do you overcome the objection of lacking real world experience with such a high level of education?
Hi Christopher: Thank you for your comments. There are a number of really good questions posed in your note. In order to give you an opinion regarding your career path, I really need to have more information. And, I think that the question of education versus experience also necessitates a closer look. Would you like to send me your cv and website info and we can set up a day and time to chat? My email is irene@justcoachit.com.
There are many ways to overcome an objection, but doing so has to be predicated not only on what you have done, but you feel that you are capable of accomplishing and how you position skills and knowledge you have acquired in a way that creates value for an organization.
I would welcome the opportunity to have a converation around this, and look forward to hearing from you, Christopher.
Best, Irene