The NEW Leader

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The New Leader

 © Irene Becker | www.justcoachit.comThe 3Q Edge™  | Improved Reach-Resonance-Results
Helping smart people and organizations lead & communicate forward smarter, faster, happier is what I do best  

The New Leader Knows that Surviving and Thriving Means LearninSet featured imageg and Relearning
In a rapidly changing world, in a global marketplace where the sheer velocity of change, challenges, competition and opportunities before us is unprecedented; our ability to embrace individual and collective learning, relearning, doing and re-doing is the linchpin that can help us use what is to create and recreate what can be.  All organizations, small and large need to get a grip on what is and what can be.  Inertia, bureaucratic fumbling, confused messages, thwarted communication and the political morass of behaviors that impede communication, collaboration must be addressed and changed.  Change is not a threat, it is our greatest hope.  Leading forward means changing forward, and doing so means embracing our individual and collective potential to learn, re-learn.  A small perceptual shift in how we see the problems or challenges we face can be the genesis for our greatest potential and success.

The Greatest Threat We Face is Internal-Time to Turn It Around!
The World Health Organization forecasts that stress will be the major cause of physical disability in the world by 2020.  American corporations now spend in excess of $300 million a year on workplace related stress issues and problems. Employee disengagement is at an all time high.  Fear and/ or complacency, fight or flight reactions, line the corridors of every organization.  It is time to re-think, time to change the way we look at change, challenges, stressors so that we can optimize our ability to use all three to learn and re-learn habits of thought, communication and action that allow us to optimize and actualize our potential.  Our ability to use our mind to circumvent primal patterns of flight or flight is real.  Yes, we can learn to not simply manage the stressors and challenges we face but to use them in new ways to actualize our potentialThe New Leader is an avid learner who embraces what Deepak Chopra and Rudolph Tanzi call our Super Brain, by using his/her mind to really optimize cognition, ideation, actionability at the speed of change.


Learning organizations must move from the pages of theory, to actualization.  Communities of Purpose Must be Built

Peter Senge’s learning organization, the integration of systems theory and learning  in his seminal book, The Fifth Discipline, must be realized. Learning organizations start with individuals, with leaders at the top who model and inspire others to learn and relearn, fail forward faster, embrace NEW ways to enhance cognition, ideation, collaboration, communication.  Learning organizations INCLUDE real and virtual teams and communities that stretch vertically, horizontally and geographically across the company and the globe.  Every individual must rally forth with courage, with anticipation, with the desire to master his/her ability to learn, re-learn, grow, collaborate and share.  Hope lies not only with improved agile management and leadership, but with the men and women who form the foundation of organizational success from the warehouse to the Csuite.  Teaching, modeling new ways of learning, relearning and failing forward must be modelled, shared and applauded.  Communities of Purpose, virtual and actual must be established in ways that allow them to flourish and grow.

How can we model learning and relearning?  Develop a new and better perspective around change, challenges, failures that will allow us to see the opportunities before us? How can we help those who lead develop their 3Q Edge; their ability to optimize IQ, EQ and SQ in an arena of change, challenges and opportunities that will continue to accelerate. We start with R-E-A-C-H:

Redirecting Focus:  Learning new ways of refocusing our attention, using our mind to guide our brainpower in a way that is solution focused and driven; a way that helps us use not only perceived strengths but the very challenges we face as a catalyst for ideation, cognition, innovation and actionability.  Small changes in what we focus upon, can help us not only become stronger whole brain thinkers, but will help neurons that fire together develop a new and better relationship with change, challenges even failures that can help us lead forward.

Empower Confidence: The greatest idea, the greatest solution cannot be found without the confidence in our individual and collective ability to find new and better solutions.  We must align our goals and objectives with our ability to map out new ways of solution finding and doing that take us forward.  New ways that demand communication, collaboration.  New ways that build a bridge between individual and collective potential.  The greatest success we will find is a new collaboration of ideas, individuals and teams who can focus on an alignment of purpose, values and objectives that allows them to collectively build new solutions that take us forward.

