Leadership is Olympian-Time to Lead Forward

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Leadership is Olympian |  It is time to LEAD FORWARD
The causal mechanism of leadership is the integrity of our ambition.

Irene Becker | www.justcoachit.com | 3Q Leadership™ Blog
Helping smart people and organizations communicate and lead forward
smarter, faster and happier is what I do bes

Leadership is Olympian because the causal mechanism of leadership is the integrity of our ambition.  Ambition that is reflected in a constant dedication to creating value for others; ambition that is reflected in the ethics, integrity, humanity and fervor to learn and grow in ways that can help us all lead forward. It is a juxtaposition of me and we, an ability to see past the forest with wisdom that inspires the best in ourselves and in others.

Leadership is…

•A power rooted in empathy because we cannot lead without being able to understand the needs and wants of our constituents; we cannot speak from the heart when we are unable to see what is in the heart of others.

•Seeing the forest for the trees, the solution among the challenges, changes and even failures before us and making this solution, this vision real.

•Transforming the complex into simple, powerful, messages that align our greatest potential and purpose.

•Using changes, challenges even failures to new ways of thinking and doing, new ways of learning and relearning that take us forward faster and better.

•Encouraging evolutionary steps forward by rewarding good thought, good work and good actions; because it is our individual and collective ability to contribute, to do meaningful work that can help us retain the courage, the stamina and boldness required to succeed.

•Living and leading in alignment with the universal values that drive sustainability; modeling best actions, best thoughts, best leadership so that we may inspire the best in ourselves and in others.

•Creating meaning and value for others in a way that unites and integrates the skills and strengths, the hope and courage of all

•Being the architect of hope, courage and resiliency within the enterprise and in the community, because true leadership is “kaizen”-it only reflects change for the better.

Leadership is Olympian because it will be tested in every way by those who seek shortcuts to success, and have forsaken that which matters most for that which in the end matters least
.  The test of leadership, the test of our greatest success will never be found in what we acquire, because true leadership, true success and true happiness are found in what we contribute.


Today, perhaps more than ever before the imperative for every man and woman to aspire to personal leadership is critical; and it requires Olympian courage.  Will we start each day lighting a torch of hope, courage, integrity and humanity that can inspire the best in ourselves and others?  Each day we are presented with another chance to light a personal Olympic torch within our hearts and our minds.  Most will forsake this opportunity because it is difficult, at times painstaking; but the future lies in the heads, hearts and hands of those courageous men and women who will refuse to be daunted; change-makers, personal Olympians who will embrace the integrity of their ambition, and their ability to make a positive difference each day in which every way they choose.


More on Leadership?  You betcha!
Extraordinary Women Interview-Overcoming Life & Leadership Challenges
18 Word Success Formula
Rising to the Challenge Before Us
Leading Forward
Lead Forward (10 posts in one)
The Reach and Resonance of the Human Heart
Leadership Means Developing a Community of Purpose
Meaningful Work-A Leadership & Management Must
Against All Odds-A Personal Story of Leadership, Hope & Courage


About Irene Becker, Executive Coach, Consultant, Speaker, Writer
Chief Success Officer, Just Coach It -The 3Q Edge™

First woman CEO of a steel company in Canada, Irene Becker has a track record of trailblazing accomplishments in business and in the community at large. An insightful and inspiring executive coach, mentor, speaker and writer, Irene helps clients achieve breakthrough results in their communication, leadership and lives. Passionate about the integrity of her work and its ability to help change-makers LEAD change, Irene helps smart people and organizations develop 3Q Leadership™ and effective verbal, written and social communication that builds reach, resonance and results. Irene welcomes your emails at irene@justcoachit.com and tweets at @justcoachit.

9 replies
  1. Scott Mabry
    Scott Mabry says:

    “A power rooted in empathy” – love this description! Wonderful list. Should be framed for leaders to put beside their mirror before they head out to lead each day. 🙂 Great post!

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Scott: Thank you so much for your wonderful comment. To me true power is always rooted in empathy, because true power is leadership! Again, I thank you for your post so much. Perhaps, I should put part of the post in a mini poster!

      Very best, Irene

  2. Tracey Wall
    Tracey Wall says:

    This article is loaded with fabulous content and great key messages for leaders the world over to read, acknowledge, check within and go forward taking on board their own self development to enable themselves to get the very best out of their teams and truly fulfil their full potential as leaders in their fields.

    That journey begins with self awareness and empathy of others and then taking appropriate action on what you learn from both!

    Great post!

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Hi Tracey: Thank you so much for wonderful feedback. I am so glad that you liked the post, and hope that it will inspire those who lead, and those who aspire to greater leadership to lead forward!

      Very best! Irene


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