Actualize Potential: Do not allow the attrition of purpose driven work and energy. Drive Engagement.  Every job has a purpose driven component. Finding it, using to help yourself and those you lead understand their importance and feel purposeful cannot be minimized.  Organizations whose employees do not feel purposeful will ultimately crash and fail.  People who do not feel purposeful will be more susceptible to stress, to the erosion of their intellectual, emotional and social capacity. The new economy, the new world, is a world of innovation and collaboration where what’s in it for me is no longer enough.  Our ability to survive and thrive is a collective equation that is balanced on a mindset that can make the leap from ME to WE.

Communicate Effectively: Developing the ability to create word bites, sound bites, messages that resonate with one’s audience is an important skill that we can learn and improve on a consistent basis. Generating results will increasingly mean communicating more effectively with diverse groups and populations is a skill that must be entrenched and developed by those who seek to manage and lead forward.  Less is more.  Fewer words, more words that resonate profoundly by developing an alignment of purpose, values and objectives cannot be understated.  Our ability to succeed depends upon our ability to communicate, collaborate to use our words to build stronger, more collaborative relationships that mirror individual and collective strengths and potential.

Harvest Results: Embrace learning, relearning and new ways of failing forward that go beyond traditional training, coaching, learning programs or motivational keynotes. We have the tools to adeptly handle complexity, and it is important to rally the brains of those who can adeptly translate the complex into a simpler laser focus on what counts.  A focus on programs that fit and expand, initiatives that provide important skills training and empower participants, while also providing important ongoing collateral support, the coachable edge, that helps participants translate the learning into doing. Training programs, coaching programs, mentorship programs require not only great content but ongoing support until the new skill set; the changed behavior, thinking and doing patterns are entrenched and new ways of reassessing time to learn and relearn are in place.

The power of human being doing better, not simply working harder than ever before must be modeled from the top down, bottom up and across the organization.  The NEW leader, the successful leader, is both collaborative and curious, focused and adaptable, values driven and purpose centered.  He/she is a learner and a doer, a leader who blends knowledge and wisdom with the resiliency, strength and tenacity to stand his/her ground and lead himself/herself and other forward when times are tough, rough and even bleak. The New Leader is a 3Q Leader who develops his or her ability to R-E-A-C-H, and in so doing optimizes IQ (ideation, cognition, actionability) EQ (self awareness, awareness of others, emotional management, communication and creativity) and SQ (spiritual quotient, values alignment that is focused on the greatest good, the most important value for all).  The new leader aligns great strategic thought with the ability to communicate and inspire collaboration.  He/she empowers the best in him/herself and in others.

The soul of success lies not in what we can take but in what we can contribute.  It lies in a balance of individual and collective abilities and a focus on intrapreneurship that can help organizations stretch, grow and evolve in new ways that drive solutions through enhanced potential, communication and collaboration. Today, more than ever before the power of Me to We Leadership rests upon the individual and collective consciousness, ability and desire of those who lead, those who manage and those who follow to be resolute in their determination to move forward, lead forward by developing new ways of thinking, communicating and doing that optimize, humanize and monetize our individual and collective potential. Success is a team activity. Leadership is Olympian. Those who lead, and those who aspire to leadership must embrace and actualize their ability to learn, relearn and fail forward while recognizing that it is the sum total of our collective intelligence, ability and potential that will drive the results we need to meet the demands, constraints and opportunities we face.

More on leadership.  You Betcha!
Rising to the Challenge Before Us-Leading Forward
Against All Odds-A True Story of  Courage, Hope and Leadership
Extraordinary Woman Interview
The Reach and Resonance of the Human Heart

And, lots more.  Just search leadership or leadership blogroll in the search bar at the right hand corner of this blog

Bonus:  The Pause – A 3 Minute Exercise to Recharge-Refocus-Repurpose



Is it time to REACH- Redirect-empower-actualize-communicate- harvest YOUR potential to lead forward?
Get Executive Coaching, Training that Sticks?  Succeed in the Face of Career Transition? Enjoy an insightful and inspiring keynote?
Just Coach It for reach, resonance, results. Executive Coaching, Consulting, Keynotes and Workshops with a 3Q Edge™

Irene Becker, Chief Success Officer, Just Coach ItThe 3Q Edge™ | Reach-Resonance-Results
Toronto and Virtually Everywhere | Face-Face, By Tel, Skype or Video Conferencing
Tel: 1-416-671-4726 Email: irene@justcoachitcom Twitter @justcoachit Skype: beckerirene

@justcoachit # 5 Canada, #363 English #855 Globally Most Recommended on Twitter October 2012

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  1. […] The Critical Shift Men & Women Leading Forward-Building the 3Q Leadership Skills You Need Now The NEW Leader Constructive Discontent:  A Critical Life and Leadership Skill Seven Ways to Turn […]

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  3. […] Jurassic Park is alive and well. If you are not working in Jurassic Park, many of your colleagues and friends are.   While there are minor exceptions, organizations by and large spend incredible dollars trying to help executives and managers play to their strengths.  Good?  Yes.  Enough? No. The imperative to capture and use what we now know about ideation, cognition, building whole brain skills, developing greater emotional resiliency, empathy communication, collaboration and the ability to learn and relearn faster and better must be integrated in programs and initiatives that stretch across the organization.  Initiatives that transform complexity into simple, powerful steps that create practical and powerful results in the way we communicate, collaborate, manage and lead in the face of change, challenges and complexity.  Powerful steps that help us reset the internal and organization GPS to flash forward! […]

  4. […] The New Leader © Irene Becker | 3Q Edge™ | Improved Reach-Resonance-Results Helping smart people and organizations lead & communicate forward smarter, faster, happier … Today, more than ever before ===> the power of Me to We Leadership rests upon the individual and collective consciousness, ability and desire of those who lead, those who manage and those who follow to be resolute in their determination to move forward, lead forward by developing new ways of thinking, communicating and doing that optimize, humanize and monetize our individual and collective potential. Success is a team activity. Read more, very interesting…:  […]

  5. […] The New Leader © Irene Becker | 3Q Edge™ | Improved Reach-Resonance-Results Helping smart people and organizations lead & communicate forward smarter, faster, happier … Today, more than ever before ===> the power of Me to We Leadership rests upon the individual and collective consciousness, ability and desire of those who lead, those who manage and those who follow to be resolute in their determination to move forward, lead forward by developing new ways of thinking, communicating and doing that optimize, humanize and monetize our individual and collective potential. Success is a team activity. Read more, very interesting…:  […]

  6. […] Sustainability will only be achieved through our ability to know that success means creating value for others.  Corporations will be forced to embrace corporate social responsibility, because our definition of success and the way in which we develop customer, client and constituent engagement and loyalty will be based on the purpose=profit equation.  Use it, embrace it. […]

  7. What 3Q Leadership Means | Insights And Action Steps » Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge says:

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    […] • The NEW Leader • Disrupt The Status Quo:  Make The Critical Shift Forward • The Agile Leadership And Management Toolbox 3Q Organizational Development • Winning The Silent War Destroying People and Organizations From Inside Out […]

  10. […] Sustainability will only be achieved through our ability to know that success means creating value for others.  Corporations will be forced to embrace corporate social responsibility, because our definition of success and the way in which we develop customer, client and constituent engagement and loyalty will be based on the purpose=profit equation.  Use it, embrace it. […]

  11. […] The New Leader Knows that Surviving and Thriving Means Learning and RelearningIn a rapidly changing world, in a global marketplace where the sheer velocity of change, challenges, competition and opportunities before us is unprecedented; our ability to embrace individual and collective learning, relearning, doing and re-doing is the linchpin that can help us use what is to create and recreate what can be. All organizations, small and large need to get a grip on what is and what can be. Inertia, bureaucratic fumbling, confused messages, thwarted communication and the political morass of behaviors that impede communication, collaboration must be addressed and changed. Change is not a threat, it is our greatest hope. Leading forward means changing forward, and doing so means embracing our individual and collective potential to learn, re-learn. A small perceptual shift in how we see the problems or challenges we face can be the genesis for our greatest potential and success.  […]

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